She Looks Like a He-She

If anyone had any doubts that senior exclusively purchased the benny-boys during his port calls, he just removed those doubts.

("Benny-boys" are Filipino transvestite prostitutes. After downing a couple San Miguels, types like Senior would be all over them.)
Ok....on one hand I'm disgusted by this. Kids are off limits. Everyone can attest to the fact that I never mention a politicians kids (unless they too become one like the Bush family).

But then I remember the lefts infatuation with the Palin kids.

So lefties....are kids off limits or not?
They are donated or given to wear for the moment to promote the product...

Sure, donated. Like Rezko donated that land to Obama
No, by law....Reagan's friends had to help him pay a million dollar fine for clothing given to Mrs. Reagan because of donor laws established in the late 1970's and early 1980's..

So you and the rest of the "Eat the Rich" brigade are OK with a kid wearing a $20,000 dress?

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