Should food handlers be required to wash their hands?

Wash up people! Don't tell me I am violating your rights, either. It is like all that loud ass music that intrudes on you privacy that violates your personal rights to privacy, but those people LOVE the freedom of choice thing, even though they are taking it away from others....There has to be a balance here somewhere.
Ok, I kind of half-way defended the guy yesterday or the day before and said (although I rarely defend a Rightie) that he claims he never said this stuff. Now I see the video and clearly he DID, which now means that Thom Tillis is also a fucking neanderthal liar who is not even smart enough to know that in this day and age of everything being videoed, he can't deny it.

This is just too rich.
I am a Southerner.

When I piss in a public place, I kick the door open, and pee, and then go to my truck and use hand sanitizer.

I don't touch any thing in a public RR but my dick.

It is clean, and I know where it has been, and my momma taught me not to piss on my hands.

I cannot imagine the germs you would pick up washing your hands in a public rest room.

Of course, I am a bit OCD and carry little antibacterial hand wipes with me.

Yuck.......I hope you don't handle food for others and I'd hate to shake your hand.
Germ wipes are sealed.

God knows what is on the faucets, soap dispenser, paper towels and door handles of a public rest room.

Sanitizers and germ wipes are probably okay, but they don't do as good a job as soap and water.......but we are talking here about people who don't wash their hands after using a bathroom. If everyone washed their hands when they use the bathroom the door knobs wouldn't be a problem. I always use the hand towel that I dry my hands with to open the door, and if they only have air dryers, I use the edge of my sweater or coat to handle the door knob, and only because of people like you, who don't wash their hands until they are in their truck after handling the door knob.
I don't touch the fuckin' doorknob dickhead, that is what I am saying.
Idiot, not all bathrooms can be kicked open. And, you're not the only one that doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom, other idiots do the same thing.

And 90%+ of the time I have the wipes in my billfold.
Well, idiot, you are the one that said you went to your truck first and then wiped your hands. I'm not a mind reader.....especially a blank mind reader.

The pack is no bigger than a magnum condom pack.
Oh, thanks for the info....
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Wash up people! Don't tell me I am violating your rights, either. it is like all that loud ass music that intrudes on you privacy that violates your personal rights to privacy, but those people LOVE the the freedom of choice thing, even though they are taking it away from others,,,There has to be a balance here somewhere.
Sure people should wash.

Especially food servers, and I doubt there is a county in the US where that is not covered by several regulations.

My only point is that touching anything in a public rest room subjects you to crap you can't wash off with the crappy facilities most places have.

Kick the door open, piss, kick it open again, use sanitizer ASAP.

That is my SOP.
I am a Southerner.

When I piss in a public place, I kick the door open, and pee, and then go to my truck and use hand sanitizer.

I don't touch any thing in a public RR but my dick.

It is clean, and I know where it has been, and my momma taught me not to piss on my hands.

I cannot imagine the germs you would pick up washing your hands in a public rest room.

Of course, I am a bit OCD and carry little antibacterial hand wipes with me.

Yuck.......I hope you don't handle food for others and I'd hate to shake your hand.
Germ wipes are sealed.

God knows what is on the faucets, soap dispenser, paper towels and door handles of a public rest room.

Sanitizers and germ wipes are probably okay, but they don't do as good a job as soap and water.......but we are talking here about people who don't wash their hands after using a bathroom. If everyone washed their hands when they use the bathroom the door knobs wouldn't be a problem. I always use the hand towel that I dry my hands with to open the door, and if they only have air dryers, I use the edge of my sweater or coat to handle the door knob, and only because of people like you, who don't wash their hands until they are in their truck after handling the door knob.
I don't touch the fuckin' doorknob dickhead, that is what I am saying.
Idiot, not all bathrooms can be kicked open. And, you're not the one that doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom, other idiots do the same thing.

And 90%+ of the time I have the wipes in my billfold.
Well, idiot, you are the one that said you went to your truck first and then wiped your hands. I'm not a mind reader.....especially a blank mind reader.

The pack is no bigger than a magnum condom pack.
Oh, thanks for the info....
When I stop to take a piss in a gas station, where else would I go but to my truck?

I really don't patronize public restrooms to the extent you do; sorry if I am not up to the protocol.

In the meantime, I keep my dick cleaner than any fuckin' rest room.

Which was the point.

Only an idiot touches anything in a public rest room.
Well, if the government, who is responsible for the safety of citizens doesn't involve itself, who do you think will.

And nobody said you did, but states are not on their own. If they were, we would have some states that wouldn't care how businessmen ran their restaurants.....politicians like Tillis is a good example of that. He thinks government shouldn't require hand-washing of food handlers.

What you meant to say is that you didn't understand it, don't have a response and have made some lame excuse that it is too ridiculous to acknowledge. Why do you even get into these debates if you don't know what you are talking about and all you do is offer up your lame opinions which you can't back up with facts.

The states ARE on their own according to the constitution.
Where in the hell did you get that notion?
In addition to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) requirements, your food business is likely to be subject to other federal, state, and local requirements. These may vary depending on the type of facility you operate. You may want to discuss your specific product and facility with the FDA District Office and state and local regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction. These discussions will help you identify what you need to do before starting a food business and after it is in operation.
Overview of Requirements for a Food Business

Sorry but you are wrong. The constitution allows the federal government very LIMITED powers, and that was done on purpose. That is one of the reasons why we are United STATES of America. States are supposed to have MORE power than the federal government.

Perhaps this is why you shouldn't be discussing things you obviously don't know nothing about.
From your own link:

“Supreme law of the land”: the Constitution and federal laws take precedence over state laws (Art. 6)

About your silly question, it is silly. The states are NOT going to ever do that. Lol.
I don't know what "silly" question you are referring to, but if all you have to gone on is that it is your opinion that "states are not going to ever do that" - whatever that is, then you are basically relying on "hope" because you never know what states are capable of doing. However, states cannot do something that the Constitution is against, no matter what state you are talking about.

You miss the point entirely. The feds have overstepped their boundaries and have been for quite some time.
That's your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it. States are pretty stupid most of the time. Like Texas, stupid Rick Perry decided to opt out of Medicaid, even though it wasn't going to come out of State many poor people in Texas are shit out of luck because they can't afford Obamacare, which is pretty reasonable for most, and now they don't have Medicaid. Perry doesn't give a crap about poor people and neither do most Republican/conservatives.

They do this to create people like yourself. People who become dependent upon them. A lot of the things the federal government is involved in, it really doesn't have any business being involved in because a lot of those things were meant to be state rights, but the feds like to trample over the states. I think pretty much everyone knows that.
Do you always just spew bullshit like that? Where the fuck did you get the idea that I am dependent on the government. And exactly what things are you speaking of that the government is involved that it doesn't have any business being involved in? You seem to spew out talking points that you've heard others talk about, but you never give specifics. I have a feeling you don't really know shit about much and just feel important by saying crap that you can't back up. Unless you're going to explain yourself, you're not worth wasting time on.

Well, you seem to think we need the federal government to tell us to wash our hands, as if state laws are not sufficient and for some reason the federal government laws would be MORE effective.
Are you that stupid on purpose or is it by accident. The states do it because they are required by the Federal Government. Whether you think it should be the State or the Feds is irrelevant, it is what it is.

Well, the people that would ignore state laws aren't going to take the federal laws any more seriously.
Yeah, why have any laws at all, if some people are going to ignore them anyway, right? Brilliant.

That is one of the beautiful things about having states take care of their own things, if you aren't happy in the state you are in and don't agree with their laws, you can always move to another state that is more to your liking. :)

Or, you can stay and raise hell.....I can help vote them out...this is a Democracy, you know.....if you don't like something you can work to change it. I don't run from my problems.
Yuck.......I hope you don't handle food for others and I'd hate to shake your hand.
Germ wipes are sealed.

God knows what is on the faucets, soap dispenser, paper towels and door handles of a public rest room.

Sanitizers and germ wipes are probably okay, but they don't do as good a job as soap and water.......but we are talking here about people who don't wash their hands after using a bathroom. If everyone washed their hands when they use the bathroom the door knobs wouldn't be a problem. I always use the hand towel that I dry my hands with to open the door, and if they only have air dryers, I use the edge of my sweater or coat to handle the door knob, and only because of people like you, who don't wash their hands until they are in their truck after handling the door knob.
I don't touch the fuckin' doorknob dickhead, that is what I am saying.
Idiot, not all bathrooms can be kicked open. And, you're not the one that doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom, other idiots do the same thing.

And 90%+ of the time I have the wipes in my billfold.
Well, idiot, you are the one that said you went to your truck first and then wiped your hands. I'm not a mind reader.....especially a blank mind reader.

The pack is no bigger than a magnum condom pack.
Oh, thanks for the info....
When I stop to take a piss in a gas station, where else would I go but to my truck?

I really don't patronize public restrooms to the extent you do; sorry if I am not up to the protocol.
I don't know what rest rooms you use, but the ones in the restaurants and theaters that I go to, are pretty clean.

In the meantime, I keep my dick cleaner than any fuckin' rest room.
Yeah, I bet it is.

Which was the point.

Only an idiot touches anything in a public rest room.
Apparently the public rest rooms you frequent are pretty bad.....the restaurants and theaters I frequent are pretty, your point of reference has a lot to do with it.
Germ wipes are sealed.

God knows what is on the faucets, soap dispenser, paper towels and door handles of a public rest room.

Sanitizers and germ wipes are probably okay, but they don't do as good a job as soap and water.......but we are talking here about people who don't wash their hands after using a bathroom. If everyone washed their hands when they use the bathroom the door knobs wouldn't be a problem. I always use the hand towel that I dry my hands with to open the door, and if they only have air dryers, I use the edge of my sweater or coat to handle the door knob, and only because of people like you, who don't wash their hands until they are in their truck after handling the door knob.
I don't touch the fuckin' doorknob dickhead, that is what I am saying.
Idiot, not all bathrooms can be kicked open. And, you're not the one that doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom, other idiots do the same thing.

And 90%+ of the time I have the wipes in my billfold.
Well, idiot, you are the one that said you went to your truck first and then wiped your hands. I'm not a mind reader.....especially a blank mind reader.

The pack is no bigger than a magnum condom pack.
Oh, thanks for the info....
When I stop to take a piss in a gas station, where else would I go but to my truck?

I really don't patronize public restrooms to the extent you do; sorry if I am not up to the protocol.
I don't know what rest rooms you use, but the ones in the restaurants and theaters that I go to, are pretty clean.

In the meantime, I keep my dick cleaner than any fuckin' rest room.
Yeah, I bet it is.

Which was the point.

Only an idiot touches anything in a public rest room.
Apparently the public rest rooms you frequent are pretty bad.....the restaurants and theaters I frequent are pretty, your point of reference has a lot to do with it.
Who goes to restaurants and theaters needing to use the rest room.

That's what a home is for.
.the restaurants and theaters I frequent are pretty clean.....

No, they aren't.
Take a smear test to the lab, then go vomiting. And get some knowledge in microbiology.
The point is, ANY public available gadgets, like door handles, shopping carts, stairway rails and other things like that are touched by people who, if you would closely know them, the thought of it would just cause you to retreat to a remote hermitage.
It is just not on our mind, otherwise we would go insane. And we have some useful immune system features in our bodies keeping it out of our minds because we don't notice any health effects.

But, BUT, there are some locations where we come close to the connection between our disgust perception and the witnessed body funktions of other people. and this are of course toilets and the people using them beeing involved in preparing foodstuff we are supposed to take in out mouths.
You ever were hungry? Just think of the pizza or bread baker kneading the dough just coming from a shit or a wank.
(Something that has been seen cannnot be unseen, sorry for that :) )

The whole issue is the difference in our personal relation to physical interactions with other people.
You most possibly would not mind to eat a strawberry from the pussy of a pretty girl you are attracted to.
For the most other women on this planet you would not even dare to get into viewing distance.
You don't want to think that the fat bitch behind the bakery counter was on the toilet a few minutes ago, because if ou do you will end up like Michael Jackson.
And as every normal person you want to live in the general human trust that she has at least washed her hands, otherwise you are on the couch of a therapist in no time.
Sanitizers and germ wipes are probably okay, but they don't do as good a job as soap and water.......but we are talking here about people who don't wash their hands after using a bathroom. If everyone washed their hands when they use the bathroom the door knobs wouldn't be a problem. I always use the hand towel that I dry my hands with to open the door, and if they only have air dryers, I use the edge of my sweater or coat to handle the door knob, and only because of people like you, who don't wash their hands until they are in their truck after handling the door knob.
I don't touch the fuckin' doorknob dickhead, that is what I am saying.
Idiot, not all bathrooms can be kicked open. And, you're not the one that doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom, other idiots do the same thing.

And 90%+ of the time I have the wipes in my billfold.
Well, idiot, you are the one that said you went to your truck first and then wiped your hands. I'm not a mind reader.....especially a blank mind reader.

The pack is no bigger than a magnum condom pack.
Oh, thanks for the info....
When I stop to take a piss in a gas station, where else would I go but to my truck?

I really don't patronize public restrooms to the extent you do; sorry if I am not up to the protocol.
I don't know what rest rooms you use, but the ones in the restaurants and theaters that I go to, are pretty clean.

In the meantime, I keep my dick cleaner than any fuckin' rest room.
Yeah, I bet it is.

Which was the point.

Only an idiot touches anything in a public rest room.
Apparently the public rest rooms you frequent are pretty bad.....the restaurants and theaters I frequent are pretty, your point of reference has a lot to do with it.
Who goes to restaurants and theaters needing to use the rest room.

That's what a home is for.
Obviously a lot of people.....
No, they aren't.
Like you know where I go to the theaters and restaurants? Maybe the ones you go to are not clean.....doesn't mean they all aren't. But, the idea is that you wash your hands after you use the toilet, and you would want everyone to do so, especially people who prepare food.
Wash up people! Don't tell me I am violating your rights, either. It is like all that loud ass music that intrudes on you privacy that violates your personal rights to privacy, but those people LOVE the freedom of choice thing, even though they are taking it away from others....There has to be a balance here somewhere.

Right! They handle brown cash all day.

Bills people wipe their ass with. :lol:
Wash up people! Don't tell me I am violating your rights, either. It is like all that loud ass music that intrudes on you privacy that violates your personal rights to privacy, but those people LOVE the freedom of choice thing, even though they are taking it away from others....There has to be a balance here somewhere.

Right! They handle brown cash all day.

I just got over the flu after coming out of walmart. The kart was sticky and dripping with god knows what germs. Silly me, will never doubt the use of wet wipes again. I got pink eye the same way a year ago, user beware.

Bills people wipe their ass with. :lol:
If you don't believe in vaccines, perhaps you don't believe in germs.

No one believes the people who wrote the Bible washed after wiping.
If you don't believe in vaccines, perhaps you don't believe in germs.

No one believes the people who wrote the Bible washed after wiping.

I do not believe in vaccines. The flu vaccine is only money-grabbing boondoggle, where people are the object of a game the drug companies are playing with their consumers who nothing more than pincushions to them.
as if any of you knows what goes onto that cheeseburger in the late night drive through... lol
If you don't believe in vaccines, perhaps you don't believe in germs.

No one believes the people who wrote the Bible washed after wiping.

I do not believe in vaccines. The flu vaccine is only money-grabbing boondoggle, where people are the object of a game the drug companies are playing with their consumers who nothing more than pincushions to them.

Perhaps you should see these pictures.

Poliomyelitis: 24 photos of crippling disease

If it wasn't for the polio vaccine....many of us wouldn't be here today. I would never have put my children at risk by not having them vaccinated against polio or any other disease.

I didn't get the flu vaccine one year...and that was the year that I caught the flu. I swore I would never go without it and I haven't.....and I've never had the flu again.

Polio used to be very common in the United States and caused severe illness in thousands of people each year before polio vaccine was introduced in 1955
Vaccines: VPD-VAC/Polio/main page
Personally I thought the 65 year old woman blowing up a drone with a shotgun was far more interesting but y'all lefties need your blog related political outrage fix every day so go with it.

Says the one who probably watches Faux News 24/7......bwahahaha.

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