" Send in the Clowns ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
don't bother they're here. " I guess this was inevitable.
Since even comedy today had been corrupted.Late Night
TV Hosts are about as funny as old reels of the Keystone
cops during rehearsal.Where gags don't mesh.
Comedy has been made Political.By design and on purpose.
Comedy cannot survive when done On purpose.It must be
accomodating and for all ages.That was the charm behind
Disney { with their cartoons }.
Today Politics is funny in a mean,unwelcome way.Like poorly
crafted cartoons.Like 3rd rate stand-up comics desperately
doing their jaded routines at some Catskills Summewr resort.
Where even mosquito's don't bother to show.
How did this happen.Almost like how the Titanic tragedy struck.
I guess to hear today's pathetic Late Night TV hosts tell it ...
Blame the deck chairs.Blame anything.As long as it protects
certain elements.Like a certain Political Party.That's graft.
As in illegal or unfair gain.PT Barnum was spot-on.
There IS a sucker born every minute.But to make a sucker
out of arguably half the Country is Indubitably Not { Never }
funny.Man was not build to will Power.History has shown that.
Power has to be acheived,earned and work like a fine swiss
timepiece.Unless ...
" What is good? All that elevates the feeling of
power, the will to power, the power itself in man. "
I preach not contentedness,but more power; not
Peace,but War; not virtue,but efficiency.The weak and
defective shall perish; and they shall be given assistance:
that is the first principle of the
Dionysian Charity.
biden Harris giggles.jpeg

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