Should Be an Easy Question for the Envirowhackos


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.
I DON'T think you'll be getting any replies.
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.
I DON'T think you'll be getting any replies.
Funny how they know what the weather will be like in a hundred years, they know how to gut and create an economic system never seen in human history, yet can’t name anything specific in their beliefs.
I'll reply ... more than will ever be built ... wind power only works at commercial scales where it's windy all the time ... Sunny Southern California is better off with solar panels on everybody's rooftop ... up north there a mess of hydro ... Californians are quite industrious and given a hundred years, this is practical ...

Conservation is still a dirty word ... so nothing's changing ... make it 3 million EV's and see ...
Of the power produced in-state, 31% comes from renewables. 7% of the total mix is wind energy. So to get to 100% renewables we'd have to triple our wind turbines, solar modules, bio-mass, small hydro, geothermal, etc.
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Of the power produced in-state, 31% comes from renewables. 7% of the total mix is wind energy. So to get to 100% renewables we'd have to triple our wind turbines, solar modules, bio-mass, small hydro, geothermal, etc.


Try again.
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.

Don't ask them shit like that. With their advanced liberal arts degrees in shit like gay art history, they're simply not prepared for mathematic problems of any kind.
Of the power produced in-state, 31% comes from renewables. 7% of the total mix is wind energy. So to get to 100% renewables we'd have to triple our wind turbines, solar modules, bio-mass, small hydro, geothermal, etc.

View attachment 308623

Try again.


I said "of power produced in-state". Your graph is total energy consumption and it's 3 years out of date.

We buy from other states to make up the difference between the power produced in state and total power consumed. The power we import could conceivably be from Nevada wind and solar farms or whatever.

Also, account for greater efficiency in the future. And don't forget that your ilk like to chortle about Californians leaving in droves to move to fly-over states.

Total System Electric Generation
Of the power produced in-state, 31% comes from renewables. 7% of the total mix is wind energy. So to get to 100% renewables we'd have to triple our wind turbines, solar modules, bio-mass, small hydro, geothermal, etc.

View attachment 308623

Try again.


I said "of power produced in-state". Your graph is total energy consumption and it's 3 years out of date.

We buy from other states to make up the difference between the power produced in state and total power consumed. The power we import could conceivably be from Nevada wind and solar farms or whatever.

Also, account for greater efficiency in the future. And don't forget that your ilk like to chortle about Californians leaving in droves to move to fly-over states.

Total System Electric Generation
Ah, so the 7% wind is bolstered by everything you deem to be green.

So then tell us, where’s the rest of the 68% going to come from for California?

Which rivers will be dammed?
Who gets the next 100,000 wind turbines on their property?
How many acres of solar panels required to make up the balance?
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.
Of course we can answer that question. First, while windmills will be a significant factor in creating a new energy paradigm, it will be 50%+ efficient solar panels that will free us from the fossil fuels. And there is plenty of room for those panels on warehouse roofs, parking lots, residential homes, malls, and any roof area that is unused.
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.
I DON'T think you'll be getting any replies.

Well if I ever manage to get my design of wind turbine going then about 100 of them. They are a bit bit though, like 1km high and the same wide.
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.
Of course we can answer that question. First, while windmills will be a significant factor in creating a new energy paradigm, it will be 50%+ efficient solar panels that will free us from the fossil fuels. And there is plenty of room for those panels on warehouse roofs, parking lots, residential homes, malls, and any roof area that is unused.
According to your comrade, a 50% increase would be only 13GWh, leaving the State 60% short of its energy demand.

Point made by you guys. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

Green energy is ghey. Its fringe....always has been.....always will be.

Said it ten years ago and every climate k00k in here promised significant increases in wind and solar. ( they are saying the same exact things in this thread today :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:). Never happened....never will happen. Too expensive....d0y
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.
Of course we can answer that question. First, while windmills will be a significant factor in creating a new energy paradigm, it will be 50%+ efficient solar panels that will free us from the fossil fuels. And there is plenty of room for those panels on warehouse roofs, parking lots, residential homes, malls, and any roof area that is unused.
According to your comrade, a 50% increase would be only 13GWh, leaving the State 60% short of its energy demand.

Point made by you guys. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
Silly ass, that is an increase of about 250% per panel. But then, I don't expect someone of your meager intellect to keep up with the technical developments.
Since you want to gut and create a brand new economic and energy system, you should have this answer at your fingertips it is so basic.


How many wind turbines does California need to build to power the 30 million electric vehicles you wish to force everyone to drive?

My question is focused on just the cars, but if you have at your fingertips how many wind turbines are required to provide power to the 40 million citizens of California, their infrastructure, factories, offices, and businesses, we’ll take that number also.

Next question of course will be where do these get located? But answer the first very easy question.

Got a rough answer for you ---- NONE... LOL... Because they are NOT PRIMARY power generators... But what you need for all those electric vehicles is RIGHT AROUND 33% MORE primary RELIABLE generation..

OH --- and you need to explain the enviro impact of MEGA tons of battery waste and the dirty recycling programs that they will need... The Econauts ALSO need to understand that the mined chemicals for batteries ARE NOT SUSTAINABLE NOR ARE THEY renewable...

That'll cool their jets... Or at least make them realize how little thought or research they've put into these glitter farting unicorn fantasies....
Of the power produced in-state, 31% comes from renewables. 7% of the total mix is wind energy. So to get to 100% renewables we'd have to triple our wind turbines, solar modules, bio-mass, small hydro, geothermal, etc.

31% aint coming from wind and solar.. Cali imports a very LARGE SEGMENT of their power from the Pac NW in LARGE HYDRO which they SOMETIMES consider green for the purpose of making impressive POLITICAL statements like yours, and MOST OF THE TIME want to tear down.. THAT's part of it.. Burning garbage and calling it green is another..

No real available build out of geothermal available and EVEN if there WERE opportunities -- IT AINT FUCKING GREEN... It's a dirty NON -RENEWABLE mining operation... Biomass is the BELIEF that you can burn TRASH CLEANLY, but somehow, you can't burn COAL cleanly... A lot of the "faith stuff" is like that... :rolleyes:
Ah, so the 7% wind is bolstered by everything you deem to be green.

So then tell us, where’s the rest of the 68% going to come from for California?

Which rivers will be dammed?
Who gets the next 100,000 wind turbines on their property?
How many acres of solar panels required to make up the balance?

You asked a dumb question in the OP, because nobody would restrict their energy source to solely wind turbines, and there's no movement to ban gas-engine cars in California. So, I answered my own question: how far are we away from 100% renewable electricity generation? The ballpark answer is we're 33% of the way there, which was our goal to reach by 2020 according to the Arnold Governator Climate Change Order.

31% aint coming from wind and solar..

Today, about 33% of our in-state power generation is coming from biomass (3.3%), geothermal (6%), small-hydro (2%), solar (14%), and wind (7.23%). Large hydro accounts for over 11% of our in-state energy generation but that isn't categorized as renewable. Read the link, Mongo.
Total System Electric Generation

Additionally, in many areas of California we now get a choice of what kind of power we wish to buy, sort of like having a choice between organic and conventional apples at the grocery store. I chose to go with 100% renewable for my apartment. By law, all cannabis businesses in Humboldt County are required to buy 100% renewable power, so my workplace (very heavy energy user) is carbon neutral. Our energy authority has to procure renewable power for our share of the load. These factors, among others, should push us close to 50% renewable in-state power production by 2025 or so.
So, I answered my own question: how far are we away from 100% renewable electricity generation? The ballpark answer is we're 33% of the way there, which was our goal to reach by 2020 according to the Arnold Governator Climate Change Order.

That's not all that great considering the MASSIVE subsidies and installations for wind and solar.. Also not great, because for every MWatt of wind and solar you install, you need to PAY AND MAINTAIN a MegaWatt of something that's there ALL THE TIME and reliable.. You're paying TWICE for the SAME INCREASE in "renewable tech"....

AND most importantly, that 33% of "goal" was already something like 12 or 15% when you STARTED because it counts native and imported LARGE hydro...

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