Service Dogs In Restaurants


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
I agree with this woman, I don't want dogs in restaurants

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Ugh I agree 100%....I get so tired of going to outdoor events and watching dogs sniffing each others ass it makes me sick
I don't understand the situation based on the SHRIEKS of that crazy woman----what is it all about?
under the Americans with Disabilities Act the dog is allowed.....

the dog was a ----"HELP DOG" like for a blind person? I do not like being NEAR a dog-----but I NEVER
OBJECT to a service dog----------that screeching yelling bitch should have been arrested-----does she object
to wheel chairs too?
I don't understand the situation based on the SHRIEKS of that crazy woman----what is it all about?
I couldn't tell what she was upset about either. Was she pro service dog or anti service dog?
OK. I watched it. I feel sorry for the dog having to listen to that bitch screetch.

Doesn't bother me one iota about a dog in a restaurant. They are cleaner than the shoes patrons wear IN the restaurant. Jeez.
If I were sitting next to the Dog and it started to scratch or shake it's self while I'm eating, that would be a problem
My dog went where I went. Regardless.
But, I have not watched the vid, so.....

I watched it-----mostly it is a really nutty disgusting woman SCREAMING about the
presence of a dog-----in a restaurant which looks very spacious------like she could have
been seated more than 100 feet FROM the dog------the dog may be one of those SERVICE
dogs that the owner NEEDS -----there are men around that look something like cops----just
mumbling. If you come near me with your dog-----I am likely to move away

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