Should Obese Children Be Removed From Their Parents Care?

The problem is though that when the child is obese, they usually have poor health. Poor health can lead to health problems. Being obese at such a young age could actually kill a child.

Isn't the parent guilty of child abuse for allowing the child to get so fat in the first place? If a parent allowed their 10 year old to smoke, they'd be charged with child abuse, so why don't we do the same for the parents of obese children? By allowing their children to get so overweight, they are neglecting them, putting their health, and lives, at risk, and if removing the children from their care is the only thing that will stop that parent from ignoring their children, then so be it.

What exactly has the State tried at and failed at before considering separating a Family? Or is the First Step? A Gym Membership might be nice? YMCA type Kid's program? Swimming? Summer Camp?

As the article didn't say, and as I can't recall anything else being trialed, I would assume that this is the first approach.
A gym membership is all well and good - but is the parent going to drive their child there, and is the child going to want to attend?

What parents need to do is stop feeding their kids junk and making them play outside, instead of sitting inside, glued to the TV screen.

I bet there is a lot the Article didn't say. :) Separating Families is Traumatic. It should not be the first step, that's all I'm saying. There is a real problem when the State starts playing God. Why shouldn't the first step be exercise, even riding a bike, walking, swimming. We have parks here, Bike Paths, YMCA, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer. There is what is convenient for the controlling authority, and there is what is right, too often those choices conflict.

Those of you who have allowed obesity to devastate your lives, I feel sorry for you. Truly do. I feel worse for children who have been allowed to become obese.
If the parent(s) can not get their child's weight out of the danger zone, the parent(s) should be given whatever help is needed to get the child down to a more healthier weight. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

My state of Victoria has reportedly removed two children from their parents because of their weight, and it is predicted that more children will be removed.

If a parent isn't managing the weight of their child, should the parent forfeit the right to keep their child?

Authorities are using kids' bulging waistlines as a justification for taking them from their parents' care.

At least two children in Victoria have been removed from their parents because of their weight.

And it is predicted there will be more cases to come.

Associate Professor John Dixon from the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute told the ABC that sometimes taking children away from their parents is the best option.

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I support this. I think that there is no excuse for kids to be so overweight. It is the fault of the parents for taking the child to McDonalds for Happy Meals, and letting them eat junk instead of cooking them a healthy meal. If the kids are removed from the care of the parents, it might just be the wake up call the parent needs to change their lifestyle.



Anyone ever hear of something called a metabolism??? some people have slow metabolisms and others have higher metabolisms.....

Some individuals could have a perfectly normal diet and be fat, and others (such as myself) could eat 50 cheeseburgers a day and not gain a pound...

I suppose my point is that in some cases kids are obese - not because they have a bad diet - but because they have a faulty metabolism.

Besides, in what universe are slightly overweight people "unhealthy" in the first place??

IMO, even if the parents are feeding their kids 5 Big Macs for lunch the state should have no say in what a parent can feed their child.....

Those who are obsessed with weight to the point of attempting to steal kids from their parents are nothing but Nazi's.....

Trust me, if you ate 50 cheeseburgers a day, you would gain weight remarkably fast. Metabolism doesn't work that miraculously.

You probably exercise more, and eat less overall than somebody who is obese. Metabolism is a variable, but it's not the largest variable by any means.

If you are saying you are superhuman and will not gain weight from eating 50 cheeseburgers a day, let's get in touch because it would make me happy to make you morbidly obese and prove you wrong at the same time.
My state of Victoria has reportedly removed two children from their parents because of their weight, and it is predicted that more children will be removed.

If a parent isn't managing the weight of their child, should the parent forfeit the right to keep their child?

Authorities are using kids' bulging waistlines as a justification for taking them from their parents' care.

At least two children in Victoria have been removed from their parents because of their weight.

And it is predicted there will be more cases to come.

Associate Professor John Dixon from the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute told the ABC that sometimes taking children away from their parents is the best option.

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I support this. I think that there is no excuse for kids to be so overweight. It is the fault of the parents for taking the child to McDonalds for Happy Meals, and letting them eat junk instead of cooking them a healthy meal. If the kids are removed from the care of the parents, it might just be the wake up call the parent needs to change their lifestyle.


Only AFTER exhausting all other avenues...My son gained weight after I took him off his meds for ADHD. He ate the same as before but he gained. A diet is never good for children that age, so I worked on making him exercise. Obesity, believe it or not, is hereditary and I've had it most of my life. Yet, when I had a physical, the doctor told me I was healthier than most thin people she knew. When I had my heart stress test I lasted 8 1/2 minutes. Before the test, the heart doctor stressed that I needed to lose weight, after, he told me that most sedentary people last 7 minutes and most athletic people last nine. He didn't say anything about me losing weight at that point.

As long as they are HEALTHY, who cares if they are "fat"?

Would I like to be thinner? Heck, yeah! Is it gonna happen? Well, I may get thinner but I will never be "thin".
My state of Victoria has reportedly removed two children from their parents because of their weight, and it is predicted that more children will be removed.

If a parent isn't managing the weight of their child, should the parent forfeit the right to keep their child?

Cookies must be enabled | Herald Sun

I support this. I think that there is no excuse for kids to be so overweight. It is the fault of the parents for taking the child to McDonalds for Happy Meals, and letting them eat junk instead of cooking them a healthy meal. If the kids are removed from the care of the parents, it might just be the wake up call the parent needs to change their lifestyle.



Anyone ever hear of something called a metabolism??? some people have slow metabolisms and others have higher metabolisms.....

Some individuals could have a perfectly normal diet and be fat, and others (such as myself) could eat 50 cheeseburgers a day and not gain a pound...

I suppose my point is that in some cases kids are obese - not because they have a bad diet - but because they have a faulty metabolism.

Besides, in what universe are slightly overweight people "unhealthy" in the first place??

IMO, even if the parents are feeding their kids 5 Big Macs for lunch the state should have no say in what a parent can feed their child.....

Those who are obsessed with weight to the point of attempting to steal kids from their parents are nothing but Nazi's.....

Trust me, if you ate 50 cheeseburgers a day, you would gain weight remarkably fast. Metabolism doesn't work that miraculously.

You probably exercise more, and eat less overall than somebody who is obese. Metabolism is a variable, but it's not the largest variable by any means.

If you are saying you are superhuman and will not gain weight from eating 50 cheeseburgers a day, let's get in touch because it would make me happy to make you morbidly obese and prove you wrong at the same time.

Watched a documentary on weight. They took some thin prisoners and put them in a room for two weeks, giving them lots of fatty foods but now way to exercise. Only one of them gained weight. I think metabolism is a lot more important than you think it is.

If I eight 50 cheeseburgers, I'd probably die of a heart attack, but I know someone that could eat them and not gain a pound.
The problem is though that when the child is obese, they usually have poor health. Poor health can lead to health problems. Being obese at such a young age could actually kill a child.

Isn't the parent guilty of child abuse for allowing the child to get so fat in the first place? If a parent allowed their 10 year old to smoke, they'd be charged with child abuse, so why don't we do the same for the parents of obese children? By allowing their children to get so overweight, they are neglecting them, putting their health, and lives, at risk, and if removing the children from their care is the only thing that will stop that parent from ignoring their children, then so be it.

So whats next? if I smoke around kids, will they get taken away? if I drink will they get taken away? sheesh before you know it all the kids will be rounded up and put in government run concentration camps.

Anyone ever hear of something called a metabolism??? some people have slow metabolisms and others have higher metabolisms.....

Some individuals could have a perfectly normal diet and be fat, and others (such as myself) could eat 50 cheeseburgers a day and not gain a pound...

I suppose my point is that in some cases kids are obese - not because they have a bad diet - but because they have a faulty metabolism.

Besides, in what universe are slightly overweight people "unhealthy" in the first place??

IMO, even if the parents are feeding their kids 5 Big Macs for lunch the state should have no say in what a parent can feed their child.....

Those who are obsessed with weight to the point of attempting to steal kids from their parents are nothing but Nazi's.....

Trust me, if you ate 50 cheeseburgers a day, you would gain weight remarkably fast. Metabolism doesn't work that miraculously.

You probably exercise more, and eat less overall than somebody who is obese. Metabolism is a variable, but it's not the largest variable by any means.

If you are saying you are superhuman and will not gain weight from eating 50 cheeseburgers a day, let's get in touch because it would make me happy to make you morbidly obese and prove you wrong at the same time.

Watched a documentary on weight. They took some thin prisoners and put them in a room for two weeks, giving them lots of fatty foods but now way to exercise. Only one of them gained weight. I think metabolism is a lot more important than you think it is.

If I eight 50 cheeseburgers, I'd probably die of a heart attack, but I know someone that could eat them and not gain a pound.

Giving prisoners lots of fatty foods is NOT the same thing as eating 50 cheeseburgers. There are over 4 pounds worth of calories in 50 cheeseburgers, if each cheeseburger was only 300 calories. 3500 calories to a pound. Nobody has a superhuman metabolism to handle that many calories every day. You're talking about an amount of calories tremendously more in volume than what those prisoners consumed.

I know Nick was exaggerating completely, but I'm just wanting to tell him that there is a limit, and when you reach it you reach it to great effect.
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People who consume too much alcohol or other drugs on a regular basis have been known to lose custody of their children. Substance intake and its affect on health is indeed a standard.
It isn't a good solution, but obesity is totally avoidable and costs everyone in a society. At least this would advertise the desirability of controlling one's habits. Eating 'normally' only means normally for the person. There is no basis for saying, "He eats fifty hamburgers, so that's normal and I should be able to as well and not gain weight."
Trust me, if you ate 50 cheeseburgers a day, you would gain weight remarkably fast. Metabolism doesn't work that miraculously.

You probably exercise more, and eat less overall than somebody who is obese. Metabolism is a variable, but it's not the largest variable by any means.

If you are saying you are superhuman and will not gain weight from eating 50 cheeseburgers a day, let's get in touch because it would make me happy to make you morbidly obese and prove you wrong at the same time.

Watched a documentary on weight. They took some thin prisoners and put them in a room for two weeks, giving them lots of fatty foods but now way to exercise. Only one of them gained weight. I think metabolism is a lot more important than you think it is.

If I eight 50 cheeseburgers, I'd probably die of a heart attack, but I know someone that could eat them and not gain a pound.

Giving prisoners lots of fatty foods is NOT the same thing as eating 50 cheeseburgers. There are over 4 pounds worth of calories in 50 cheeseburgers, if each cheeseburger was only 300 calories. 3500 calories to a pound. Nobody has a superhuman metabolism to handle that many calories every day. You're talking about an amount of calories tremendously more in volume than what those prisoners consumed.

I know Nick was exaggerating completely, but I'm just wanting to tell him that there is a limit, and when you reach it you reach it to great effect.

I'm serious, for most people, what you eat goes into fat cells which you then burn off, but for some people, the calories goes directly into energy, it doesn't stop to store the fuel. Again, I know someone that could eat those 50 cheeseburgers and not gain a pound. Heck, he ate 3 entire pizzas in one siting and he's so thin, he looks like he's starving.
Watched a documentary on weight. They took some thin prisoners and put them in a room for two weeks, giving them lots of fatty foods but now way to exercise. Only one of them gained weight. I think metabolism is a lot more important than you think it is.

If I eight 50 cheeseburgers, I'd probably die of a heart attack, but I know someone that could eat them and not gain a pound.

Giving prisoners lots of fatty foods is NOT the same thing as eating 50 cheeseburgers. There are over 4 pounds worth of calories in 50 cheeseburgers, if each cheeseburger was only 300 calories. 3500 calories to a pound. Nobody has a superhuman metabolism to handle that many calories every day. You're talking about an amount of calories tremendously more in volume than what those prisoners consumed.

I know Nick was exaggerating completely, but I'm just wanting to tell him that there is a limit, and when you reach it you reach it to great effect.

I'm serious, for most people, what you eat goes into fat cells which you then burn off, but for some people, the calories goes directly into energy, it doesn't stop to store the fuel. Again, I know someone that could eat those 50 cheeseburgers and not gain a pound. Heck, he ate 3 entire pizzas in one siting and he's so thin, he looks like he's starving.

Pick up a biology book, and then study a little bit about human nutrition and diet physiology and then come back to me.

Your friend probably does have a fast metabolism, but it can only go so far. Monitor your friend's eating habits and count his calories for him, and keep a log of his exercise. You'll see that overall he's going to be eating less frequently and less volume, with less calorie density than (most)individuals who are overweight. Also 3 pizzas isn't an equivalent of 50 cheeseburgers a day, every day.

Most people who are obese have an underlying problem associated with their weight gain. My own personal problem is that I am a compulsive over-eater. Sometimes you'll find an individual who is genuinely at the mercy of a medical condition or genetics that affects their weight gain beyond the simple calories consumed, calories burned formula.

I don't think you know the consequences of a metabolism as fast as you imagine your friend to have. There's a reason humans are not built with the metabolism of a hummingbird.
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My state of Victoria has reportedly removed two children from their parents because of their weight, and it is predicted that more children will be removed.

If a parent isn't managing the weight of their child, should the parent forfeit the right to keep their child?

Authorities are using kids' bulging waistlines as a justification for taking them from their parents' care.

At least two children in Victoria have been removed from their parents because of their weight.

And it is predicted there will be more cases to come.

Associate Professor John Dixon from the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute told the ABC that sometimes taking children away from their parents is the best option.

Cookies must be enabled | Herald Sun

I support this. I think that there is no excuse for kids to be so overweight. It is the fault of the parents for taking the child to McDonalds for Happy Meals, and letting them eat junk instead of cooking them a healthy meal. If the kids are removed from the care of the parents, it might just be the wake up call the parent needs to change their lifestyle.


you have a cruel heart.
Giving prisoners lots of fatty foods is NOT the same thing as eating 50 cheeseburgers. There are over 4 pounds worth of calories in 50 cheeseburgers, if each cheeseburger was only 300 calories. 3500 calories to a pound. Nobody has a superhuman metabolism to handle that many calories every day. You're talking about an amount of calories tremendously more in volume than what those prisoners consumed.

I know Nick was exaggerating completely, but I'm just wanting to tell him that there is a limit, and when you reach it you reach it to great effect.

I'm serious, for most people, what you eat goes into fat cells which you then burn off, but for some people, the calories goes directly into energy, it doesn't stop to store the fuel. Again, I know someone that could eat those 50 cheeseburgers and not gain a pound. Heck, he ate 3 entire pizzas in one siting and he's so thin, he looks like he's starving.

Pick up a biology book, and then study a little bit about human nutrition and diet physiology and then come back to me.

Your friend probably does have a fast metabolism, but it can only go so far. Monitor your friend's eating habits and count his calories for him, and keep a log of his exercise. You'll see that overall he's going to be eating less frequently and less volume, with less calorie density than (most)individuals who are overweight. Also 3 pizzas isn't an equivalent of 50 cheeseburgers a day, every day.

Most people who are obese have an underlying problem associated with their weight gain. My own personal problem is that I am a compulsive over-eater. Sometimes you'll find an individual who is genuinely at the mercy of a medical condition or genetics that affects their weight gain beyond the simple calories consumed, calories burned formula.

I don't think you know the consequences of a metabolism as fast as you imagine your friend to have. There's a reason humans are not built with the metabolism of a hummingbird.

I'm not saying that diet and exercise don't play a part, I'm saying metabolism plays a bigger part than you think.

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