'Sheer craziness': Biden makes deported illegals eligible for citizenship


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
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More in the face of the American people.

They are hell-bent on getting as many in as possible and then amnesty; heck, they are suing Arizona for simply asking for proof of citizenship to vote.

Biden says: Fuck you, America.

Under a new Biden administration policy, illegal aliens who are deported from the United States no longer are forced to wait outside the country for up to 10 years before applying for legal status.
The law was meant to deter people from trying to live in the country illegally, the Washington Times reported.
Previously, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services would have denied any application for legal status under the so-called three-year/10-year rule. That meant that anyone without legal status for at least six months but less than a year had to depart and wait three years before applying to come back legally. Anyone in the country illegally for more than a year had to wait 10 years.
"We won’t ask you where you've been during your inadmissible period, and you don't tell us. It's sheer craziness," Gonzalez said.
The new DHS policy states "noncitizen’s location during the statutory 3-year or 10-year period and the noncitizen’s manner of return to the United States during the statutory 3-year or 10-year period are irrelevant for purposes of determining inadmissibility."
Robert Law, who led the USCIS policy office for the Trump administration, told the Washington Times the policy is "basically an invitation for any deported alien to pay the cartels to smuggle them back into the U.S. while they let the clock run out."
The Times said the policy will apply retroactively. That means migrants previously denied can file motions to reopen their cases.

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Imagine that! :rolleyes:
His goal is to destroy the nation. It's gratifying to see others saying so.
The corrupt Democrat Party regards American Citizens to be their opposition and illegal aliens to be their saviors.
Are any of you losing your citizenship because of this?
This is happening because there aren't enough illiterate nincompoops to keep Democrats in power.
Arizona requires an ID to vote and to get that ID you must prove citizenship, to register to vote you must prove citizenship, why does Arizona think it needs more safeguards when they already have them?
More in the face of the American people.

They are hell-bent on getting as many in as possible and then amnesty; heck, they are suing Arizona for simply asking for proof of citizenship to vote.

Biden says: Fuck you, America.

Under a new Biden administration policy, illegal aliens who are deported from the United States no longer are forced to wait outside the country for up to 10 years before applying for legal status.
The law was meant to deter people from trying to live in the country illegally, the Washington Times reported.
Previously, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services would have denied any application for legal status under the so-called three-year/10-year rule. That meant that anyone without legal status for at least six months but less than a year had to depart and wait three years before applying to come back legally. Anyone in the country illegally for more than a year had to wait 10 years.
"We won’t ask you where you've been during your inadmissible period, and you don't tell us. It's sheer craziness," Gonzalez said.
The new DHS policy states "noncitizen’s location during the statutory 3-year or 10-year period and the noncitizen’s manner of return to the United States during the statutory 3-year or 10-year period are irrelevant for purposes of determining inadmissibility."
Robert Law, who led the USCIS policy office for the Trump administration, told the Washington Times the policy is "basically an invitation for any deported alien to pay the cartels to smuggle them back into the U.S. while they let the clock run out."
The Times said the policy will apply retroactively. That means migrants previously denied can file motions to reopen their cases.

Don't forget, it isn't just Biden. Don't put the blame on just him.

The entire administration is to blame here. All of them.

If we got rid of Biden right now there would still a lot of his people still in control and running the show. Biden is just the dandelion head, if you cut it off the roots are still there and it will continue to grow and spread till the yard is full of weeds. You have to get it out by the roots. And the current administration has many long reaching roots.

So yes blame Biden but don't forget he didn't do all this shit purely on his own.
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