Should Senate Republicans Allow a Trial of Trump...or Kill the Farce Quickly?

Should GOP End Impeachment Quickly or Draw it Out to Expose Democrats Partisian Political Behavior

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Should Senate Republicans draw out a trial of President Trump in the Senate to make the Democrats look like the petty, churlish, political extremists that they are? Or should they smash this common joke immediately to show the superfluous nature of it and move on?
High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
Lindsey Graham predicts Trump impeachment trial will 'die quickly' in Senate - CNNPolitics
As much as I want the “second hand info whistleblower” and Schiff to be exposed and hopefully face legal charges, a quick bitch slap of this clown operation by Democrats would also be good. Tough call. Don’t know if I want to hear anything more from Spartacus, Harris, and Durbin after the Kavanaugh travesty.

Should Senate Republicans draw out a trail of President Trump in the Senate to make the Democrats look like the petty, churlish, political extremists that they are? Our should they smash this common joke immediately to show the superfluous nature of it and move on?
High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation

You run a risk with a lengthy trial and if Trump get sworn in and lies or get caught lying then he will be convicted and remove...

Democrats hope the Senate will do what Trump is asking for but McConnell is not that damn stupid, well I hope not...

Bruce, I think you are wrong on this one! The Dems have to prove their case, and obstruction of congress is not a crime that has been established.

The key here is---------------->if it is in the Presidents powers to try and investigate corruption with other countries, and it is. In fact, we have an agreement to work together with many countries on corruption.

Now, the Presidents team already know if there was corruption in the Hunter Biden issue, although every Leftist on this board will try and tell you it is/was debunked. Maybe to their minds it was, and maybe they got it wrong.

So, if there was corruption on this issue, and the Presidents team knows for a fact there was and can prove it, it will not only exonerate the President in the eyes of America, but it would sink the Democrats for 2020. Not to mention--------------->it would finally prove in front of a massive national audience, how biased the media actually is.

To your point------------------->they MUST have the goods though on this matter, be able to prove it conclusively, or there is no political gain to a long trial. Anything the Presidents team has, must be able to be woven into his defense to bring it to the Americans people attention, or they will be wasting Americas time, just like the Democrats do.
McConnell's top priority #1, 2, and 3 is to retain the GOP majority in the Senate. Not sure what the numbers are but I believe the number of Repub seats that are up for grabs significantly exceeds the number of vulnerable Dem seats. The truth is that even if the House does vote for impeachment, the Senate is not going to vote to remove him from office. Not going to happen. Therefore it is incumbent on McConnell to do everything he can to protect his majority, and turning the trial into a spectacle might not be beneficial for the Repubs to look as bad doing that as the Dems did in the house. I.E., they made themselves look like shit; there is no need for the Repubs to return the favor.
Should Senate Republicans draw out a trial of President Trump in the Senate to make the Democrats look like the petty, churlish, political extremists that they are? Or should they smash this common joke immediately to show the superfluous nature of it and move on?
High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
Lindsey Graham predicts Trump impeachment trial will 'die quickly' in Senate - CNNPolitics
As much as I want the “second hand info whistleblower” and Schiff to be exposed and hopefully face legal charges, a quick bitch slap of this clown operation by Democrats would also be good. Tough call. Don’t know if I want to hear anything more from Spartacus, Harris, and Durbin after the Kavanaugh travesty.
They should star recusing themselves on by one, as they run their mouths about the pre-determined verdict.
That should have started long ago in the House, where the outcome was determined before Trump took office.
Although the notion of quick death and Adam Schiff certainly does have its merits, I would prefer to see the Biden's influence peddling exposed.

…..if such is even possible, since no matter what they might find out, the media will find a way to lie about it.
Although the notion of quick death and Adam Schiff certainly does have its merits, I would prefer to see the Biden's influence peddling exposed.

…..if such is even possible, since no matter what they might find out, the media will find a way to lie about it.

And I think that's what Graham is worried about.
By the way...GREAT THREAD OP!
It is a strategy dilemma.

It is all about strategy. I can understand the POTUS wanting to be acquitted. At the same time, throwing the case out because there is
zero proof does the same thing.

What The Donald has to remember is Barr and Durham are both hot on the trail of the FBI and DOJ and how the hoax got
started. There are going to be plenty of headlines working against the Dems thru the summer. Headlines, indictments
and trials. USMCA is in his corner as soon as the Senate ratifies it. Hopefully Phase One with China will be complete
soon...officially. Then that forces the EU to the table. They've been biding their time until the election. If they see that
he is well on his way to reelection they must come to the table now. The last thing they want is to wait until he wins
reelection. They do that and he will fuck western Europe, big-time. Once the Brits exit the EU, they will have a trade deal
with us. We'll make it sweet for England as a lure for Italy, Poland and Denmark to bolt. 2020 is going to be a great
year for the country, financially.

Strategically, we must always remember that the dems have been screaming impeachment for 29 months. When the case is
over in two days...the wind will be drained out of all their sails. Yes, the dems will yell about another impeachment, but that
will work against them.

Strategy is always centered around winning the War not a Battle. The War will be fought next November.

End this impeachment ASAP and the dems come crumbling down.
I say Republicans hit the Democrats hard and fast like a “thunder run” or “blitzkrieg.” Smash the Democrats like France in 1940...then move on.

I agree. The sooner the better
Should Senate Republicans draw out a trial of President Trump in the Senate to make the Democrats look like the petty, churlish, political extremists that they are? Or should they smash this common joke immediately to show the superfluous nature of it and move on?
High Crimes and Misdemeanors - Constitutional Rights Foundation
Lindsey Graham predicts Trump impeachment trial will 'die quickly' in Senate - CNNPolitics
As much as I want the “second hand info whistleblower” and Schiff to be exposed and hopefully face legal charges, a quick bitch slap of this clown operation by Democrats would also be good. Tough call. Don’t know if I want to hear anything more from Spartacus, Harris, and Durbin after the Kavanaugh travesty.
Whatever we end up doing, we need to make sure that dems don't just start over with another fake impeachment. They really need to held accountable or they will just keep doing it.
Oh why not, playing the devils advocate. I lived through the Nixon impeachment hearings in 73. Nixon resigned because of the tenor of the times. Now? Given the shit democrats have pulled, with sanctuary cities especially. They impeach themselves.
Oh why not, playing the devils advocate. I lived through the Nixon impeachment hearings in 73. Nixon resigned because of the tenor of the times. Now? Given the shit democrats have pulled, with sanctuary cities especially. They impeach themselves.
Liberals wanted to pin Vietnam and political corruption on Nixon when LBJ was much worse in both regards. Had to protect “Mr. Great Society.”
McConnell's top priority #1, 2, and 3 is to retain the GOP majority in the Senate. Not sure what the numbers are but I believe the number of Repub seats that are up for grabs significantly exceeds the number of vulnerable Dem seats. The truth is that even if the House does vote for impeachment, the Senate is not going to vote to remove him from office. Not going to happen. Therefore it is incumbent on McConnell to do everything he can to protect his majority, and turning the trial into a spectacle might not be beneficial for the Repubs to look as bad doing that as the Dems did in the house. I.E., they made themselves look like shit; there is no need for the Repubs to return the favor.
Draw as much blood as quickly as possible on Democrats, then end it. Might take a couple weeks to a month after the return from Christmas break. News media will give 100% attention to Democratic Primaries and ignore the GOP controlled Senate. But still, it will be good to use it as a tool to trigger Democrats to nominate the most extremist candidate who has no chance to win in November by casting a rage vote in the primaries. At least push it past Super Tuesday.
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Have a real, honest trial... the American people deserve that from our government.

No dog and pony shows....

The Senate is suppose to be the level headed lot, they need to prove it by being adults and following the founders intent for impeachment that is in the Constitution.
Have a real, honest trial... the American people deserve that from our government.

No dog and pony shows....

The Senate is suppose to be the level headed lot, they need to prove it by being adults and following the founders intent for impeachment that is in the Constitution.
Dog and pony show? You mean like in the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees? Oh hell no! Balls in our court now. Time to draw some blood.
End this Democratic nonsense quickly so Congress and the administration can get back to doing the business of the country. When the DoJ rolls out the its indictments from investigating Democratic corruption in the 2016 election, all these issues will be reviewed in the proper context.
Have a real, honest trial... the American people deserve that from our government.

No dog and pony shows....

The Senate is suppose to be the level headed lot, they need to prove it by being adults and following the founders intent for impeachment that is in the Constitution.
There is no way for there to be a fair and honest trial if there are democrats involved.
Have a real, honest trial... the American people deserve that from our government.

No dog and pony shows....

The Senate is suppose to be the level headed lot, they need to prove it by being adults and following the founders intent for impeachment that is in the Constitution.
Dog and pony show? You mean like in the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees? Oh hell no! Balls in our court now. Time to draw some blood.
The only asses in the House hearings who were trying to deflect and cause mayhem, were the Republicans....

The trial can not be turned in to a circus in the Senate, like the republican congress critters did in the house.

That is likely why you don't want a fair, honest, trial there, and want to cut it short....

But the trial is where the President can present his actual defense, where he gets his due process... where he can convince Americans of his innocence....

Cutting a Senate impeachment trial short just makes it look like he is guilty, but the FIX was in....

That's not good for anybody.
Have a real, honest trial... the American people deserve that from our government.

No dog and pony shows....

The Senate is suppose to be the level headed lot, they need to prove it by being adults and following the founders intent for impeachment that is in the Constitution.
Dog and pony show? You mean like in the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees? Oh hell no! Balls in our court now. Time to draw some blood.
The only asses in the House hearings who were trying to deflect and cause mayhem, were the Republicans....

The trial can not be turned in to a circus in the Senate, like the republican congress critters did in the house.

That is likely why you don't want a fair, honest, trial there, and want to cut it short....

But the trial is where the President can present his actual defense, where he gets his due process... where he can convince Americans of his innocence....

Cutting a Senate impeachment trial short just makes it look like he is guilty, but the FIX was in....

That's not good for anybody.

And with these numbers, making it look like a whitewash will not help Trump.

I’m torn! I’d have 3 witnesses, Democrats get one, Republicans get two, Adam schiff, and Eric the whistle blower, interview them for 12 hours, expose them, then close shop.
I’m torn! I’d have 3 witnesses, Democrats get one, Republicans get two, Adam schiff, and Eric the whistle blower, interview them for 12 hours, expose them, then close shop.
Out of curiosity, how will interviewing the WB help Trump defend himself against the articles of impeachment?

Every thing he complained, has been verified by first and second hand witnesses... And it was the IG who determined the credibility of the complaint.... if the IF had not found evidence to support the complaint, then the IG would have dismissed it.

So how would the man reporting the fire, be of any help to Trump in proving his innocence?

What is Trump's defense???

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