SHOCKER: 41% Approval for Obama today!!

Where's the, "Congressional Democrats are still doing better than Republicans" and "So what, there isn't an election right now, this is just a poll"?

Somebody from the left call me a racist. I know you want to. lol

So tell me. Has America become 10% more racist in the last six months? Is it just possible we can't stand the poor, wretched and ineffective leadership?

P.S. Republicans are +6 over Dems. Who knew?

Time for another 0bama victory tour?
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Where's the, "Congressional Democrats are still doing better than Republicans" and "So what, there isn't an election right now, this is just a poll"?

Somebody from the left call me a racist. I know you want to. lol

So tell me. Has America become 10% more racist in the last six months? Is it just possible we can't stand the poor, wretched and ineffective leadership? hit the nail on the head. He treats people like they are stupid. Like today.........ranting about "them" and "their idea's" and "the past". It displays one thing very clearly: no leadership. He dosnt have a single thing to stand on and defend regarding his own policies. Its called leadership fAiL. Independents cant be bamboozled like alot of the Obama base, many who have the IQ of a handball. You treat independents like dopes, your ass gets railroaded out in this country. Its always been that way.
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I posted this a couple weeks ago and a couple libtards laughed and said Obama is a great leader. but here are a few major things he doesn't understand that make him a shitty leader.

A) When you take over a job, you take it over in it's entirely, what your predecessor did is irrelevant to your own success or lack thereof

B) A good leader NEVER throws his subordinates under the bus, instead he praises them for his successes and takes the blame for their failures - in public at least

C) A good leader NEVER makes snap decisions, EVER not under ANY circumstances.

D) A good leader never asks people to do that which he isn't willing to do himself.

E) A good leader sets a good example.

If he corrected any three of those items I'd be willing to cut him some slack.
41% s0ns!!!!

Its one of the top stories over at DRUDGE at the moment. You'll have to chase the link down yourselves s0ns.:lol: Im too caught up laughing to get ahold of myself enough to post up a link, in fact, Im downright giddy for the last 5 minutes since I saw it posted up over there. this escalator up or did I miss a meeting or something?? Months ago, when Obama was still in the low 50's in terms of approval, I promised all the lefties on here that it was indeed escalator down. But nope...........all I got was the perpetual posting up of, "Skooks..........your a kook..........go look at the RCP Average!!" Which of course led to many, many Photobucket Classics afterwards predicting doom and gloom for the American left.

Which leads to a serious question for USMessage Board liberals..............

Are you all not a little more than shocked that this has happened as quickly as it has..........such a precipitious fall?? I mean........Im kinda shocked. The only person I know who predicted this to happen so fast was Rush Limbaugh and I was highy skeptical. But I gotta terms of political prognostication, the guy is right about 97% of the time, and certainly here................

Anyway.............just curious as to the level of :eek::eek::eek:

Yeah--less than two years in office--and Obama has TANKED. It's a nationwide Obamabot hangover. All those broken promises.

All the times he has gone against the majority will in this country has cost him big. In fact so big--I really don't think he is going to recover. Health care--illegal immigration--suing Arizona--on and on it goes.
obama isn't even a good liar. He's a two bit little POS, radical, hustler and fraud and people are getting real sick of his bull shit, as this video illustrates. His lies just keep piling up, and there seems to be no end to them. I predict that by the time this nasty little shit is told to get the hell otta the White House, people aren't going to want to hear or see his face again. He will have told so many lies and done so much damage this country, he'll be lucky if he doesn't wind up in prison.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama, Which One Did You Vote For?[/ame]
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Where's the, "Congressional Democrats are still doing better than Republicans" and "So what, there isn't an election right now, this is just a poll"?

Somebody from the left call me a racist. I know you want to. lol

So tell me. Has America become 10% more racist in the last six months? Is it just possible we can't stand the poor, wretched and ineffective leadership? hit the nail on the head. He treats people like they are stupid. Like today.........ranting about "them" and "their idea's" and "the past". It displays one thing very clearly: no leadership. He dosnt have a single thing to stand on and defend regarding his own policies. Its called leadership fAiL. Independents cant be bamboozled like alot of the Obama base, many who have the IQ of a handball. You treat independents like dopes, your ass gets railroaded out in this country. Its always been that way.

Just judging from these numbers--it's not just independants--it's democrats and confirmed Obamabot's that are getting real tired of this national Obama hangover.

Realistically--Jimmy Carter--the worst of the worst--didn't even come down this fast in 18 months. It took 2-1/2 to 3 years for his administration to see 41% approval.

We will remember Obama--as the President who woke up each day--and had to come up with someone to blame each day.

Proving again that this country is a center/right country.

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41% s0ns!!!!

Its one of the top stories over at DRUDGE at the moment. You'll have to chase the link down yourselves s0ns.:lol: Im too caught up laughing to get ahold of myself enough to post up a link, in fact, Im downright giddy for the last 5 minutes since I saw it posted up over there. this escalator up or did I miss a meeting or something?? Months ago, when Obama was still in the low 50's in terms of approval, I promised all the lefties on here that it was indeed escalator down. But nope...........all I got was the perpetual posting up of, "Skooks..........your a kook..........go look at the RCP Average!!" Which of course led to many, many Photobucket Classics afterwards predicting doom and gloom for the American left.

Which leads to a serious question for USMessage Board liberals..............

Are you all not a little more than shocked that this has happened as quickly as it has..........such a precipitious fall?? I mean........Im kinda shocked. The only person I know who predicted this to happen so fast was Rush Limbaugh and I was highy skeptical. But I gotta terms of political prognostication, the guy is right about 97% of the time, and certainly here................

Anyway.............just curious as to the level of :eek::eek::eek:

Really? Didn't some of you say it was a lot lower than that?
Where's the, "Congressional Democrats are still doing better than Republicans" and "So what, there isn't an election right now, this is just a poll"?

Somebody from the left call me a racist. I know you want to. lol

So tell me. Has America become 10% more racist in the last six months? Is it just possible we can't stand the poor, wretched and ineffective leadership? hit the nail on the head. He treats people like they are stupid. Like today.........ranting about "them" and "their idea's" and "the past". It displays one thing very clearly: no leadership. He dosnt have a single thing to stand on and defend regarding his own policies. Its called leadership fAiL. Independents cant be bamboozled like alot of the Obama base, many who have the IQ of a handball. You treat independents like dopes, your ass gets railroaded out in this country. Its always been that way.

He has never gotten out of campaign mode. He also has never been challenged from any interviewer. It's easy to have the nickname "No Drama, Obama", when there is no discourse accepted.
and what 11% for republicans, no wonder no one is stepping out of that pile of shit.
and democrats don't care that his number are low while he's doing heavy lifting.
The scary thing for you guys is all he has to do is beat some old fat mcsame republican in 12.
At 1 1/2 years, where was Rondal Regan's approval ratings? Seriously.....any idea? How did that turn out?

Spin lately?

Whose gives a Dog Poo - We are here and now, beside the Country and the World were better off with Reagan than BO even dreamed of being.

Where you old enough back in Reagan's day to know what was going on? or are you listening to propaganda from other turds like you who were not old enough to wipe their butts back then either.


I posted this a couple weeks ago and a couple libtards laughed and said Obama is a great leader. but here are a few major things he doesn't understand that make him a shitty leader.

A) When you take over a job, you take it over in it's entirely, what your predecessor did is irrelevant to your own success or lack thereof

B) A good leader NEVER throws his subordinates under the bus, instead he praises them for his successes and takes the blame for their failures - in public at least

C) A good leader NEVER makes snap decisions, EVER not under ANY circumstances.

D) A good leader never asks people to do that which he isn't willing to do himself.

E) A good leader sets a good example.

If he corrected any three of those items I'd be willing to cut him some slack.

The highlighted is one of the most important

BO has a Title only, he dern sure is not a president.
thanks Klansman, though we really didn't expect you to support anybody not white old and fat.

Trailer park much?
41% s0ns!!!!

Its one of the top stories over at DRUDGE at the moment. You'll have to chase the link down yourselves s0ns.:lol: Im too caught up laughing to get ahold of myself enough to post up a link, in fact, Im downright giddy for the last 5 minutes since I saw it posted up over there. this escalator up or did I miss a meeting or something?? Months ago, when Obama was still in the low 50's in terms of approval, I promised all the lefties on here that it was indeed escalator down. But nope...........all I got was the perpetual posting up of, "Skooks..........your a kook..........go look at the RCP Average!!" Which of course led to many, many Photobucket Classics afterwards predicting doom and gloom for the American left.

Which leads to a serious question for USMessage Board liberals..............

Are you all not a little more than shocked that this has happened as quickly as it has..........such a precipitious fall?? I mean........Im kinda shocked. The only person I know who predicted this to happen so fast was Rush Limbaugh and I was highy skeptical. But I gotta terms of political prognostication, the guy is right about 97% of the time, and certainly here................

Anyway.............just curious as to the level of :eek::eek::eek:

At 1 1/2 years, where was Rondal Regan's approval ratings? Seriously.....any idea? How did that turn out?

The shit stain isn't Reagan and cant hold a candle to him