Should the Judiciary Hearing Be Scrapped & Just A Confirmation Vote Be Held?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Usually I don't pay attention to anything Rush Limbaugh says because he is more often than not a pompous arrogant windbag....but I just read the headline talking about how Limbaugh made this suggestion.

He makes a great point - we know how this is going to go. In the coming confirmation hearings Democrats are going to do their very best to top their immoral, unethical, despicable assault they perpetrated against Kavanaugh.

The Kavanaugh hearings were a complete, disgusting, heinous waste of why bother?!

Why put any candidate through such a despicable process when we already know in the end, even if the candidate displayed the wisdom of Solomon and walked on water, the Democrats would still NOT vote for them?

Complete the necessary legal background checks and just vote.

Everything from the moment the nominee is named to the moment the vote is held will be nothing but an immoral, unethical character / job / family / life assassination attempt by the Democrats who only want to prevent the vacancy from being filled by President Trump.

Why allow the Democrats do that to anyone?!

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Yes. I'm sick of all this bullshit. It's Trump's right as president to make this call, and fuck the rest that don't like it. They have all, at some point, professed to favor that which they now claim unfair?

These demotwats don't play by the rules, and are demanding now that Trump should NOT either now? because of some alleged dying wish??? GtFo with that noise. It is WAR TIME BITCHES.
Gotta have some sort of hearing or the dems will whine----------this said--Turtle neck should be able to put limits and make rules for the hearing. Two days max with lots of breaks...........Ask question and no grandstanding.
Afraid that whatever looney bird is willing to stand for nomination and participate in this travesty might not be up to the standards we should expect of a SC justice? You ought to be.
All those women have had a Senate confirmation hearing for their current positions. I think Graham should limit the next hearing for the nominee to less than 8 hours if not a shorter period of time.
Gotta have some sort of hearing or the dems will whine----------this said--Turtle neck should be able to put limits and make rules for the hearing. Two days max with lots of breaks...........Ask question and no grandstanding.

I don't give a rat's fat, furry ass if the Demotwats whine or not. However, the people themselves deserve a chance to see the person who is going to hold that much power being vetted, should their apathetic asses decide to watch. I don't know any of the potential candidates from my left elbow, and as someone who's going to have to live with the consequences of their decisions on the Supreme Court, I want to hear them answer some questions.

But serious, meaningful questions, not that time-wasting, grandstanding character assassination crap the Demotwats come up with.
Skip the committee hearings...go right to the part where every senator gets to question the nominee (rant) for 5 minutes...then vote. That's 500 can be done in 2 days.

If you don't do that...dems might have a chance of recalling that justice.
I posted early today in another thread to skip the hearings. Barrett went thru this a few years ago and was deemed suitable to serve on the bench.

The Dimwinger terrrorists in the Senate do not deserve the opportunity to try to do to her what they did to Kavanaugh. I would tell them to fuck off, and when they are willing to act like adults on the next nomination we will let you in on the conversation.

Until them, fuck all of the asshat Dimwingers in the Senate.
Yes. I'm sick of all this bullshit. It's Trump's right as president to make this call, and fuck the rest that don't like it. They have all, at some point, professed to favor that which they now claim unfair?

These demotwats don't play by the rules, and are demanding now that Trump should NOT either now? because of some alleged dying wish??? GtFo with that noise. It is WAR TIME BITCHES.
That is correct. There is no way some of those people would have gotten in to the Kavanaugh hearings if there was not some Prog shenanigans going on. These people are like immature college kids playing games in everything there is. And they have gotten away with it. The Repubs really do not owe the Progs hearings. You know what we see all the time. Repubs rubber stamp the Prog judge candidates. The truth is Repubs need this one and it would certainly help to have a control for 4 more years as to replace one or more of their own Judges retiring or another Prog.
Usually I don't pay attention to anything Rush Limbaugh says because he is more often than not a pompous arrogant windbag....but I just read the headline talking about how Limbaugh made this suggestion.

He makes a great point - we know how this is going to go. In the coming confirmation hearings Democrats are going to do their very best to top their immoral, unethical, despicable assault they perpetrated against Kavanaugh.

The Kavanaugh hearings were a complete, disgusting, heinous waste of why bother?!

Why put any candidate through such a despicable process when we already know in the end, even if the candidate displayed the wisdom of Solomon and walked on water, the Democrats would still NOT vote for them?

Complete the necessary legal background checks and just vote.

Everything from the moment the nominee is named to the moment the vote is held will be nothing but an immoral, unethical character / job / family / life assassination attempt by the Democrats who only want to prevent the vacancy from being filled by President Trump.

Why allow the Democrats do that to anyone?!

Just vote......Democrats will just make some shit up and call for a trial on pubic-hair.
If the Democrats attempt another despicable 'Kavanaugh Assassination', the GOP should openly rebuke them, tell them the American people will not tolerate it again, and call for a vote to send the nomination to a floor vote.
Usually I don't pay attention to anything Rush Limbaugh says because he is more often than not a pompous arrogant windbag....but I just read the headline talking about how Limbaugh made this suggestion.

He makes a great point - we know how this is going to go. In the coming confirmation hearings Democrats are going to do their very best to top their immoral, unethical, despicable assault they perpetrated against Kavanaugh.

The Kavanaugh hearings were a complete, disgusting, heinous waste of why bother?!

Why put any candidate through such a despicable process when we already know in the end, even if the candidate displayed the wisdom of Solomon and walked on water, the Democrats would still NOT vote for them?

Complete the necessary legal background checks and just vote.

Everything from the moment the nominee is named to the moment the vote is held will be nothing but an immoral, unethical character / job / family / life assassination attempt by the Democrats who only want to prevent the vacancy from being filled by President Trump.

Why allow the Democrats do that to anyone?!

Go for it. Just remember you won’t always be the minority party in power, you’ll be the minority party out of power.
Yes. I'm sick of all this bullshit. It's Trump's right as president to make this call, and fuck the rest that don't like it. They have all, at some point, professed to favor that which they now claim unfair?

These demotwats don't play by the rules, and are demanding now that Trump should NOT either now? because of some alleged dying wish??? GtFo with that noise. It is WAR TIME BITCHES.


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