Should the media be held accountable for deceiving the public


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
They have done it many times.....i.e. with FDR......they conspired to keep it from the public that FDR was paralyzed......aka that he could not walk....FDR had perfected a technique which with the help of braces gave the impression he could walk and the media went along with it.

Ronald Reagan had dementia during his 2nd term....yet the media did not make an issue of it ....even though Nancy was caught in the act of whispering to Ron to tell him what to say.

About obama and his i.q. They cospired to convince the public that Obama had a genius level i.q. when his i.q. according to the best evidence was 106.

Now along comes biden who obviously has mental problems but the media constantly conspires to keep the truth about biden from the public and when he lies they will not comment on the lies thus folks at least the clueless think what he says is true.

Anyhow there are those who say and or would agree with the following........

We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows. ~ Katharine Graham, former owner of the Washington Post
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Ronald Reagan had dementia during his 2nd term...
Poppy Bush was drugging his jelly beans.
Before the war of independence began printing presses were destroyed by patriots because they were promoting English Royalty....the informers of news always have to suck up to power...they are the first dupes.....
They have done it many times.....i.e. with FDR......they conspired to keep it from the public that FDR was paralyzed......aka that he could not walk....FDR had perfected a technique which with the help of braces gave the impression he could walk and the media went along with it.

Ronald Reagan had dementia during his 2nd term....yet the media did not make an issue of it ....even though Nancy was caught in the act of whispering to Ron to tell him what to say.

About obama and his i.q. They cospired to convince the public that Obama had a genius level i.q. when his i.q. according to the best evidence was 106.

Now along comes biden who obviously has mental problems but the media constantly conspires to keep the truth about biden from the public and when he lies they will not comment on the lies thus folks at least the clueless think what he says is true.

Anyhow there are those who say and or would agree with the following........

We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows. ~ Katharine Graham, former owner of the Washington Post
The media is indeed covering up for dementia joe same as they did for Ronnie in his second term with Alzheimer’s.That was WHY when Bush ran against his long time pal Clinton,when he lost to him he was not at all sad about it because he was eager to step down from office sense the reality is he was a president for TWO terms running the country during Ronnies second term.He was ready to step down at that point and the reality is yes Bush left office and Clinton was the official potus but the reality is Bush was still running the country under both clinton and when his son was president.he was out of office but he was still running the country while they were both in the White House.
Should the media be held accountable for deceiving the public
Most definitely, yes. I used to read the MSM and try, oh try, to glean what truth (if any) was between the lines. Now I know there is no truth in it at all. In today's internet lingo the media is nothing but politically hijacked "click bait".
Keep the press free let the individual decide what they want to believe. They can be brought to justice for libel. Let groups start there own press to contradict those who they disagree with and expose any corruption in the media and elsewhere.
Well yes, but we already see the muzzle and removal of "their own press" nearly every day. The internet is being commandeered by the corrupt buggers and "our own press" is being shut down and stifled.
By "held accountable' do you mean "lined up against the wall and shot"?

We may have common ground, here.

I think when the media engages in activity that is a threat to our national security that is treasonous and thus the death penalty should apply.

The media without dispute conspired with the DNC to foist a mentally impaired Joe Biden on the American People thus placing our National Security at risk.
I think when the media engages in activity that is a threat to our national security that is treasonous and thus the death penalty should apply.
Equally so when the media engages in activity that falsifies a threat to national security.

The media without dispute conspired with the DNC to foist a mentally impaired Joe Biden on the American People thus placing our National Security at risk.
Your aim is good and you're shooting straight.
think when the media engages in activity that is a threat to our national security that is treasonous and thus the death penalty should apply
Perfect. And who should decide that? Politburo or even better 'troikas'?
As it stands today, there is a better chance of getting more credible information from the politburo than from the CIA. From Russia, at least you've got a 50/50 chance of getting the truth and it won't be drenched in slander and superlatives.
Media has been deceiving the public for thousands of years ... they have yet to held accountable.

From the public new readers of the Roman Empire to the Yellow Journalism of WR Hearst, they present, withhold, and skew news to meet an agenda. Sometimes the agenda of their paymasters, sometimes their own agenda.

To expect news to be honestly presented is weapons-grade naivete.
think when the media engages in activity that is a threat to our national security that is treasonous and thus the death penalty should apply
Perfect. And who should decide that? Politburo or even better 'troikas'?
As it stands today, there is a better chance of getting more credible information from the politburo than from the CIA. From Russia, at least you've got a 50/50 chance of getting the truth and it won't be drenched in slander and superlatives.
I have my own opinion about Russian propaganda. I have a first handed experience, if it may be called that. This propaganda is mostly bullshit.
think when the media engages in activity that is a threat to our national security that is treasonous and thus the death penalty should apply
Perfect. And who should decide that? Politburo or even better 'troikas'?
As it stands today, there is a better chance of getting more credible information from the politburo than from the CIA. From Russia, at least you've got a 50/50 chance of getting the truth and it won't be drenched in slander and superlatives.
I have my own opinion about Russian propaganda. I have a first handed experience, if it may be called that. This propaganda is mostly bullshit.
It really isn't so much about the percentage of Russian propaganda that might or might not be factual. I also have some experience with Soviet propaganda and it was worthless trash compared to Russian news today. I also have access to former Soviet satellite nations today as my wife is from CzechoSLOVAKIA. But we are talking about American news and it is as bad (or nearly as bad) as Soviet news was. The White House, and its literary minions, are forever banging their fists on the table, spitting slanderous remarks, making threats, and rolling out one superlative after another all for the purpose (fairly obviously) to discourage discussion and clarify motivation. Then turn on RT and listen to Putin's comments: Concise, logical, and to the point without bad-mouthing anyone. So, does any of this prove anything? Maybe yes and maybe no, but it seems to me that Russian news (by logic-based presentation) cannot possibly be more disinformative than White House, "Everybody knows!" rhetoric.
think when the media engages in activity that is a threat to our national security that is treasonous and thus the death penalty should apply
Perfect. And who should decide that? Politburo or even better 'troikas'?
As it stands today, there is a better chance of getting more credible information from the politburo than from the CIA. From Russia, at least you've got a 50/50 chance of getting the truth and it won't be drenched in slander and superlatives.
I have my own opinion about Russian propaganda. I have a first handed experience, if it may be called that. This propaganda is mostly bullshit.
It really isn't so much about the percentage of Russian propaganda that might or might not be factual. I also have some experience with Soviet propaganda and it was worthless trash compared to Russian news today. I also have access to former Soviet satellite nations today as my wife is from CzechoSLOVAKIA. But we are talking about American news and it is as bad (or nearly as bad) as Soviet news was. The White House, and its literary minions, are forever banging their fists on the table, spitting slanderous remarks, making threats, and rolling out one superlative after another all for the purpose (fairly obviously) to discourage discussion and clarify motivation. Then turn on RT and listen to Putin's comments: Concise, logical, and to the point without bad-mouthing anyone. So, does any of this prove anything? Maybe yes and maybe no, but it seems to me that Russian news (by logic-based presentation) cannot possibly be more disinformative than White House, "Everybody knows!" rhetoric.
Well, I quite rare see and hear American mass media, so I cant comment precisely on this matter. About Putin and his stance, his image was being coined by the state media and his administration for more than 2 decades. He doesn't stupid actually, he learns fast. He just follows the rules.

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