CDZ Should firearm training be free for the poor, or at least have a government program for free trainin

I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

Voter I.D.s are already free....they can't charge for them....

Yes, but the right to vote is even more important than the right to be a gun nut. No training restrictions for carrying a gun = no ID requirement for voting. Isn't this fun buddy?

The Right to vote is protected by the Right to own and carry a gun.

When is the last time a person had to pull a gun to be able to vote?

It was called the Civil WAr....when the Republicans had to use guns to free the slaves. And after the war when free blacks and Republicans needed guns to fight off the democrats in the kkk who were hanging freed blacks and republicans...
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.


Perfect. We all have the right to be obese if we want to. 2aguy and I both agree that the government should pay for us to become obese if we want to, and then pay for any medical problems that might cause. See, his idea about government paid for gun courses wasn't as crazy as some might have thought.

And who said I agree with the article...or the premise? I put this here to discuss.....

For me.....any time the government provides something you can bet it will try to control it. Free training would become mandatory, and there would go the actual practice of the Right...

Training should not be a requirement any more than when the democrats used Literacy tests for blacks to vote.....

But you sounded so in favor of it in your OP. You're right though. Training gun nuts should not be mandatory, any more than abortion should be mandatory. If you want to open it all up without restrictions, then by all means open it all up. If there is any restriction to one, there should be reasonable restrictions to all.

Abortion denies the Right to life to the is we have already discussed...

Be sure to mention that to the Supreme Court when you go tell them they are wrong.
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

Voter I.D.s are already free....they can't charge for them....

Yes, but the right to vote is even more important than the right to be a gun nut. No training restrictions for carrying a gun = no ID requirement for voting. Isn't this fun buddy?
Here is my order of priority for the importance of rights --

1 - the right to be armed 24/7/365 everywhere you go, however this right is tempered by the State legislatures according to Scalia in Heller;

2 - the right against warrantless searches;

3 - the right to vote;


Ummmm, no. He said certain restrictions, such as banning felons, the dangerously mentally ill and dangerous and unusual weapons could be considered constitutional...but the Right to Bear Arms was an individual Right.....and covers all arms that can be carried.....
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

You might want to note that the examples you gave have already been fulfilled by right wing gun nuts, and the NRA is fighting daily to protect the rights of crazies to buy all the guns they want.

And of course you have to lie in order to push your argument...since the truth isn't on your side.....The ACLU and the NRA both support the concept that you can't take away the Rights of an American without due process and actual, being a left winger, just want stripping citizens of their Rights because you don't like what they do is good for you...

2aguy is just a wee bit wacko. Not a lot though.

He does not believe in the 10th Amendment.

He does not believe Scalia.

And he wants more in the 2nd Amendment.

I believe in the 10th Amendment...but states can't attack individual Rights any more than the government can.....such as the those that come first in the Bill of Rights...
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.

Abortion is not a Constitutional Right.....the ability to murder a defenseless human is not a Right, that is a crime.

Sorry, but the supreme court disagrees with you.
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. It was decided simultaneously with a companion case, Doe v. Bolton. The Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that this right must be balanced against the state's interests in regulating abortions: protecting women's health and protecting the potentiality of human life.[1] Arguing that these state interests became stronger over the course of a pregnancy, the Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the third trimester of pregnancy.

Later, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), the Court rejected Roe's trimester framework while affirming its central holding that a woman has a right to abortion until fetal viability.[2] The Roe decision defined "viable" as "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid."[3] Justices in Casey acknowledged that viability may occur at 23 or 24 weeks, or sometimes even earlier, in light of medical advances.[4]

The Supreme Court is Wrong.....the Supreme Court was also wrong on Plessy v. Ferguson and Dredd you think they got those rulings right?

The murder of innocent humans is a crime, not a Right....

Do you also stick by these decisions by democrat Supreme court justices...?

Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia

Dred Scott v. Sandford - Wikipedia

You should go tell them right now. I'm sure that if you explain it to them nicely, they will just forget all their study of the law and the constitution, and just change their minds. If that doesn't work, you could always write a letter to the editor.

Ginsberg, sotomayor, kagan, kennedy and souter already forgot their studies of the Constitution and the rule of law.....
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

You might want to note that the examples you gave have already been fulfilled by right wing gun nuts, and the NRA is fighting daily to protect the rights of crazies to buy all the guns they want.

And of course you have to lie in order to push your argument...since the truth isn't on your side.....The ACLU and the NRA both support the concept that you can't take away the Rights of an American without due process and actual, being a left winger, just want stripping citizens of their Rights because you don't like what they do is good for you...


That is, of course, a lie.......the ACLU and the NRA want due process Rights observed before AMericans are stripped of a fundamental disagree with this?

Due process doesn't always mean a court hearing. We fulfill due process obligations every day without going to court. That phrase means nothing more than following defined procedures. Paying the cashier at the store for a gallon of milk is due process.
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

Voter I.D.s are already free....they can't charge for them....

Yes, but the right to vote is even more important than the right to be a gun nut. No training restrictions for carrying a gun = no ID requirement for voting. Isn't this fun buddy?

The Right to vote is protected by the Right to own and carry a gun.

When is the last time a person had to pull a gun to be able to vote?

It was called the Civil WAr....when the Republicans had to use guns to free the slaves. And after the war when free blacks and Republicans needed guns to fight off the democrats in the kkk who were hanging freed blacks and republicans...

The technical term for what you just posted is "unmitigated bullshit"
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

You might want to note that the examples you gave have already been fulfilled by right wing gun nuts, and the NRA is fighting daily to protect the rights of crazies to buy all the guns they want.

And of course you have to lie in order to push your argument...since the truth isn't on your side.....The ACLU and the NRA both support the concept that you can't take away the Rights of an American without due process and actual, being a left winger, just want stripping citizens of their Rights because you don't like what they do is good for you...

2aguy is just a wee bit wacko. Not a lot though.

He does not believe in the 10th Amendment.

He does not believe Scalia.

And he wants more in the 2nd Amendment.

I believe in the 10th Amendment...but states can't attack individual Rights any more than the government can.....such as the those that come first in the Bill of Rights...

Doesn't work that way. All rights are the same. Doesn't matter what order they appear in.
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.

Abortion is not a Constitutional Right.....the ability to murder a defenseless human is not a Right, that is a crime.

Sorry, but the supreme court disagrees with you.
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. It was decided simultaneously with a companion case, Doe v. Bolton. The Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's decision to have an abortion, but that this right must be balanced against the state's interests in regulating abortions: protecting women's health and protecting the potentiality of human life.[1] Arguing that these state interests became stronger over the course of a pregnancy, the Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the third trimester of pregnancy.

Later, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), the Court rejected Roe's trimester framework while affirming its central holding that a woman has a right to abortion until fetal viability.[2] The Roe decision defined "viable" as "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid."[3] Justices in Casey acknowledged that viability may occur at 23 or 24 weeks, or sometimes even earlier, in light of medical advances.[4]

The Supreme Court is Wrong.....the Supreme Court was also wrong on Plessy v. Ferguson and Dredd you think they got those rulings right?

The murder of innocent humans is a crime, not a Right....

Do you also stick by these decisions by democrat Supreme court justices...?

Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia

Dred Scott v. Sandford - Wikipedia

You should go tell them right now. I'm sure that if you explain it to them nicely, they will just forget all their study of the law and the constitution, and just change their minds. If that doesn't work, you could always write a letter to the editor.

Ginsberg, sotomayor, kagan, kennedy and souter already forgot their studies of the Constitution and the rule of law.....

I'm sure they would be hurt to know you think that.
This article brings up an interesting idea....since owning a gun is a Right,.

I am fine with the NRA providing free fire arms training to anyone.

And I am fine with schools teaching kids their constitutional rights- including the right to own a fire arm.

But I don't think that the Government should provide free fire arm training to everyone, anymore than they should provide free religious instruction to everyone.
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.

Abortion is not a Constitutional Right.....the ability to murder a defenseless human is not a Right, that is a crime.

Clearly abortion isn't a crime- now you are just making more nutty extremist claims.
This article brings up an interesting idea....since owning a gun is a Right, and any Poll Tax or Literacy Test on a Right is unConstitutional.....if those opposed to gun ownership are worried about guns....should the government offer free training programs for gun owners.....not as a mandate, but as a free courtesy to help those too poor to get the training on their own?

The laughable arguments against constitutional carry - Hot Air

We’re not talking about a privilege which is granted to you as some sort of gift by the government and can just as easily be taken away. It’s a fundamental right which was built into the Constitution and it can only be removed in extreme situations where you have proven that you are too dangerous and/or unstable to be trusted with the right.


All the states should be making sure that education and training for gun safety are available to all their citizens for a reasonable price (if not for free).

But we should also remember that liberals continually try to treat firearms as if they are some mythical totem which is somehow different from every other potentially dangerous tool crafted by the hand of man.

Frankly, I don’t think you should be using a chainsaw in your back yard until you’ve had at least some level of training on how to employ one safely and effectively. But the responsibility for that falls on you. And if you wind up injuring yourself or others or causing property damage when you drop a tree on your neighbor’s house, you’re the one stuck paying the price.

nothing is "free"

people can join the military or the National Guard an get all the firearms training they want
This article brings up an interesting idea....since owning a gun is a Right, and any Poll Tax or Literacy Test on a Right is unConstitutional.....if those opposed to gun ownership are worried about guns....should the government offer free training programs for gun owners.....not as a mandate, but as a free courtesy to help those too poor to get the training on their own?

The laughable arguments against constitutional carry - Hot Air

We’re not talking about a privilege which is granted to you as some sort of gift by the government and can just as easily be taken away. It’s a fundamental right which was built into the Constitution and it can only be removed in extreme situations where you have proven that you are too dangerous and/or unstable to be trusted with the right.


All the states should be making sure that education and training for gun safety are available to all their citizens for a reasonable price (if not for free).

But we should also remember that liberals continually try to treat firearms as if they are some mythical totem which is somehow different from every other potentially dangerous tool crafted by the hand of man.

Frankly, I don’t think you should be using a chainsaw in your back yard until you’ve had at least some level of training on how to employ one safely and effectively. But the responsibility for that falls on you. And if you wind up injuring yourself or others or causing property damage when you drop a tree on your neighbor’s house, you’re the one stuck paying the price.
Yes, for properly qualified people. We can call it "the National Militia Act".
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

You might want to note that the examples you gave have already been fulfilled by right wing gun nuts, and the NRA is fighting daily to protect the rights of crazies to buy all the guns they want.
the NRA is also responsible for some of the most comprehensive gun safety courses in existence
This article brings up an interesting idea....since owning a gun is a Right, and any Poll Tax or Literacy Test on a Right is unConstitutional.....if those opposed to gun ownership are worried about guns....should the government offer free training programs for gun owners.....not as a mandate, but as a free courtesy to help those too poor to get the training on their own?

The laughable arguments against constitutional carry - Hot Air

We’re not talking about a privilege which is granted to you as some sort of gift by the government and can just as easily be taken away. It’s a fundamental right which was built into the Constitution and it can only be removed in extreme situations where you have proven that you are too dangerous and/or unstable to be trusted with the right.


All the states should be making sure that education and training for gun safety are available to all their citizens for a reasonable price (if not for free).

But we should also remember that liberals continually try to treat firearms as if they are some mythical totem which is somehow different from every other potentially dangerous tool crafted by the hand of man.

Frankly, I don’t think you should be using a chainsaw in your back yard until you’ve had at least some level of training on how to employ one safely and effectively. But the responsibility for that falls on you. And if you wind up injuring yourself or others or causing property damage when you drop a tree on your neighbor’s house, you’re the one stuck paying the price.

nothing is "free"

people can join the military or the National Guard an get all the firearms training they want
Agreed nothing is really "free" but offering basic firearms instructions to citizens encourages not only the safe use of firearms and improves US readiness, but encourages more Americans to own firearms and preserve our Second Amendment rights.
This article brings up an interesting idea....since owning a gun is a Right, and any Poll Tax or Literacy Test on a Right is unConstitutional.....if those opposed to gun ownership are worried about guns....should the government offer free training programs for gun owners.....not as a mandate, but as a free courtesy to help those too poor to get the training on their own?

The laughable arguments against constitutional carry - Hot Air

We’re not talking about a privilege which is granted to you as some sort of gift by the government and can just as easily be taken away. It’s a fundamental right which was built into the Constitution and it can only be removed in extreme situations where you have proven that you are too dangerous and/or unstable to be trusted with the right.


All the states should be making sure that education and training for gun safety are available to all their citizens for a reasonable price (if not for free).

But we should also remember that liberals continually try to treat firearms as if they are some mythical totem which is somehow different from every other potentially dangerous tool crafted by the hand of man.

Frankly, I don’t think you should be using a chainsaw in your back yard until you’ve had at least some level of training on how to employ one safely and effectively. But the responsibility for that falls on you. And if you wind up injuring yourself or others or causing property damage when you drop a tree on your neighbor’s house, you’re the one stuck paying the price.

nothing is "free"

people can join the military or the National Guard an get all the firearms training they want
Agreed nothing is really "free" but offering basic firearms instructions to citizens encourages not only the safe use of firearms and improves US readiness, but encourages more Americans to own firearms and preserve our Second Amendment rights.

I am against governemnt incentives of any kind
Voter I.D.s are already free....they can't charge for them....

Yes, but the right to vote is even more important than the right to be a gun nut. No training restrictions for carrying a gun = no ID requirement for voting. Isn't this fun buddy?

The Right to vote is protected by the Right to own and carry a gun.

When is the last time a person had to pull a gun to be able to vote?

It was called the Civil WAr....when the Republicans had to use guns to free the slaves. And after the war when free blacks and Republicans needed guns to fight off the democrats in the kkk who were hanging freed blacks and republicans...

The technical term for what you just posted is "unmitigated bullshit"

No...that is the truth...the democrats owned the slaves....Republicans freed the slaves...democrats used their terrorist wing, the kkk, to murder freed blacks and their republican allies to keep them from exercising their Rights...and the democrats in government used their power to create Poll Taxes and Literacy tests......
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

You might want to note that the examples you gave have already been fulfilled by right wing gun nuts, and the NRA is fighting daily to protect the rights of crazies to buy all the guns they want.

And of course you have to lie in order to push your argument...since the truth isn't on your side.....The ACLU and the NRA both support the concept that you can't take away the Rights of an American without due process and actual, being a left winger, just want stripping citizens of their Rights because you don't like what they do is good for you...


That is, of course, a lie.......the ACLU and the NRA want due process Rights observed before AMericans are stripped of a fundamental disagree with this?

Due process doesn't always mean a court hearing. We fulfill due process obligations every day without going to court. That phrase means nothing more than following defined procedures. Paying the cashier at the store for a gallon of milk is due process.

Getting a drivers license is different than taking away fundamental Right.....and no....paying for milk is not due process...
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.

Abortion is not a Constitutional Right.....the ability to murder a defenseless human is not a Right, that is a crime.

Clearly abortion isn't a crime- now you are just making more nutty extremist claims.

abortion is a is the murder of an innocent human can rationalize it all you want...but murder is murder no matter how small the human.
I agree completely. There is a constitutional right to own a gun if you so choose, so the government should pay so that constitutionally granted right can be enjoyed as safely as possible. Of course, that means that the right to an abortion, which is also a constitutional right if the woman so chooses, should also be paid for by the government so that constitutionally granted right can be practiced as safely as possible too. This is fun. What other constitutional rights do you want the government to pay for? Mark this day down. We are finally in agreement.
There is a constitutional right to vote, should there be FREE voter ID's? I am all for training of weapons, just as long as those who purchase weapons are law abiding citizens, not some flaming liberal who wants to go shoot blacks in a poor church. Or a movie theater in Colorado. Or kids in an elementary school. If you are nuts, and the leftwing is nuts, ban them from learning how to shoot, don't give them a voter ID and send them all to Cuba. The US would be great again. Liberals are miserable wretches.

You might want to note that the examples you gave have already been fulfilled by right wing gun nuts, and the NRA is fighting daily to protect the rights of crazies to buy all the guns they want.
the NRA is also responsible for some of the most comprehensive gun safety courses in existence

Absolutely right. I was a member for decades until they changed their focus from gun safety to political activity to help gun manufacturers. That's when I quit sending in my money.

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