Should Alt Right voices be silenced?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
If you deem them as misinformation should their voices be silenced?
no such thing as alt right,,


The "alt-right" is just conservatives & America First people that know the GOP establishment are pathetic RINOs that play the part of controlled opposition in the DC UNiparty kabuki Theatre to keep the masses distracted, divided & gaslighted.

The only way to silence us would be through violence & we own most of the private guns.

They can't silence us without kicking off a Civil War
If you deem them as misinformation should their voices be silenced?
No! Misinformation is meant for one thing. To inform with real information. At some point, they'll eat cake with their own misinformation.
If you deem them as misinformation should their voices be silenced?
No voices that are not specifically calling for violence need to be silenced. Sharing ideas is not an evil unto itself even if those ideas may be evil. People have free choice. When you begin to see a government silencing people, that government has become irredeemably corrupt and needs to be resisted.
If you deem them as misinformation should their voices be silenced?
No voice should be silenced as a matter of government regulatory policy inconsistent with First Amendment jurisprudence.

In the context of private society, not subject to First Amendment case law, private citizens are at liberty to oppose and condemn speech and political advocacy where such opposition and condemnation does not constitute ‘silencing’ any voice or viewpoint.

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