Shit Got Real and I Didn't Even Know Until Now-Did You?

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Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016

They have lost their fucking minds

This has gone too fucking far already

I read an article yesterday saying that we would have to
wear masks, social distance for at least a year, likely longer...I'll look in my history

I'm like, WHAAAAT

My advice to those of you who think people like myself
have an obligation to become prisoners of your fears for your wellbeing....

The resistance isn't just coming from conservatives, you know. Far left leaders in New Jersey as well as Michigan are already saying "enough". Further, the success of forward thinking states like Florida and Georgia and Mississippi are going to put pressure on the Kim Jong Un wannabes out there. In addition, the court system, in Wisconsin, Oregon, etc. are putting legal pressure on doofuses in government. Lastly, the failure of states to raise tax money is what will cause the libs to throw in the towel if nothing else does.

They have lost their fucking minds

This has gone too fucking far already

I read an article yesterday saying that we would have to
wear masks, social distance for at least a year, likely longer...I'll look in my history

I'm like, WHAAAAT

My advice to those of you who think people like myself
have an obligation to become prisoners of your fears for your wellbeing....


I think this was about a week ago.. But I'm in the "Covid Time Zone"... LOL...

Guy walked this back a bit within hours... Don't remember HOW -- but he did.. Possibly saying this did NOT apply to FAMILY homes...

Anyway.,., Good LUCK with all that tracing and hope LA has a HUGE BUDGET for the lawsuits that are gonna pile up for years...

They have lost their fucking minds

This has gone too fucking far already

I read an article yesterday saying that we would have to
wear masks, social distance for at least a year, likely longer...I'll look in my history

I'm like, WHAAAAT

My advice to those of you who think people like myself
have an obligation to become prisoners of your fears for your wellbeing....


No one has a right to good health
I don't know who this Del Bigtree is, but he's a trouble maker. That's the stupidest damned fool statement about contact tracing I've heard yet. Meant solely to ignite your hair on fire, which it has.

No one would consider taking sick young kids away, not any more than that phony letter that was circulating last week (also a California hoax) saying if welfare recipients weren't tested by June 1, their children would be taken into foster care.
The resistance isn't just coming from conservatives, you know. Far left leaders in New Jersey as well as Michigan are already saying "enough". Further, the success of forward thinking states like Florida and Georgia and Mississippi are going to put pressure on the Kim Jong Un wannabes out there. In addition, the court system, in Wisconsin, Oregon, etc. are putting legal pressure on doofuses in government. Lastly, the failure of states to raise tax money is what will cause the libs to throw in the towel if nothing else does.
Thank you. All these turds trying to make it into a Left Right thing need to chill out
I don't know who this Del Bigtree is, but he's a trouble maker. That's the stupidest damned fool statement about contact tracing I've heard yet. Meant solely to ignite your hair on fire, which it has.

No one would consider taking sick young kids away, not any more than that phony letter that was circulating last week (also a California hoax) saying if welfare recipients weren't tested by June 1, their children would be taken into foster care.

Del was simply reacting to what the fool on the video said. The fool ended up walking it back....the end.
No one would consider taking sick young kids away, not any more than that phony letter that was circulating last week (also a California hoax) saying if welfare recipients weren't tested by June 1, their children would be taken into foster care.
Wow! That's a first I have heard or read that. After all, California is the Nanny state...go figure!

They have lost their fucking minds

This has gone too fucking far already

I read an article yesterday saying that we would have to
wear masks, social distance for at least a year, likely longer...I'll look in my history

I'm like, WHAAAAT

My advice to those of you who think people like myself
have an obligation to become prisoners of your fears for your wellbeing....


What you do is up to you to an extent. I get out a lot for local shopping. A lot of employees being required to were masks. If your employer says do it, you will probably do it. I wear a mask inside store, but not outside. Masks seem to be about 30% plus in the stores. I do not mind standing back 6 feet on the "X" waiting for the next person to check out. I don't crowd anybody, nobody has crowded me, and I do not see it happening anytime soon. If they did, I would have no problem saying excuse me I am trying to social distance because I am COVID positive, but had to pick up some things. I'm not, but would have no problem with that lie. If that did not work, I would be glad to tell the jerk to go ahead of me, so that I could distance from him. I do not know where you live, but maybe it is different where you are and nobody would say a thing to you, but pretty sure people who are taking precautions would think nasty thoughts and physically step away from you, cause we don't know if you have it or not. Many of us are in the high probability for bad outcomes age group. Others are conscientious just because they actually have relatives or friends in the at risk group. What you end up doing depends on you and the people and places you interact in.
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I don't know who this Del Bigtree is, but he's a trouble maker. That's the stupidest damned fool statement about contact tracing I've heard yet. Meant solely to ignite your hair on fire, which it has.

No one would consider taking sick young kids away, not any more than that phony letter that was circulating last week (also a California hoax) saying if welfare recipients weren't tested by June 1, their children would be taken into foster care.

Del was simply reacting to what the fool on the video said. The fool ended up walking it back....the end.
Did the "fool" say he was going to take young children away and put them in quarantine? Please tell me at what min/sec he did that.

They have lost their fucking minds

This has gone too fucking far already

I read an article yesterday saying that we would have to
wear masks, social distance for at least a year, likely longer...I'll look in my history

I'm like, WHAAAAT

My advice to those of you who think people like myself
have an obligation to become prisoners of your fears for your wellbeing....


Let's just get it over and isolate everybody.

DAYUM. The Democrats sure are getting a hard on enjoying treating the American people both as a contagion to be suppressed while convincing themselves it is their moral right and duty to do so!
They were already threads on this over a week ago when this first broke and this was debunked
I don't know who this Del Bigtree is, but he's a trouble maker. That's the stupidest damned fool statement about contact tracing I've heard yet. Meant solely to ignite your hair on fire, which it has.

No one would consider taking sick young kids away, not any more than that phony letter that was circulating last week (also a California hoax) saying if welfare recipients weren't tested by June 1, their children would be taken into foster care.

After 3 or 4 months of living close quarters with them --- you might change your mind.. :2up:

But hey.. I bet the cages to keep people IN these forced detentions are REALLY well lit... We just had a braindead episode up in Nashville.. Homeless guy tested positive for Covid.. Police escorted him to a "lock down" makeshift quarters at the Fairgrounds.. Which is OK to HAVE if you're NOT INVOLUNTARILY committing people.,..

This guy jumped the fence, got arrested and is NOW in the jail that they wanted to be "covid free"...

Totalitarian rule is a bitch.. Not for sissies... Need some really ruthless ones to make all this "contact tracing" and forced detenttion useful...
I don't know who this Del Bigtree is, but he's a trouble maker. That's the stupidest damned fool statement about contact tracing I've heard yet. Meant solely to ignite your hair on fire, which it has.

No one would consider taking sick young kids away, not any more than that phony letter that was circulating last week (also a California hoax) saying if welfare recipients weren't tested by June 1, their children would be taken into foster care.

Del was simply reacting to what the fool on the video said. The fool ended up walking it back....the end.

He didn't walk ENOUGH of it back... So it's STILL an example of "nanny police state:" trying to get traction out in Cali...
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