She really was attacked!


So the Obama campaign worker told the truth.

And the McCain campaign worker made up her story out of whole cloth. And worse than that, she tried to link her attack in a classic race-bait by blaming it on black men.
Hmmm... why isn't this in big, bold, red letters on Drudge? Why isn't FoxNews breaking into regular programming and talking about this??
because drudge is a totally non objective site ran for conservatives. yes he puts inflamatory headlines in big red letters with his little siren....then he puts the real story or the retraction in regular font for one day. he loves celeb stories. they will stay up longer than true news stories. why not just read free least the freepers dont pretend to be objective lol....(if gunny werent a closet liberal....i would bet he would be freeper.)
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Why aren't the righties on the boards attacking her for being in enemy territory?:eek:
How very sad that the McCain false rant about ACORN has paid off these types of dividends
why do you think this guy accused the 58 year old woman of being from ACORN when he attacked her?
What about the fact that she was asked to leave and didn't. I agree his actions where out of line but what about her own. She was asked to leave she should of left. It was on his property.
What about the fact that she was asked to leave and didn't. I agree his actions where out of line but what about her own. She was asked to leave she should of left. It was on his property.

Just "out of line"?

If you're a man, and a female is on your property, and you want them to leave, and they don't, you call the police and let them handle it.

You do NOT beat the shit out of her yourself.

That shouldn't have even been a question, IMO. Hell, if it's two guys, you still call the police; you don't beat the shit out of someone for just not leaving.
A token asian Obama campaign worker was attacked. I wonder if she's anything like the token asian correspondent on Family Guy?

Just "out of line"?

If you're a man, and a female is on your property, and you want them to leave, and they don't, you call the police and let them handle it.

You do NOT beat the shit out of her yourself.

That shouldn't have even been a question, IMO. Hell, if it's two guys, you still call the police; you don't beat the shit out of someone for just not leaving.

I agree he was out of line. But for a campaign worker not to respect a home owner when asked to leave is out of line too. He should of refused to talk to her and called the police to remove her but she should of left when asked to.
I agree he was out of line. But for a campaign worker not to respect a home owner when asked to leave is out of line too. He should of refused to talk to her and called the police to remove her but she should of left when asked to.

True enough, but he's still more in the wrong by a LONG shot, no matter how you try to slice and dice it. Saying he was just "out of line" is just a load of BS.
True enough, but he's still more in the wrong by a LONG shot, no matter how you try to slice and dice it. Saying he was just "out of line" is just a load of BS.

:lol: I think you read more in to it that I meant it to be. He clearly didn't think his actions through. That's why he's the one being charged.
This guy should spend some time in a cell with a sex crazed 300 pounder.
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