CDZ Serious questions re Covid exposure


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Do we know how many Americans have been exposed to the virus? Is there any way to tell? It seems that current testing only reveals if one is "infected" at the time of the test. Does a negative result mean that someone has not been exposed to the virus? What if a large portion of the population already has been exposed? Are they still in danger? What caused the 1918 Flu epidemic to end? Will the same thing happen to Covid-19? Any thoughts?

I was listening to something on NPR and they were talking about someone that had it some 3 months ago but tested positive for it recently. So, if you had to self quarantine because you tested positive and you're not..........well, what's a job, huh?
Do we know how many Americans have been exposed to the virus? Is there any way to tell? It seems that current testing only reveals if one is "infected" at the time of the test. Does a negative result mean that someone has not been exposed to the virus? What if a large portion of the population already has been exposed? Are they still in danger? What caused the 1918 Flu epidemic to end? Will the same thing happen to Covid-19? Any thoughts?
"What caused the 1918 Flu epidemic to end?"

Do we know how many Americans have been exposed to the virus? Is there any way to tell? It seems that current testing only reveals if one is "infected" at the time of the test. Does a negative result mean that someone has not been exposed to the virus? What if a large portion of the population already has been exposed? Are they still in danger? What caused the 1918 Flu epidemic to end? Will the same thing happen to Covid-19? Any thoughts?
"What caused the 1918 Flu epidemic to end?"

Why don't you try reading what you post? Here is what it says:

By the summer of 1919, the flu pandemic came to an end, as those that were infected either died or developed immunity.

Do you think that is an adequate explanation? Did everyone in the world either die or develop immunity? Does this also apply to Covid-19? Why haven't our health systems been overwhelmed by this new pandemic?
Be nice if all of us were working in the same direction, towards best preventive ways to stay healthy. also a cure would be nice. Interesting question about the 1918 flu
Do we know how many Americans have been exposed to the virus? Is there any way to tell? It seems that current testing only reveals if one is "infected" at the time of the test. Does a negative result mean that someone has not been exposed to the virus? What if a large portion of the population already has been exposed? Are they still in danger? What caused the 1918 Flu epidemic to end? Will the same thing happen to Covid-19? Any thoughts?
"What caused the 1918 Flu epidemic to end?"

Why don't you try reading what you post? Here is what it says:

By the summer of 1919, the flu pandemic came to an end, as those that were infected either died or developed immunity.

Do you think that is an adequate explanation? Did everyone in the world either die or develop immunity? Does this also apply to Covid-19? Why haven't our health systems been overwhelmed by this new pandemic?
a) Society developed a collective immunity- which doesn't mean that everyone became immune but enough became immune to stop the transmission of the disease.
b) We don't know yet whether this will apply to Covid-19. If an adequate vaccine is developed, we may be able to artificially create enough immunity to stop the disease- but we might not be able to if enough people don't get vaccinated.
c) Locally healthy systems have been overwhelmed- in Italy and New York for example. Flattening out the curve was specifically done to help prevent our health systems from being overwhelmed. Luckily for all of us it doesn't appear that Covid-19 has the mortality rate of the 1918 Flu.

Hopefully Covid 19 will not play out like the 1918 Flu- which had a milder form/impact in the Spring of 1918, a much more severe form/impact in the fall, and a third wave in the winter/spring of 1918/1919.

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