Shite Happens..And It Had To Happen To HER For Her To Finally Speak Out


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Nancy Freaks: Man Poops On Her Property & She Gets Trolled By CNBC Host On  Live TV | Opinion

After Man Live-Streams Pooping in Her Driveway,
Nancy Pelosi Finally Speaks Against Anarchy

Who knew that all it would take was a man live-streaming himself taking a dump in her driveway?

"Nancy Pelosi, after months of pandering or outright ignoring the issue, has finally come out against rioting, looting, and violence. She took to the House floor to give her typical partisan diatribe, but what was included was a pretty pointed denouncement of the behavior we’ve been seeing in American cities since early summer."

"We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting (or POOPING in my driveway). They should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness."
-- Speaker Pelosi


View attachment 390147
After Man Live-Streams Pooping in Her Driveway,
Nancy Pelosi Finally Speaks Against Anarchy

Who knew that all it would take was a man live-streaming himself taking a dump in her driveway?

"Nancy Pelosi, after months of pandering or outright ignoring the issue, has finally come out against rioting, looting, and violence. She took to the House floor to give her typical partisan diatribe, but what was included was a pretty pointed denouncement of the behavior we’ve been seeing in American cities since early summer."

"We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting (or POOPING in my driveway). They should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness."
-- Speaker Pelosi


Her hair looks nice.
View attachment 390147
After Man Live-Streams Pooping in Her Driveway,
Nancy Pelosi Finally Speaks Against Anarchy

Who knew that all it would take was a man live-streaming himself taking a dump in her driveway?

"Nancy Pelosi, after months of pandering or outright ignoring the issue, has finally come out against rioting, looting, and violence. She took to the House floor to give her typical partisan diatribe, but what was included was a pretty pointed denouncement of the behavior we’ve been seeing in American cities since early summer."

"We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting (or POOPING in my driveway). They should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness."
-- Speaker Pelosi


Her hair looks nice.
Her hairdresser set her up for a nice do.
Some people say that she spoke out against anarchy because the polls indicate that many voters think the Dem leadership is abetting such anarchy.

Although the polls assure us that the Dems will clean President Trump's clock in 40+ days, it appears that Ms. Nancy might be getting nervous.

Regarding the gentleman doing No. 2 in her driveway, that is really gross. And he should be punished appropriately. I liked it, though, when peaceful demonstrators in front of her home mocked her beauty salon escapade.

Sadly, it looks as if Ms. Nancy is going to be Speaker for at least two more years before President Biden gently eases her into retirement.
Yep, right after Nancy was set up and had her tree decorated with hair blowers and curlers
they sure did a 360 opening SF hair salons and nail shops

"The salon owner and hair dresser FORCED me to come in without a mask and have my hair done..."

Pelosi: Trump is No Longer Commander-in-Chief After Release of FISA Memo -  Blunt Force Truth

'911...some deplorable Trump supporter
just defecated on my driveway. I demand
you come right now and do something!'

-- 'We will send a unit right over, madam Speaker.'


"Good Boy!"

View attachment 390147
After Man Live-Streams Pooping in Her Driveway,
Nancy Pelosi Finally Speaks Against Anarchy

Who knew that all it would take was a man live-streaming himself taking a dump in her driveway?

"Nancy Pelosi, after months of pandering or outright ignoring the issue, has finally come out against rioting, looting, and violence. She took to the House floor to give her typical partisan diatribe, but what was included was a pretty pointed denouncement of the behavior we’ve been seeing in American cities since early summer."

"We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting (or POOPING in my driveway). They should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness."
-- Speaker Pelosi


Did the concerned octogenarian have the entitled empathy to at least send the fecal matter in for a test for colon cancer?
View attachment 390147
After Man Live-Streams Pooping in Her Driveway,
Nancy Pelosi Finally Speaks Against Anarchy

Who knew that all it would take was a man live-streaming himself taking a dump in her driveway?

"Nancy Pelosi, after months of pandering or outright ignoring the issue, has finally come out against rioting, looting, and violence. She took to the House floor to give her typical partisan diatribe, but what was included was a pretty pointed denouncement of the behavior we’ve been seeing in American cities since early summer."

"We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting (or POOPING in my driveway). They should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness."
-- Speaker Pelosi


Her hair looks nice.

View attachment 390147
After Man Live-Streams Pooping in Her Driveway,
Nancy Pelosi Finally Speaks Against Anarchy

Who knew that all it would take was a man live-streaming himself taking a dump in her driveway?

"Nancy Pelosi, after months of pandering or outright ignoring the issue, has finally come out against rioting, looting, and violence. She took to the House floor to give her typical partisan diatribe, but what was included was a pretty pointed denouncement of the behavior we’ve been seeing in American cities since early summer."

"We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting (or POOPING in my driveway). They should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness."
-- Speaker Pelosi


Yes, but everyone else supports pooping on Nancy Pelosi's driveway

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