Senator Scott Brown Deserves Disrespect

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Here is a post from another thread. What makes me want to put it here is it deserves to be part of a discussion about n idiot who some people think was an improvment over Ted Kennedy.

CBC News - Politics - Bill would strip terror suspects of U.S. citizenship

Fuck Joe Lieberman, Nancy Pelosi, and Scott Brown. I can't wait for Obama to veto this POS bill if it ever passes.

Here was my reply...
Alarmist Bullshit is an American Tradition---on our dark side.

In defense of Pelosi, she's a dipshit. The spirit I understand, and the emotional side of me agrees with it---strip traitors of their citizenship. But we are not a nation of emotions and we deserve better from the Speaker. We need profiles in courage at times like these. I miss Ted Kennedy. He was one who had the balls to speak up to shit like this.

A lawyer for a civil liberties group slammed the proposal.

"Well, I don't know what the spirit is she's supporting," responded Chris Anders, a senior legislative counsel with the American Civil Liberties Union.

Read more: CBC News - Politics - Bill would strip terror suspects of U.S. citizenship

Senator Scott Brown is such a meathead he deserves to be pilloried as a common man without an ounce of courage.
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You prefer someone who let his lover die after he drove off a bridge, than a decorated member of the military. Ted is, was, and always will be a slime-ball.

Senator Scott Brown is head and shoulders above the last "senator".
What is the purpose of stripping citizenship from an American anyway?

We can still try them for treason, which I believe is still punishable by death.

Me thinks there is some other reason for this Bill--maybe to strip people of rights by means of public deceit.
What is the purpose of stripping citizenship from an American anyway?

We can still try them for treason, which I believe is still punishable by death.

Me thinks there is some other reason for this Bill--maybe to strip people of rights by means of public deceit.

It's the same as the empty, feel good 'lock 'em up' 'deport 'em all' solution that populists and demagogues tout to angry ignorant mobs.

It may also be a way of putting other Americans on notice that Freedom is more of a concept than it is a value.
Loss of Citizenship
Causes of Citizenship Loss
U.S. citizens are subject to loss of citizenship if they perform certain acts voluntarily and with the intention to relinquish U.S. citizenship. These acts include:

Obtaining naturalization in a foreign state;

-Taking an oath, affirmation or other formal declaration to a foreign state or its political subdivisions;
-Entering or serving in the armed forces of a foreign state engaged in hostilities against the U.S. or serving as a commissioned or non-commissioned officer in the armed forces of a foreign state;
-Accepting employment with a foreign government if (a) one has the nationality of that foreign state or (b) a declaration of allegiance is required in accepting the position;
-Formally renouncing U.S. citizenship before a U.S. consular officer outside the United States;
-Formally renouncing U.S. citizenship within the U.S. (but only "in time of war");
Conviction for an act of treason
Loss of Citizenship
A bill co-sponsored by U.S. Senators Joseph Lieberman and Scott Brown calls for suspected terrorists to be stripped of their U.S. citizenship.

Good! Do it....who needs these type of people as U.S. citizens anyway??? It's a privilege to live in this country and more of a privilege to be a citizen of it.
notice the transvestite dante only calls out brown...idiot

and there already exists laws that can strip citizenship...
A bill co-sponsored by U.S. Senators Joseph Lieberman and Scott Brown calls for suspected terrorists to be stripped of their U.S. citizenship.

Good! Do it....who needs these type of people as U.S. citizens anyway??? It's a privilege to live in this country and more of a privilege to be a citizen of it.

Citizens: Sirhan, McVeigh, Wilkes Boothe, Oswald...

While I am privileged to be a US citizen, it is not a privilege bestowed on is a right---you fucking idiot. The simple act of being born here makes one a citizen by right, not by privilege.

this si what is wrong with your world view. we need less people like you in this nation.
How bout just respectfully disagreeing with Brown? If you respected a guy who killed a girl in a drunk driving crash,i think you can muster up enough to respect Scott Brown. Try it. You can do it.
How bout just respectfully disagreeing with Brown? If you respected a guy who killed a girl in a drunk driving crash,i think you can muster up enough to respect Scott Brown. Try it. You can do it.

go away. Ted had a car accident. Somebody died. Laura Bush had a car accident somebody died.

People die in accidents.

Kennedy apologized for his actions after the crash...and then went on to do more for America than your whole family most likely has.

get a life

good bye

I keep reading "Of a foreign state or its subdivisions"

Is Al qaeda a foreign state? A subdivision of a foreign state?

If so, why have we refused to make war with that state? And where exactly is this "foreign state"? There isn't one.

Don't worry about his citizenship, try him under the laws for treason and move on. The minute that we start taking citizenship away because they are terrorists is the minute we consider taking citizenship away for lesser reasons!
(Was that the slippery slope argument? I can't believe I am using it against cons!!)
How bout just respectfully disagreeing with Brown? If you respected a guy who killed a girl in a drunk driving crash,i think you can muster up enough to respect Scott Brown. Try it. You can do it.

Ron Paul would be ashamed of you.
I keep reading "Of a foreign state or its subdivisions"

Is Al qaeda a foreign state? A subdivision of a foreign state?

If so, why have we refused to make war with that state? And where exactly is this "foreign state"? There isn't one.

Don't worry about his citizenship, try him under the laws for treason and move on. The minute that we start taking citizenship away because they are terrorists is the minute we consider taking citizenship away for lesser reasons!
(Was that the slippery slope argument? I can't believe I am using it against cons!!)

Senator Scott Brown is such a meathead he deserves to be pilloried as a common man without an ounce of courage.

This from the guy who stridently defends Barney Frank, the same guy who once had a gay prostitution ring run out of his apartment and is the MOST to blame, of any politician, for the financial crisis.

What a fuck'n wingtard huh? :lol:
Senator Scott Brown is such a meathead he deserves to be pilloried as a common man without an ounce of courage.

This from the guy who stridently defends Barney Frank, the same guy who once had a gay prostitution ring run out of his apartment and is the MOST to blame, of any politician, for the financial crisis.

What a fuck'n wingtard huh? :lol:

wow! you are here today in order to sniff my butt and follow my every post around here like a poor sick puppy begging for a master?

A bill co-sponsored by U.S. Senators Joseph Lieberman and Scott Brown calls for suspected terrorists to be stripped of their U.S. citizenship.

Good! Do it....who needs these type of people as U.S. citizens anyway??? It's a privilege to live in this country and more of a privilege to be a citizen of it.

And what if those suspected are found to not be?

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