SHAFFER: Here’s The Evidence Of Widespread Election Fraud.

The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.

Why didn't this "poll watcher" take his "evidence" to the courts, rather than posting it in a "questionable source" website?

  • Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as affiliation with a known questionable group, and a few failed fact checks.

The only "massive fraud" that has taken place is the "fundraising" that Trump is doing under the banner of "stop the steal".

They did. He and 2 or 3 other official poll-watchers signed affidavits and were submitted in court cases.. Penn SupCtt CREATED THIS MESS.. Their not gonna admit they were wrong and don't want to SEE the evidence. Have to get to a hearing by going around these traitors that violated their OWN STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS by "inventing law" just prior to a election.. Things that could ONLY LEGALLY get done in the Penn Legislature..
They did. He and 2 or 3 other official poll-watchers signed affidavits and were submitted in court cases.. Penn SupCtt CREATED THIS MESS.. Their not gonna admit they were wrong and don't want to SEE the evidence. Have to get to a hearing by going around these traitors that violated their OWN STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS by "inventing law" just prior to a election.. Things that could ONLY LEGALLY get done in the Penn Legislature
Which law was “ invented” just prior to an election and by whom?
See the case notes.

Asking people to follow documented process. Like obama did.

The first whistleblower was Gregory Stenstrom, a Navy veteran and computer scientist who served as a Republican poll watcher in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia. After a five-hour battle just to gain access to the centralized counting center, Stenstrom witnessed a number of significant abnormalities and breaches of protocol.

Stenstrom was at ground zero of the Democrat’s cheat — the point where all their preparation had to (and did) come together

First, Stenstrom saw election workers carrying postal trays full of ballots out of a locked back room. When he asked for access to the room in order to observe what was going on inside — something he was entitled to do as a credentialed election observer — he was flatly refused by an election supervisor. After offering a number of increasingly flimsy excuses, the supervisor eventually exclaimed, “there’s no fraud going on” — as though her assurances should have been considered the final word on the matter.

There has been massive fraud. Screaming NOOOOOOdoesnt change this.

Why didn't this "poll watcher" take his "evidence" to the courts, rather than posting it in a "questionable source" website?

  • Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as affiliation with a known questionable group, and a few failed fact checks.

The only "massive fraud" that has taken place is the "fundraising" that Trump is doing under the banner of "stop the steal".

They did. He and 2 or 3 other official poll-watchers signed affidavits and were submitted in court cases.. Penn SupCtt CREATED THIS MESS.. Their not gonna admit they were wrong and don't want to SEE the evidence. Have to get to a hearing by going around these traitors that violated their OWN STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS by "inventing law" just prior to a election.. Things that could ONLY LEGALLY get done in the Penn Legislature..
They did. He and 2 or 3 other official poll-watchers signed affidavits and were submitted in court cases.. Penn SupCtt CREATED THIS MESS.. Their not gonna admit they were wrong and don't want to SEE the evidence. Have to get to a hearing by going around these traitors that violated their OWN STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS by "inventing law" just prior to a election.. Things that could ONLY LEGALLY get done in the Penn Legislature
Which law was “ invented” just prior to an election and by whom?

How come you dont KNOW THIS?? It's because in what USED TO BE "Free America" the media has belligerently refused to cover any of this..

I think I told you already.. Of the 4 primary states where last minute election law changes happened by elements of the State's Executive branch - the pattern is much the same.

In the Penn State CONSTITUTION -- not even just in a "law" -- it spells out the boundaries of "absentee voting".. Goes into great detail on what is required for security and accuracy. Requires signature matching on the RETURNS. Requires POSTMARKS on the returns. Requires a "date certain" for logging in mailed back ballots -- etc..

THE ONLY BODY in a state that can modify or tinker with election laws is the STATEHOUSE.. In Penn -- the Gov and Sec State went to Legislature less than 60 days before voting started and ASKED them to remove some of the requirements. They were refused.. The Gov/Sec State and various other interests got their SupCt to give them MORE than what they asked for..

No Signature matches.. No Postmarks required. Date Certain extended by 3 days WITHOUT PROOF of when it was mailed.. And the BONUS PRIZE WAS -- these traitors even SUGGESTED that precincts could open and "peek" at mail ballots PRIOR TO ELECTION DAY.. And give voters a chance to "cure their errors".. But did not command that ALL precincts had to do so..

Thus the intended clusterfuck cum election steal was on.. Once the packaging was REMOVED from the ballots -- all that "chain of custody" proof was gone with the wind.. Couldn't tell WHO signed for the ballot or when or EVEN IF it was received..

In Michigan -- they turned this cheat fest into a Publisher's Clearing House type ad hoc MASS MAIL OUT.. The RECEIVED 140,000 MORE ballots than their logs showed were mailed out.. The logs show ballots RECEIVED before the date of mailing.. It's voting day in Zimbabwe for America.

Can't survive this way as a country.. The blame (as the SupCt ruled today) lies with the STATE LEGISLATURES that take a siesta while their Constitutional authority was violated. And didn't challenge the set-up to the steal..

It's because Republicans were CAMPAIGNING, while Democrats were hacking election laws. Probably the reason the Biden Campaign could lock his cage at 10AM so many days and not worry about the vote...

Never gonna get the joy of simultaneous OUTRAGE in this country anymore.. I'm not taking any side here OTHER THAN THE FREAKING SURVIVAL of America.

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