Shiva/Saraswati: Reading Rainbows


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What makes capitalism so darn intriguing is its special contouring of both human imagination and social paranoia. Here's a Christmastime consumerism reflective folk-tale involving the two folk-deities Shiva (god of destruction!) and Saraswati (goddess of learning!) involved in a special Earth-mission to spread an incendiary message about civilization capitalism-dread (and demonology)! This was inspired by the fun film Capitalism: A Love Story. Thanks for reading (and enjoy!),


Shiva and Saraswati were an unlikely couple in the heavens of the Himalayas. Shiva had just separated from his two goddess-wives Kali and Durga and engaged in a newfound romance with the younger goddess Saraswati, who was a scholar of music and learning. Shiva was already the established god of destruction and meditation. The two deities decided to engage in a special mission about the role of capitalism rebellion in the modern world and specifically in America, the world's official Big Brother of capitalism. Shiva/Saraswati decided that a peculiar branch of capitalism rebellion was bank robbery, so they decided to create a special bank robbery mission to spread the message about the dragon of modern era intellectualism regarding the frailty of federalism on Earth. The two deities had become the great partners in this 'spiritual crime' of human imagination.


SHIVA: Let's transform into Batman and Catwoman in America!
SARASWATI: Yes, those two comic book avatars signify capitalism metaphysics.
SHIVA: Yes they do; they represent American idealism towards federalism defense.


SHIVA: We'll rob the Salk Bank in California.
SARASWATI: They hold diamonds in their vault estimated to be worth over $50 million.


Now folks, the Salk Bank in California is no joke. It's a real gem. It's a fortress of complete architectural splendor and treasure holdings. The vault holds diamonds worth a great deal, as Saraswati has already relayed to us! That's why Shiva (Batman) and Saraswati (Catwoman) planned a media-driven diamond-heist of this immaculate fortress in California. Let's follow them.


SARASWATI: "What makes Shiva/Batman great is his meditation on fortune, and I feel like a professional intellectual in this mission."


SHIVA: "I'll transform into an Algerian-American investment banker with a grudge against modern federalism, named Amlan Satan."


SARASWATI: "I'll wear a rabbit-mask for the diamond-heist of the Salk Bank, to signify a focus on Christian/Eastern imagination!"


Shiva (Batman) and Saraswati (Catwoman) walked into the Salk Bank in California disguised/costumed as members of a theater group investing in modern banking and preparing for an upcoming street performance about toy marketing in American capitalism. They were carrying toy water-uzis. What the bank manager didn't know when he greeted the duo was that their water-guns were inserted with a special protective glass tube containing highly-corrosive HCL acid!


Shiva (Batman) was costumed as a Middle Eastern terrorist, claiming he portrayed a character in the California theater group representing new age angst towards capitalism-flowery!


Saraswati (Catwoman), in her rabbit-mask, complemented Shiva (Batman) with her distinctive rabbit-mask, claiming her character from the California theater group represented modern angst towards federalism in a Christian-dominant American. The bank manager escorted the two toy-theater 'thespians' into the diamond vault-room to witness the securities. The duo had arrived at the Salk Bank in California in a lavish (rented!) white-colored Lamborghini sports-car.


After their successful heist of the Salk Bank in California, Shiva (Batman) and Saraswati (Catwoman) invested their traded diamond-money from Antwerp into a special investor think-tank at the prestigious MIT in Massachusetts. The duo was involved in a think-tank project about the history of communications regarding federalism rebellion in America. The MIT study was evaluating the role of anarchism in US history, in cases involving Bonnie and Clyde, Sacco and Vanzetti, and Steve Jobs and Bill Gates!


SHIVA: We'll make a recording of our research on audio tapes!
SARASWATI: These tapes will include discussions of new age capitalism intrigue.
SHIVA: We'll talk about the Gulf War, Enron, Whitewater, Wall Street, and Internet hackers!
SARASWATI: Supreme, Shiva.
SHIVA: Call me...Batman!


Meanwhile, a serious ISIS terrorist rally was ensuing in the Middle East, and the White House was very nervous about the quality of new age capitalism and democracy rhetoric in Western Civilization and if companies like British Petroleum (BP) and NASDAQ were secure from the real threat of anti-capitalism wrath.


Shiva (Batman) and Saraswati (Catwoman) hyped their diamond-heist of the Salk Bank in California for a special children's education initiative involving the PBS program Reading Rainbow, in which the educator (Burton) talked to kids about the role of modern technology in the education of consumerism consciousness (e.g., eBay, Barnes & Noble, Citizens Bank, Grand Theft Auto video-games, etc.).


SHIVA (Batman): I'll talk to kids about Bonnie and Clyde.
SARASWATI (Catwoman): I'll talk to kids about Annie Oakley!
SHIVA: Kids like folk-tales about civilization energy.
SARASWATI: They must learn about the contours of civilization dogma!


Shiva (Batman) and Saraswati (Catwoman) didn't want American youngsters to think theft or robbery was romantic, despite the glaring fact that iconic/legendary thieves and bank robbers like Bonnie and Clyde were nearly deified in media and cinema. They wanted rather for Americans in modern civilization to focus on the energy and hubris of capitalism flowery and why such thoughts built dramatic ideas and dialogue regarding the flow and frailty of capitalism devastation. This was, after all, the Age of Diet.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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