Sexual Harassment Video: What Does It Say About Us?

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

Men's responses are what they're going on about. We say it's nothing and benign, but to the women it might mean a great deal. Shouldn't be whistling or lobbing sexist remarks at strangers on the street. It's inappropriate and rude. To the people who think it's benign, yes, one occasion's benign. But women who get it many times every day probably get tired of it. It's as good as an offer for cheap meaningless sex, and when it happens frequently it begins to settle in a person's mind and that's all they're good for - sex. Too much of a good thing then and precisely why you shouldn't do it.
I think the same video could have been made in the 1980's.

maybe even the 70's.

but it's a terrible approach to women. most of these lames are either virgins or theyre picking from the bottom of the barrell.

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

Why did the woman include men saying hi to her in her edited video if she did not think it was harassment?Her whole intention and point was to show harassment.

I merely expanded and elaborated that this video actually reveals her prejudices and since our posts really are seen by all, it was not necessarily just addressing you.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

Men's responses are what they're going on about. We say it's nothing and benign, but to the women it might mean a great deal. Shouldn't be whistling or lobbing sexist remarks at strangers on the street. It's inappropriate and rude. To the people who think it's benign, yes, one occasion's benign. But women who get it many times every day probably get tired of it. It's as good as an offer for cheap meaningless sex, and when it happens frequently it begins to settle in a person's mind and that's all they're good for - sex. Too much of a good thing then and precisely why you shouldn't do it.


I think the same video could have been made in the 1980's.

maybe even the 70's.

but it's a terrible approach to women. most of these lames are either virgins or theyre picking from the bottom of the barrell.

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".

I think the same video could have been made in the 1980's.

maybe even the 70's.

but it's a terrible approach to women. most of these lames are either virgins or theyre picking from the bottom of the barrell.

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.
In ten hours, she got four minutes of comments. That's pretty benign. It's nothing. It means that for 9 hours and 56 minutes no one said anything at all. The creepiest guy didn't say anything. He was following her. That's worth mentioning, but she might have been followed because she was being evaluated for a robbery too.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

Men's responses are what they're going on about. We say it's nothing and benign, but to the women it might mean a great deal. Shouldn't be whistling or lobbing sexist remarks at strangers on the street. It's inappropriate and rude. To the people who think it's benign, yes, one occasion's benign. But women who get it many times every day probably get tired of it. It's as good as an offer for cheap meaningless sex, and when it happens frequently it begins to settle in a person's mind and that's all they're good for - sex. Too much of a good thing then and precisely why you shouldn't do it.

What? Crikey!! Seriously, if someone took me saying "Hi" or "G'day" as an offer then that is very wrong indeed. Why would it be interpreted as that's all that they're good for? Methinks one is over-analysing. Sure": there are jerks "out there" but there is a lot of quite innocent friendly stuff as well. One should not paint all comments with the same brush.


Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

Men's responses are what they're going on about. We say it's nothing and benign, but to the women it might mean a great deal. Shouldn't be whistling or lobbing sexist remarks at strangers on the street. It's inappropriate and rude. To the people who think it's benign, yes, one occasion's benign. But women who get it many times every day probably get tired of it. It's as good as an offer for cheap meaningless sex, and when it happens frequently it begins to settle in a person's mind and that's all they're good for - sex. Too much of a good thing then and precisely why you shouldn't do it.

What? Crikey!! Seriously, if someone took me saying "Hi" or "G'day" as an offer then that is very wrong indeed. Why would it be interpreted as that's all that they're good for? Methinks one is over-analysing. Sure": there are jerks "out there" but there is a lot of quite innocent friendly stuff as well. One should not paint all comments with the same brush.


If the world weren't plagued currently with a rape pandemic, if women weren't sexualized and demeaned everywhere, then a polite observation might be more acceptable. But as it stands, the world is royally fucked up when it comes to women and instead of adding to it we should attempt to do whatever women would like us to do, especially when it doesn't involve anything more than not being rude or inappropriate to them.

Women don't exist to pleasure men. If you don't compliment men on their appearence, don't do it to women.
I don't think that men paying attention to you and saying hello is harassment. That is just silly. Obviously this woman is full of herself. I don't know what the big fuss is anyway. The only thing she's got going for her is her breasts. She's kind of chubby (probably be fat in a couple of years). Her face is kind of . . . ugly, and she walks just like a dude! :lol: I wonder what would happen if a REALLY pretty girl were to do this?
I think the same video could have been made in the 1980's.

maybe even the 70's.

but it's a terrible approach to women. most of these lames are either virgins or theyre picking from the bottom of the barrell.

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.

What? So every time a check-out-chick says "have a nice day" she's sizing me up?? Mate: I'm really UGLY!! What you are saying is a nonsense. Sure: inappropriate is one how many of those comments were inappropriate? Most seemed quite neutral. Some I didn't "get" of course. But saying that "comments" escalate to "inappropriate remarks" is just ridiculous. How many friendly comments escalate? And what in your mind constitutes a "comment"? I would have no hesitation saying "what a lovely day" to a stranger; or "it's hot" as I pass anyone who looks a bit hot (from the sun) but to suggest I want to fvck them is pathetic!!

I think the same video could have been made in the 1980's.

maybe even the 70's.

but it's a terrible approach to women. most of these lames are either virgins or theyre picking from the bottom of the barrell.

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.

What? So every time a check-out-chick says "have a nice day" she's sizing me up?? Mate: I'm really UGLY!! What you are saying is a nonsense. Sure: inappropriate is one how many of those comments were inappropriate? Most seemed quite neutral. Some I didn't "get" of course. But saying that "comments" escalate to "inappropriate remarks" is just ridiculous. How many friendly comments escalate? And what in your mind constitutes a "comment"? I would have no hesitation saying "what a lovely day" to a stranger; or "it's hot" as I pass anyone who looks a bit hot (from the sun) but to suggest I want to fvck them is pathetic!!


You're part of the problem thinking it's ok. It's not ok. More you claim it is, more you stand out as the problem child who needs correction.

Forgive me, but it seemed like almost all of the cases of harassment were fairly benign. The group that made this video is trying to claim that a woman can't walk through Manhattan without being harassed by men. Seemed to me the girl looked good and most of the comments were the product of a lack of manners, or just desperate attempts at pickups.

You judge for yourself and post any comments please.

Men's responses are what they're going on about. We say it's nothing and benign, but to the women it might mean a great deal. Shouldn't be whistling or lobbing sexist remarks at strangers on the street. It's inappropriate and rude. To the people who think it's benign, yes, one occasion's benign. But women who get it many times every day probably get tired of it. It's as good as an offer for cheap meaningless sex, and when it happens frequently it begins to settle in a person's mind and that's all they're good for - sex. Too much of a good thing then and precisely why you shouldn't do it.

What? Crikey!! Seriously, if someone took me saying "Hi" or "G'day" as an offer then that is very wrong indeed. Why would it be interpreted as that's all that they're good for? Methinks one is over-analysing. Sure": there are jerks "out there" but there is a lot of quite innocent friendly stuff as well. One should not paint all comments with the same brush.


If the world weren't plagued currently with a rape pandemic, if women weren't sexualized and demeaned everywhere, then a polite observation might be more acceptable. But as it stands, the world is royally fucked up when it comes to women and instead of adding to it we should attempt to do whatever women would like us to do, especially when it doesn't involve anything more than not being rude or inappropriate to them.

Women don't exist to pleasure men. If you don't compliment men on their appearance, don't do it to women.

Are you serious? Where have I said that I compliment women on their "appearance"?? Where the hell do you live? And no: there is no rape pandemic and every woman is not a sexual object!! Do you really believe this shit or are you just a troll? Of course one is neither rude nor inappropriate to women. Where have I said that it is acceptable? The world is a beautiful and wonderful place with a few really stuffed up people and places. Why condemn every pleasantry as being a comment leading to lustful desires? Didn't that go out with the old Calvinists and puritans centuries ago. Crikey: you ARE showing your age!!

Abject nonsense!!

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.

What? So every time a check-out-chick says "have a nice day" she's sizing me up?? Mate: I'm really UGLY!! What you are saying is a nonsense. Sure: inappropriate is one how many of those comments were inappropriate? Most seemed quite neutral. Some I didn't "get" of course. But saying that "comments" escalate to "inappropriate remarks" is just ridiculous. How many friendly comments escalate? And what in your mind constitutes a "comment"? I would have no hesitation saying "what a lovely day" to a stranger; or "it's hot" as I pass anyone who looks a bit hot (from the sun) but to suggest I want to fvck them is pathetic!!


You're part of the problem thinking it's ok. It's not ok. More you claim it is, more you stand out as the problem child who needs correction.

You're a fool looking for a problem where none exists. I need correction? lmao? Who the fvck are you to make a comment like that? Piss off you moron! And have a nice day 'coz I want a piece of your ass? What a crock of twaddle!

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.

What? So every time a check-out-chick says "have a nice day" she's sizing me up?? Mate: I'm really UGLY!! What you are saying is a nonsense. Sure: inappropriate is one how many of those comments were inappropriate? Most seemed quite neutral. Some I didn't "get" of course. But saying that "comments" escalate to "inappropriate remarks" is just ridiculous. How many friendly comments escalate? And what in your mind constitutes a "comment"? I would have no hesitation saying "what a lovely day" to a stranger; or "it's hot" as I pass anyone who looks a bit hot (from the sun) but to suggest I want to fvck them is pathetic!!


You're part of the problem thinking it's ok. It's not ok. More you claim it is, more you stand out as the problem child who needs correction.

I don't see any problems here except for the one man who followed her. There is nothing wrong with giving a person a compliment on her or his appearance and trying to strike up a conversation. If she doesn't want or thinks she is too good (why I don't know, she really isn't very good-looking - lol) for people to speak to her, then she should just tell them, "look, I'm a stuck-up bitch and would appreciate you not speaking to me." She could have also told the guy who was following her to screw off, but she didn't.
I think the same video could have been made in the 1980's.

maybe even the 70's.

but it's a terrible approach to women. most of these lames are either virgins or theyre picking from the bottom of the barrell.

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.

What? So every time a check-out-chick says "have a nice day" she's sizing me up?? Mate: I'm really UGLY!! What you are saying is a nonsense. Sure: inappropriate is one how many of those comments were inappropriate? Most seemed quite neutral. Some I didn't "get" of course. But saying that "comments" escalate to "inappropriate remarks" is just ridiculous. How many friendly comments escalate? And what in your mind constitutes a "comment"? I would have no hesitation saying "what a lovely day" to a stranger; or "it's hot" as I pass anyone who looks a bit hot (from the sun) but to suggest I want to fvck them is pathetic!!

Dude, relax. Delta has issues. Not a second of the day goes by he isn't obsessing over sex. He's bi, into all sorts of stuff it's against board rules even to mention. Just addressing him over this issue is probably giving him jack off material. . . So, you have to understand his frame of reference.
I think the same video could have been made in the 1980's.

maybe even the 70's.

but it's a terrible approach to women. most of these lames are either virgins or theyre picking from the bottom of the barrell.

Saying hi is a terrible approach?
You see, this is not about a woman being approached by what they are saying but who is saying it. This woman (let us assume for just one moment she is not a man hating lesbian) was approached by Brad Pitt and he said "hi" to her, she would be flattered. She would probably faint if he asked for her number. What this video actually shows is her prejudices not the men being pigs.

Many women go through a lot of trouble to look great. In many ways, women are flattered if you let them know that whatever they are doing is working.

Why do liberals fight against all laws of nature when it comes to human behavior? Yes we still have k9 teeth for a reason.
Why do you feel the need to take one remark out of the video, and pretend like that was what the essence of my entire post was about, and proceed to make an entirely long winded post in refutation to that particular point that you simply pulled out of whole cloth from me?

What a waste of time.

I think it has more to do with the editing of the video. Many of the comments were neutral; others were a bit rough. To say it was about sexual harassment is a bit too far imo. I didn't see any of that. A creep yes; the odd tryhard, but really this type of thing belittles sexual harassment as it really exists in a harmful way. I spoke to a couple of female friends who both worked in a Bank. Promotions past a certain point were "casting couched" in both their cases, so they left. THAT is sexual harassment. It is a serious issue and I don't think walking maybe in a "hood" is a good move for any person not of the same ethnicity. I would need a lot more context to call it "sexual harassment".


Road to honest to goodness sexual harassment begins with inappropriate remarks. If we okay comments, it escalates to the next stage.

In some cases, yes. In the overvast majority not at all. How you corral "It's hot" with "I want to bed you" is beyond me. Get a bloody life!!

I remember one time I was walking down the street, and there were a couple of guys standing outside a store I was going to, and they started making comments to me, not realizing I was going to walk right to them. Lol! So needless to say, they started to look quite uncomfortable as I approached them, so just to rub it in, I said, "excuse me? Did you say something to me?" :lol: They were like, "er, well . . . " Speechless! That was hilarious. Lol.

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