Seriously, does anyone know what the democrats have other than identity politics?

They just don't have any leadership. Trump is a bad leader, but at least he is recognizable. Who do the dems have? Bernie? Chuck and Nancy? No one has really stepped up to the plate yet. Someone will, but they are taking their sweet time.

The Democrats have no one on the horizon worth a damn, and the Party is no longer based in American thinking.

Your idea of American thinking is quite different than that of many Americans. One might even say "most" Americans who vote, given the popular vote in 2016.

And no issue put forth.

I am just seriously wondering if it is even possible for the democrats to go away from their identity politics strategy.

What could they possibly do or say? Think about it.

Name the issue, and I will show you how it is all about idenity politics which can also be described as divide and conquer.

Name the issue.

This is ab extrmeley dumb man. Republicans have played identity politics for the last 53 years and are doing it right now.

LOL...good one. Is this where you accuse others of doing exactly what you're doing?

No, but if you keep going it will be one of displaying how republicans redoing exactly the things I have said. The guy in the video is dumb. He ignores 8 years if congressional obstruction. He is dumb enough to actually think Obama made things worse on race when the the problem was not Obama but whites who didn't like the fact a black man was president and got angry because he was.

And another post with no issue put forth.
It doesn't matter. The rich and powerful rule. They rule me, you, and everyone in between. And they couldn't give two fucks about the constitution. The fact that you think "founding documents" actually matter at the end of the day is a riot.

But go on, Mr. Delusional. Call me stupid. You're probably 60+ years old and you have no idea how life actually works.

I am 65, and you're stupid. I've been "retired" (a third career, self-generated) and living the Life O'Riley for more than 17 years now. I think I know how life actually works.

If the Democrats and their minions continue upon their errant path, you may find out just how much those founding documents matter. :113:

Old people always think they know everything. Luckily, you're on your way out. Enjoy these next 10 - 20 years, buddy.

Mom's 92. Still going strong. I expect to cross 100, barring asteroids.

Can you believe I'm expected to live another 70? Good stuff!

Enjoy your time in Airstrip One, which is what it strongly appears you and your contemporaries will bring upon yourselves.

Hmmm ... a tame response. I'm disappointed.

Oh well. I guess I have to tip my hat to you in this regard; at the very least, you seem to understand the internet.

"I'm sorry Dave, but this conversation no longer has any meaning. Goodbye."

Best idea you've had all day, I'm sure.
I didn't real all 9 pages. Did anyone offer any issues at all?

I'm not here fighting on behalf of democrats, unlike you and your GOP overlords. I actually think the democrats suck. The only message they've really managed to get out is "Trump is bad", which most reasonable people already knew.
The white, male, supposedly "Christian" men, a group that emphatically does NOT include all persons of this description, invented identity politics in this country, so they should keep their damned mouths shut on the subject. They have been aggressive between the sexes, the races, the religions, and in any other way that they could they possibly divide us. This group thinks that they, in their identity, are entitled to everything, and hilariously, to obedience from the rest of us.

Shut the fuck up, please. There is no "rest of us". Shove it up your ass.

This is all that you can say? Of course there is the "rest of us." Just who do you think that YOU are? Just because you are a male person who is of European descent and practices some bizarre form of the supposedly "Christian" religion doesn't turn you into some type of god. Shut the fuck up, please, you perverted little bitch. Your kind is why the U.S. has so many problems. No. The rest of us are NOT going to kiss your dirty, worthless asses. Just because you bitches worship your skin and your dicks doesn't mean that the rest of us do, you filth.

I'm not Christian. Now please, shut the fuck up. Thanks.

No. You have no right to tell me to "shut the fuck up," and I absolutely will not do so. Who the hell are you anyway, trash, to tell me what to do?

What kind of pig do you think you are?
Republican identity politics...

Anti Mexican, Anti Muslim, Anti Gay, Anti poor

page 9, simple question.

What issues do the Dems have?

A counter attack, in the context of such a harmless sounding question, is very strong evidence, that on some level, you know that you have

The white, male, supposedly "Christian" men, a group that emphatically does NOT include all persons of this description, invented identity politics in this country, so they should keep their damned mouths shut on the subject. They have been aggressive between the sexes, the races, the religions, and in any other way that they could they possibly divide us. This group thinks that they, in their identity, are entitled to everything, and hilariously, to obedience from the rest of us.

Shut the fuck up, please. There is no "rest of us". Shove it up your ass.

This is all that you can say? Of course there is the "rest of us." Just who do you think that YOU are? Just because you are a male person who is of European descent and practices some bizarre form of the supposedly "Christian" religion doesn't turn you into some type of god. Shut the fuck up, please, you perverted little bitch. Your kind is why the U.S. has so many problems. No. The rest of us are NOT going to kiss your dirty, worthless asses. Just because you bitches worship your skin and your dicks doesn't mean that the rest of us do, you filth.

I'm not Christian. Now please, shut the fuck up. Thanks.

No. You have no right to tell me to "shut the fuck up," and I absolutely will not do so. Who the hell are you anyway, trash, to tell me what to do?

What kind of pig do you think you are?

Still "talking" ? Lol!
The white, male, supposedly "Christian" men, a group that emphatically does NOT include all persons of this description, invented identity politics in this country, so they should keep their damned mouths shut on the subject. They have been aggressive between the sexes, the races, the religions, and in any other way that they could they possibly divide us. This group thinks that they, in their identity, are entitled to everything, and hilariously, to obedience from the rest of us.

Shut the fuck up, please. There is no "rest of us". Shove it up your ass.

This is all that you can say? Of course there is the "rest of us." Just who do you think that YOU are? Just because you are a male person who is of European descent and practices some bizarre form of the supposedly "Christian" religion doesn't turn you into some type of god. Shut the fuck up, please, you perverted little bitch. Your kind is why the U.S. has so many problems. No. The rest of us are NOT going to kiss your dirty, worthless asses. Just because you bitches worship your skin and your dicks doesn't mean that the rest of us do, you filth.

I'm not Christian. Now please, shut the fuck up. Thanks.

No. You have no right to tell me to "shut the fuck up," and I absolutely will not do so. Who the hell are you anyway, trash, to tell me what to do?

What kind of pig do you think you are?

Still "talking" ? Lol!

I notice that you also are still talking, too. So who are you if you are anything of worth to the rest of human kind? If you can still run your mouth, please explain why I can't, " Big John," Go on.. Explain.
Shut the fuck up, please. There is no "rest of us". Shove it up your ass.

This is all that you can say? Of course there is the "rest of us." Just who do you think that YOU are? Just because you are a male person who is of European descent and practices some bizarre form of the supposedly "Christian" religion doesn't turn you into some type of god. Shut the fuck up, please, you perverted little bitch. Your kind is why the U.S. has so many problems. No. The rest of us are NOT going to kiss your dirty, worthless asses. Just because you bitches worship your skin and your dicks doesn't mean that the rest of us do, you filth.

I'm not Christian. Now please, shut the fuck up. Thanks.

No. You have no right to tell me to "shut the fuck up," and I absolutely will not do so. Who the hell are you anyway, trash, to tell me what to do?

What kind of pig do you think you are?

Still "talking" ? Lol!

I notice that you also are still talking, too. So who are you if you are anything of worth to the rest of human kind? If you can still run your mouth, please explain why I can't, " Big John," Go on.. Explain.

Big John? Nice.

I am just seriously wondering if it is even possible for the democrats to go away from their identity politics strategy.

What could they possibly do or say? Think about it.

Name the issue, and I will show you how it is all about idenity politics which can also be described as divide and conquer.

Name the issue.

This is ab extrmeley dumb man. Republicans have played identity politics for the last 53 years and are doing it right now.

LOL...good one. Is this where you accuse others of doing exactly what you're doing?

No, but if you keep going it will be one of displaying how republicans are doing exactly the things I have said. The guy in the video is dumb. He ignores 8 years if congressional obstruction. He is dumb enough to actually think Obama made things worse on race when the the problem was not Obama but whites who didn't like the fact a black man was president and got angry because he was.

But Obama was half white. And 8 years of congressional obstruction? How soon we forget Democrats had a super majority.
What they thought is all there in black-and-white. If you can read, you can't miss it.

People think much more than they write, and not necessarily all they write is what they think for all of time, or even at the moment (sometimes people set aside their true beliefs in pursuit of what they believe is a more realistic or practical alternative).

In any case, I don't think it really matters, because the founders are not the Americans of today. So American thinking is intrinsically different.

Nope. Much of what the Left passes for American thinking is not American at all.

As to the past/present question, the Constitution is the law of the land, figuratively inscribed in stone. It cannot be changed by the mere whims of those mired in delusion, but only by its mandated processes.

Who are you to define what is or is not American?

I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

The founding documents are open to interpretation which allows for a variety of opinion.

No, they are not.

On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit of the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.

Thomas Jefferson
Nope. Much of what the Left passes for American thinking is not American at all.

As to the past/present question, the Constitution is the law of the land, figuratively inscribed in stone. It cannot be changed by the mere whims of those mired in delusion, but only by its mandated processes.

Who are you to define what is or is not American?

I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

It doesn't matter. The rich and powerful rule. They rule me, you, and everyone in between. And they couldn't give two fucks about the constitution. The fact that you think "founding documents" actually matter at the end of the day is a riot.

But go on, Mr. Delusional. Call me stupid. You're probably 60+ years old and you have no idea how life actually works.

I am 65, and you're stupid. I've been "retired" (a third career, self-generated) and living the Life O'Riley for more than 17 years now. I think I know how life actually works.

If the Democrats and their minions continue upon their errant path, you may find out just how much those founding documents matter. :113:

Old people always think they know everything. Luckily, you're on your way out. Enjoy these next 10 - 20 years, buddy.

Can you believe I'm expected to live another 70? Good stuff!

And I'm actually one of the more conservative among my generation. Of course, if if were up to me, I'd line up everyone around your age and execute them with those beautiful guns you love so much. Well, I'd think about it. I'd actually just make your lives as miserable as possible and enjoy the sweet, sweet prolonged suffering.

It's a good thing I'm not in charge. Enjoy your slow decay into pain, poor health and eventual death.

Us "old people" were hippies in the 60's and 70's. We thought much like you do today. We learned what worked and what didn't. And you will to. One day, you will be the old man and someone will taunt you about dying and making way for "new" thinking. And it will be because you have changed your thinking. Ideologies NEVER go away, no matter how many people die.

Who are you to define what is or is not American?

I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

It doesn't matter. The rich and powerful rule. They rule me, you, and everyone in between. And they couldn't give two fucks about the constitution. The fact that you think "founding documents" actually matter at the end of the day is a riot.

But go on, Mr. Delusional. Call me stupid. You're probably 60+ years old and you have no idea how life actually works.

I am 65, and you're stupid. I've been "retired" (a third career, self-generated) and living the Life O'Riley for more than 17 years now. I think I know how life actually works.

If the Democrats and their minions continue upon their errant path, you may find out just how much those founding documents matter. :113:

Old people always think they know everything. Luckily, you're on your way out. Enjoy these next 10 - 20 years, buddy.

Can you believe I'm expected to live another 70? Good stuff!

And I'm actually one of the more conservative among my generation. Of course, if if were up to me, I'd line up everyone around your age and execute them with those beautiful guns you love so much. Well, I'd think about it. I'd actually just make your lives as miserable as possible and enjoy the sweet, sweet prolonged suffering.

It's a good thing I'm not in charge. Enjoy your slow decay into pain, poor health and eventual death.

Us "old people" were hippies in the 60's and 70's. We thought much like you do today. We learned what worked and what didn't. And you will to. One day, you will be the old man and someone will taunt you about dying and making way for "new" thinking. And it will be because you have changed your thinking. Ideologies NEVER go away, no matter how many people die.


I am just trolling about that. You really think I want to execute people? C'mon man.
I don't. The founding documents define that for me.

You're none too bright, are ya.

It doesn't matter. The rich and powerful rule. They rule me, you, and everyone in between. And they couldn't give two fucks about the constitution. The fact that you think "founding documents" actually matter at the end of the day is a riot.

But go on, Mr. Delusional. Call me stupid. You're probably 60+ years old and you have no idea how life actually works.

I am 65, and you're stupid. I've been "retired" (a third career, self-generated) and living the Life O'Riley for more than 17 years now. I think I know how life actually works.

If the Democrats and their minions continue upon their errant path, you may find out just how much those founding documents matter. :113:

Old people always think they know everything. Luckily, you're on your way out. Enjoy these next 10 - 20 years, buddy.

Can you believe I'm expected to live another 70? Good stuff!

And I'm actually one of the more conservative among my generation. Of course, if if were up to me, I'd line up everyone around your age and execute them with those beautiful guns you love so much. Well, I'd think about it. I'd actually just make your lives as miserable as possible and enjoy the sweet, sweet prolonged suffering.

It's a good thing I'm not in charge. Enjoy your slow decay into pain, poor health and eventual death.

Us "old people" were hippies in the 60's and 70's. We thought much like you do today. We learned what worked and what didn't. And you will to. One day, you will be the old man and someone will taunt you about dying and making way for "new" thinking. And it will be because you have changed your thinking. Ideologies NEVER go away, no matter how many people die.


I am just trolling about that. You really think I want to execute people? C'mon man.

I doubt you want to execute people, but I know plenty of forum posters who actually want old people to die off to make the world a better place.

When we die nothing will change.

By nature, the Left assigns a shallow and simplistic Oppressed/Oppressor template to virtually every relationship, and then takes the side of the "Oppressed" regardless of with whom they are aligning themselves, regardless of what decay or damage it will cause, no matter when negative behaviors it enables.

This recent, bizarre kerfuffle involving MS-13 being the latest blazing example.

Other examples of this template:


MS-13 / The GOP
Muslims / Christians
The Poor / The Rich
The World / America
The Planet / America
Blacks / Whites
Hispanics / Whites
Employees / Employers
College Students / Opposing Speech
Consumers / Business
Women / Men
Gays, etc. / Straights
The Unsuccessful / The Successful
The fat Korean kid / Trump

On and on. It's just their nature.

Trump/Special Counsel
Industry/The EPA, OSHA, NLRB

Unlike you I can give multiple examples of everyone of the items I cite. You can not do any such thing with your list.

Forum List
