Senator Feinstein thinks POTUS will Resign


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

There's no chance. He's simply not a quitter, he enjoys the spotlight as much as anyone, and, he feels he has an obligation to those who supported him.

It's no surprise how much he values loyalty, and him stepping down would be a disloyal action on his part to those who supported him. The fact that he is informed about great leaders of the past, those in the military and the great Sir Winston Churchill tells me he looks at the leaders today in America and the West in general I imagine as failing their societies.

He wants to do for America what Churchill did for his country during their perilous struggle, what Reagan did for America against the Eastern Bloc, he wants to win. Whether it's the Cold War, economics, dealing with ISIS or global threats, he wants to win and is far too confident to believe that someone else would be better for the job as it stands today.

Get 'er done Trump! Those who know what's at stake want to see America unapologetically lead the world again.
Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

I hope she's right. There has never been a sitting President that within the 2 months of being in office has been in office has been so embroiled in serious scandals.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

His conflicts of interest are coming out of everywhere. In violation of the Emolument Clause in the Constitution--and it's glaring.

So Trump can still hold onto his enormous ego by walking out or go down in the firestorm that is coming.
Feinstein is playing to the uneducated angry democrat base. You gotta wonder how smart democrat politicians are when they continue to use the old 60's democrat playbook when they lost their leadership position and over 2,000 state and local elections not to mention the governors in the last couple of years. Duh Mrs Feinstein, it ain't Cronkite's world anymore, Americans are smarter and better informed than y'all stodgy old liberal remnants who can barely use a freaking cell phone.
Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

I hope she's right. There has never been a sitting President that within the 2 months of being in office has been in office has been so embroiled in serious scandals.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

His conflicts of interest are coming out of everywhere. In violation of the Emolument Clause in the Constitution--and it's glaring.

So Trump can still hold onto his enormous ego by walking out or go down in the firestorm that is coming.

Serious scandals? You're joking, right?

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Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

I hope she's right. There has never been a sitting President that within the 2 months of being in office has been in office has been so embroiled in serious scandals.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

His conflicts of interest are coming out of everywhere. In violation of the Emolument Clause in the Constitution--and it's glaring.

So Trump can still hold onto his enormous ego by walking out or go down in the firestorm that is coming.

Oreo, you are in to deep to think rationally. Wild allegations by leftists pigs in the media, dem lite repugs, and National Socialist fascists in the dem party are expected. Still waiting on proof for any the ridiculous shit they have spewed.
Does Senator Feinstein suffers from Alzheimer ?

Time to retire Senator.
Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

This is just another Democrat who has come to the realization the Democratic Party no longer has anything of value to offer to voters and understands the only way for them to come back into power is for the Republicans to implode and go away, but of course while the Democratic Party is disintegrating, the Republican Party is becoming more unified everyday.

Time to take your pension, Diane. It's all over for you.

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