Should this new surge of protesters back the DNC or spark a new party in America?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I don't believe the DNC should be the beneficiary of this new surge of protest going on around the country. I think its time the real people of this country, those who are sick and tired of both parties, form a new party for this nation, the party for the working class. Its apparently clear, the DNC is dead. By not backing and standing firm with Obama, the people, like me are pretty much done with the DNC. The party exclusively of nothing but cowards who care only about elections and fund raising.
Just as Trump harnessed white anger into a presidential win, someone should step up to the plate and take these protestors, onto a new path of a new political party.

Berney or Warren are you listening?
What are you idiots getting excited about? You do not have control of any branch of the federal government, you do not have control of 2/3rds of the state houses, and you do not have control of the majority of governors mansions. You rant, rave, and cry, and the liberal media gives you five minutes of fame and now your a movement? Fuck off and get with reality. Your protest turn people off and help Republicans.
Fuck "both" parties, the entire american political system is a ruse. The "good guys" and the "bad guys" are all riding in different cars on the same train. The entire system is corrupt.
What should they do?
Grow up and grow a pair.
Recognize the fact that the minority is NOT in power anymore.
Get some play dough and finger paints and let the grown ups work
form that new party , in fact dessert the dems and form a coupla new parties TRed !!
I don't believe the DNC should be the beneficiary of this new surge of protest going on around the country. I think its time the real people of this country, those who are sick and tired of both parties, form a new party for this nation, the party for the working class. Its apparently clear, the DNC is dead. By not backing and standing firm with Obama, the people, like me are pretty much done with the DNC. The party exclusively of nothing but cowards who care only about elections and fund raising.
Just as Trump harnessed white anger into a presidential win, someone should step up to the plate and take these protestors, onto a new path of a new political party.

Berney or Warren are you listening?
By not backing and standing firm with Obama
you lost me right that would make a difference.....your man was a piss poor leader here at home....
I don't believe the DNC should be the beneficiary of this new surge of protest going on around the country. I think its time the real people of this country, those who are sick and tired of both parties, form a new party for this nation, the party for the working class. Its apparently clear, the DNC is dead. By not backing and standing firm with Obama, the people, like me are pretty much done with the DNC. The party exclusively of nothing but cowards who care only about elections and fund raising.
Just as Trump harnessed white anger into a presidential win, someone should step up to the plate and take these protestors, onto a new path of a new political party.

Berney or Warren are you listening?

Trump is nasty, so he deserves nasty back.

Grab him by the pussy.

Haven't seen it.
That must be nice, living in a bubble and all.

Ask carly fiorina what Trump thinks of her face.

Yes, the DNC is dead. I hope the protestors/rioters do form a party!

What to call it though?

"looking at 10 to 15"?

"Outraged over nothing useful idiots"?

"The Pudgie Party"?

"Easily programmable morons"?

"Hormonal Rhino Rallyers"?

Somebody help me out here. :D
The Snowflake Party! We won't stop whining until we get what we want! :p
Bitch, that's all you white mf's did for the last 8 years of Obama or did the prison not allow you tv priveleges? Pot meet mf kettle
Fuck "both" parties, the entire american political system is a ruse. The "good guys" and the "bad guys" are all riding in different cars on the same train. The entire system is corrupt.
But more specific fuck the left wing. You people cry too much.
The Snowflake Party! We won't stop whining until we get what we want! :p
Bitch, that's all you white mf's did for the last 8 years of Obama or did the prison not allow you tv priveleges? Pot meet mf kettle

I just love this new amnesia the right is suddenly having over our protests of Trump....these mindless gutter dwellers spent 8 years protesting Obama, hating on Obama, making racist attacks on Obama and this man did nothing but be a black man....meanwhile you got this orange bitch running around the country scorching everything he touches and we're suppose to just stand by and be blind and stupid like these white fucks are???? Motherfuckers meet kettle!!
Fuck "both" parties, the entire american political system is a ruse. The "good guys" and the "bad guys" are all riding in different cars on the same train. The entire system is corrupt.
But more specific fuck the left wing. You people cry too much.

Partisanshitheads of "both" stripes are the biggest impediment to a coherent society.

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