Should a Jewish Bakery Have the Right to Deny...

...a Christian Ideology based White Power group who goes into a Jewish bakery and request a cake in the shape a HHH and a burning cross? If they Jew denied baking this cake, since it's deeply against their religious faith?

Should the Jewish baker be forced to bake such a cake.

I mean few people argued the Baker was wrong when he refused to bake the cake "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler!"

Adolf Hitler denied his birthday cake - Telegraph

Yet in AZ one can not conceive that a religious baker has any argument in not baking a cake for a gay marriage.

The vast vast majority of Christian bakers that don't want any part of a gay marriage ceremony would be fine selling to gays for any other occasion.

I personally disagree with a baker not making money for a gay marriage ceremony, but I can see their argument.

Go back to the birthday cake for Adolf Hitler, I think that baker was in the right and so did most people!

Can't find the name Adolf Hitler in the Christian Bible. What book was he in again?

I bet if you look real hard, you will find Jews in the Bible. It might take an intellectual featherweight like yourself a day or two, but I trust you will find them in there.
...a Christian Ideology based White Power group who goes into a Jewish bakery and request a cake in the shape a HHH and a burning cross? If they Jew denied baking this cake, since it's deeply against their religious faith?

Should the Jewish baker be forced to bake such a cake.

I mean few people argued the Baker was wrong when he refused to bake the cake "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler!"

Adolf Hitler denied his birthday cake - Telegraph

Yet in AZ one can not conceive that a religious baker has any argument in not baking a cake for a gay marriage.

The vast vast majority of Christian bakers that don't want any part of a gay marriage ceremony would be fine selling to gays for any other occasion.

I personally disagree with a baker not making money for a gay marriage ceremony, but I can see their argument.

Go back to the birthday cake for Adolf Hitler, I think that baker was in the right and so did most people!

You have to be a special kind of retard to name your kid Aryan Nation or Adolf Hitler.

You also have to be a special kind of retard if you are a Nazi giving a Jew some business.

If I were the baker, I'd make them a cake. A very special cake. Yes, indeed. ;)
Note to the normal people in this thread, who might have the brains to comprehend this...

Recall in the past how often you've heard conservatives insist that liberalism is a religion, or 'secular humanism' is a religion, or whatever other terminology the conservatives might use to describe the left,

and then call that 'religion'?

Well, okay then, what if we agree? What if then liberal views can be characterized as religious views,

what if then the belief that homosexuals are entitled to all rights, and to equal treatment, etc.,

qualifies as a view rooted in religion, and therefore, by name, a religious view?

That makes any anti-gay discrimination a 1st Amendment violation, because homosexuality then becomes an exercise of religion.

ha, checkmate.
So this skinhead goes to the Jewish bakery and asks for a Hitler birthday cake...

...why is it that every hypothetical the Right concocts to defend one of their wacky beliefs sounds like a pitch for a satirical comedy?
...a Christian Ideology based White Power group who goes into a Jewish bakery and request a cake in the shape a HHH and a burning cross? If they Jew denied baking this cake, since it's deeply against their religious faith?

Should the Jewish baker be forced to bake such a cake.

I mean few people argued the Baker was wrong when he refused to bake the cake "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler!"

Adolf Hitler denied his birthday cake - Telegraph

Yet in AZ one can not conceive that a religious baker has any argument in not baking a cake for a gay marriage.

The vast vast majority of Christian bakers that don't want any part of a gay marriage ceremony would be fine selling to gays for any other occasion.

I personally disagree with a baker not making money for a gay marriage ceremony, but I can see their argument.

Go back to the birthday cake for Adolf Hitler, I think that baker was in the right and so did most people!

You have to be a special kind of retard to name your kid Aryan Nation or Adolf Hitler.

You also have to be a special kind of retard if you are a Nazi giving a Jew some business.

If I were the baker, I'd make them a cake. A very special cake. Yes, indeed. ;)

I'd like to get a black lab and name him Jefferson Beauragard Davis, just so I could tell him to set his black butt down. My wife won't hear of it. She wants a Golden retriever. I think I'll name her Sally Hemmings.
So this skinhead goes to the Jewish bakery and asks for a Hitler birthday cake...

...why is it that every hypothetical the Right concocts to defend one of their wacky beliefs sounds like a pitch for a satirical comedy?

But yet I had my stepfather who years ago refused to photograph a porn star's wedding ceremony because he did not want to be a part of it or be around it... same difference.. choice is choice and beliefs are beliefs
A school district is run by private citizens forming a local government. The principles don't change.

How can the act be both just and unjust? How can refusing blacks admission to a school be unjust,

but refusing them admission to a restaurant be just?
Tell me you're not serious. Everyone pays taxes so the public sector can't deny anyone. The public sector doesn't own the business.
Note to the normal people in this thread, who might have the brains to comprehend this...

Recall in the past how often you've heard conservatives insist that liberalism is a religion, or 'secular humanism' is a religion, or whatever other terminology the conservatives might use to describe the left,

and then call that 'religion'?

Well, okay then, what if we agree? What if then liberal views can be characterized as religious views,

what if then the belief that homosexuals are entitled to all rights, and to equal treatment, etc.,

qualifies as a view rooted in religion, and therefore, by name, a religious view?

That makes any anti-gay discrimination a 1st Amendment violation, because homosexuality then becomes an exercise of religion.

ha, checkmate.
There you have it. Lib logic.
Freedom from persecution isn't freedom to impose beliefs.
The idea that all businesses open to the public should be effectively converted into private clubs is an absurdity. Do you realize the amount of constitutional case law, not to mention original provisions in the Constitution that would have to overturned/repealed in order to accomplish that?

You are living in a fantasy world.

It's more of a living nightmare actually. Watching yet another iteration of fascism building momentum. Will we ever be rid of it?

The fascists allowed businesses to discriminate against Jews. Is that what you want?

Wrong. Under fascism businesses were legally required to discriminate against Jews. Liberals always seem to forget that government is behind all the greatest atrocities in the world.

What I want is freedom. I want the government to keep its nose out of everyone's business unless they are robbing or assaulting someone.
It's a concept called Extra-Constitutional, and nearly all laws here are. They may be based on the Constitution, or some principle within it, but they are not in the Constitution so what you are asking is simply childish.

There's no law in the Constitution that my hairdryer have a GFI on it, but it does and that is by Law.

So you have no source. You simply claimed it was so and we're supposed to believe you.
Go look it up you lazy bones. Try Google.

You have nothing. There is no source in the Constitution. You simply lied. Now you're trying to cover that up. Next move will be to deflect.
It's more of a living nightmare actually. Watching yet another iteration of fascism building momentum. Will we ever be rid of it?

The fascists allowed businesses to discriminate against Jews. Is that what you want?

Wrong. Under fascism businesses were legally required to discriminate against Jews. Liberals always seem to forget that government is behind all the greatest atrocities in the world.

What I want is freedom. I want the government to keep its nose out of everyone's business unless they are robbing or assaulting someone.
And what you want can be found, at the Ayn Rand Fantasyland. It's an island of one. Let us know when you're done packing and we'll drop you off.
So you have no source. You simply claimed it was so and we're supposed to believe you.
Go look it up you lazy bones. Try Google.

You have nothing. There is no source in the Constitution. You simply lied. Now you're trying to cover that up. Next move will be to deflect.
What i said was entirely true. Learn the law and stop asking if things like Fire Codes are in Constitution? They aren't and it's a stupid question, and so is not obeying them, it's the law.
A school district is run by private citizens forming a local government. The principles don't change.

How can the act be both just and unjust? How can refusing blacks admission to a school be unjust,

but refusing them admission to a restaurant be just?
Tell me you're not serious. Everyone pays taxes so the public sector can't deny anyone. The public sector doesn't own the business.

He doesnt understand the difference between private property and public property. Like most commie ratfinks.

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