Should Occupational Licensing be Federalized?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Another R/J opinion piece that's gotten me to thinking. Should NYC require a license for a dog walker while Dallas does not?

Lawyers have to pass state bar exams to practice. Doctors pass medical boards and get certified for their specialties. But, at what level does it go to far? And, is licensing equal across the USA? And, should it be?

A big question with no simple answer.

This writer suggests licensing should be done at the federal level.

God Lord NO!

Another massive bureaucracy with unaccountable officials is certainly not what we need.

However, at what point do we need to ensure that people who serve us are qualified? And, at what level?

My son is a carpenter. If he went and took a union test, I'm certain he would qualify as a Master Carpenter. His work speaks for his skills. Should that be enough?

Are we better off leaving skill determinations to gilds, unions, and other entities composed of specialists in their fields?

What are your opinions.

The full editorial opinion @ COMMENTARY: A radical recipe to end the scourge of occupational licensing

We're sorry sir but you're being fined for replacing that roof, pavement, switch, accounting, burger flipping, dog walking, etc,... because you don't have a licence, nor the training and good will of the guild, to be doing that kind of work.

*****SAD SMILE*****


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