Senator Mikulski to retire.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Barbara Mikulski - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sounds like a good Senator...voted twice against invading Iraq,opposes predatory lending,sponsored block grant to states to help low income parents pay for child care,

Only things I see I disagree with her on is she voted to approve bailout in 2008 and she didn't give a real hearing to GMO's instead took a back room deal..

Anyone remember this though? I am shocked she was elected!

America is not a melting pot. It is a sizzling cauldron for the ethnic American who feels that he has been politically courted and legally extorted by both government and private enterprise. The ethnic American is sick of being stereotyped as a racist and dullard by phony white liberals, pseudo black militants and patronizing bureaucrats. He pays the bill for every major government program and gets nothing or little in the way of return. Tricked by the political rhetoric of the illusionary funding for black-oriented social programs, he turns his anger to race — when he himself is the victim of class prejudice.

[He] has worked hard all his life to become a 'good American;' he and his sons have fought on every battlefield — then he is made fun of because he likes the flag. The ethnic American is overtaxed and underserved at every level of government. He does not have fancy lawyers or expensive lobbyists getting him tax breaks on his income. Being a home owner, he shoulders the rising property taxes — the major revenue source for the municipalities in which he lives. Yet he enjoys very little from these unfair and burdensome levies.

... [T]he ethnic American also feels unappreciated for the contribution he makes to society. He resents the way theworking class is looked down upon. In many instances he is treated like the machine he operates or the pencil he pushes. He is tired of being treated like an object of production. The public and private institutions have made him frustrated by their lack of response to his needs. At present he feels powerless in his daily dealings with and efforts to change them. Unfortunately, because of old prejudices and new fears, anger is generated against other minority groups rather than those who have power. What is needed is an alliance of white and black, white collar, blue collarand no collar based on mutual need, interdependence and respect, an alliance to develop the strategy for new kinds of community organization and political participation.[8]
We need term limits bad. Congress was never meant to be a fikken CAREER
We need term limits bad. Congress was never meant to be a fikken CAREER
Totally agree with you there. It makes no sense to put a 2 term limit on a president and no term limits on senators and congressman/women. Maybe if there was term limits they would actually get things done instead of using it to get rich.
She is a good Senator and served Maryland very well

She will be missed
Unusual for them to retire in the middle of a term? I wonder how old she is and if she is ill. She MUST be in her 80s, I would think.
We need term limits bad. Congress was never meant to be a fikken CAREER
Totally agree with you there. It makes no sense to put a 2 term limit on a president and no term limits on senators and congressman/women. Maybe if there was term limits they would actually get things done instead of using it to get rich.
There didn't used to be a term limit on took an, for those who want term limits for Congress, get working on that Amendment.
Given the heavy partisan leans of Maryland this will be a likely Democratic hold in the election. The GOP does have a few people they could run like Michael Steele, Ben Carson, maybe former governor Bob Ehrlich, but they'd all be underdogs.
Unusual for them to retire in the middle of a term? I wonder how old she is and if she is ill. She MUST be in her 80s, I would think.
I said it wrong. She is not running for reelection next year.
We need term limits bad. Congress was never meant to be a fikken CAREER
Totally agree with you there. It makes no sense to put a 2 term limit on a president and no term limits on senators and congressman/women. Maybe if there was term limits they would actually get things done instead of using it to get rich.
There didn't used to be a term limit on took an, for those who want term limits for Congress, get working on that Amendment.
I wish it would get done...its odd that they did it for president who really is at the mercy of congress but won't do it to congress themselves.

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