Senate passes $1.7 trillion bill to fund government


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho a theme eh? Senate passes bill. Republicans owned again. Dems win..again:

The Senate passed a massive $1.7 trillion spending bill Thursday that finances federal agencies through September and provides another large round of aid to Ukraine one day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's dramatic address to a joint meeting of Congress.
The bill, which runs for 4,155 pages, includes about $772.5 billion for domestic programs and $858 billion for defense and would finance federal agencies through the fiscal year at the end of September
The bill passed by a vote of 68-29 and now goes to the House for a final vote before it can be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.
"This is one of the most significant appropriations packages we have done in a very long time," Schumer said. "The range of people it helps is large and deep," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. said moments before the vote.

Lawmakers were racing to get the bill approved before a partial government shutdown would occur at midnight Friday, and many were anxious to complete the task before a deep freeze and wintry conditions left them stranded in Washington for the holidays. Many also want to lock in government funding before a new GOP-controlled House next year could make it harder to find a compromise on spending.
Lawmakers were in disagreement over which amendments were to be voted upon to lock in a final vote on an expedited basis. The impasses had the potential to prevent the passage of the bill before the midnight Friday deadline. But negotiations overnight led to a breakthrough and senators gathered early Thursday morning to work through more than a dozen amendments before getting to a final vote.
The spending bill is supported by Schumer and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, though for different reasons.
McConnell cited the bill's 10% boost in defense spending, which he says will give America's Armed Forces the funding and certainty needed to ensure the country's security.
"The world's greatest military will get the funding increase that it needs, outpacing inflation," McConnell said. "Meanwhile, non-defense, non-veterans spending will come in below the rate of inflation, for a real-dollar cut."
McConnell faced pushback from many Republicans who don't support the spending bill and resent being forced to vote on such a massive package with so little time before a potential shutdown and the Christmas holiday.
"There has not been enough time for a single person to have read this entire bill. The bill and process ignores soaring inflation, rising interest rates and our ballooning debt of $31 trillion," said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. "Enough is enough."
For two senators, the bill puts the finishing touches on their work in Washington. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is retiring after serving some 48 years in the Senate and as the current chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He negotiated the bill for months with Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the committee's ranking Republican, who was elected to the Senate in 1986 and is also retiring.

"What a capstone to a brilliant career," Schumer said.
Some good news is that the Electoral Count Act of 2022 was passed along with it, which makes it impossible to use some of the tactics that Trump used in his attempt to steal the election.

Republicans can be pleased with parts of it. By raising the objection threshold to 20% instead of one person, it means a single idiot Democratic congressperson can't bog things down with a protest vote, as happened with Bush and Trump.
I admit..I do love it when the leader of the Right...dry-fucks the fringies. He does it so often, and so thoroughly--that I'll almost miss his ass.
McConnell....public servant!
The way Progs are now, it is not difficult to pass endless legislation that prints FIAT CURRENCY. Our founding fathers worried about things like this. It is a different time I know. It still does not mean we cannot be more prudent. a theme eh? Senate passes bill. Republicans owned again. Dems win..again:

The Senate passed a massive $1.7 trillion spending bill Thursday that finances federal agencies through September and provides another large round of aid to Ukraine one day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's dramatic address to a joint meeting of Congress.
The bill, which runs for 4,155 pages, includes about $772.5 billion for domestic programs and $858 billion for defense and would finance federal agencies through the fiscal year at the end of September
The bill passed by a vote of 68-29 and now goes to the House for a final vote before it can be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.
"This is one of the most significant appropriations packages we have done in a very long time," Schumer said. "The range of people it helps is large and deep," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. said moments before the vote.

Lawmakers were racing to get the bill approved before a partial government shutdown would occur at midnight Friday, and many were anxious to complete the task before a deep freeze and wintry conditions left them stranded in Washington for the holidays. Many also want to lock in government funding before a new GOP-controlled House next year could make it harder to find a compromise on spending.
Lawmakers were in disagreement over which amendments were to be voted upon to lock in a final vote on an expedited basis. The impasses had the potential to prevent the passage of the bill before the midnight Friday deadline. But negotiations overnight led to a breakthrough and senators gathered early Thursday morning to work through more than a dozen amendments before getting to a final vote.
The spending bill is supported by Schumer and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, though for different reasons.
McConnell cited the bill's 10% boost in defense spending, which he says will give America's Armed Forces the funding and certainty needed to ensure the country's security.
"The world's greatest military will get the funding increase that it needs, outpacing inflation," McConnell said. "Meanwhile, non-defense, non-veterans spending will come in below the rate of inflation, for a real-dollar cut."
McConnell faced pushback from many Republicans who don't support the spending bill and resent being forced to vote on such a massive package with so little time before a potential shutdown and the Christmas holiday.
"There has not been enough time for a single person to have read this entire bill. The bill and process ignores soaring inflation, rising interest rates and our ballooning debt of $31 trillion," said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. "Enough is enough."
For two senators, the bill puts the finishing touches on their work in Washington. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is retiring after serving some 48 years in the Senate and as the current chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He negotiated the bill for months with Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the committee's ranking Republican, who was elected to the Senate in 1986 and is also retiring.

"What a capstone to a brilliant career," Schumer said.
You really believe all that WWE pro rasslin' window dressing crap.....Fucking rube. a theme eh? Senate passes bill. Republicans owned again. Dems win..again:

The Senate passed a massive $1.7 trillion spending bill Thursday that finances federal agencies through September and provides another large round of aid to Ukraine one day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's dramatic address to a joint meeting of Congress.
The bill, which runs for 4,155 pages, includes about $772.5 billion for domestic programs and $858 billion for defense and would finance federal agencies through the fiscal year at the end of September
The bill passed by a vote of 68-29 and now goes to the House for a final vote before it can be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.
"This is one of the most significant appropriations packages we have done in a very long time," Schumer said. "The range of people it helps is large and deep," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. said moments before the vote.

Lawmakers were racing to get the bill approved before a partial government shutdown would occur at midnight Friday, and many were anxious to complete the task before a deep freeze and wintry conditions left them stranded in Washington for the holidays. Many also want to lock in government funding before a new GOP-controlled House next year could make it harder to find a compromise on spending.
Lawmakers were in disagreement over which amendments were to be voted upon to lock in a final vote on an expedited basis. The impasses had the potential to prevent the passage of the bill before the midnight Friday deadline. But negotiations overnight led to a breakthrough and senators gathered early Thursday morning to work through more than a dozen amendments before getting to a final vote.
The spending bill is supported by Schumer and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, though for different reasons.
McConnell cited the bill's 10% boost in defense spending, which he says will give America's Armed Forces the funding and certainty needed to ensure the country's security.
"The world's greatest military will get the funding increase that it needs, outpacing inflation," McConnell said. "Meanwhile, non-defense, non-veterans spending will come in below the rate of inflation, for a real-dollar cut."
McConnell faced pushback from many Republicans who don't support the spending bill and resent being forced to vote on such a massive package with so little time before a potential shutdown and the Christmas holiday.
"There has not been enough time for a single person to have read this entire bill. The bill and process ignores soaring inflation, rising interest rates and our ballooning debt of $31 trillion," said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. "Enough is enough."
For two senators, the bill puts the finishing touches on their work in Washington. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is retiring after serving some 48 years in the Senate and as the current chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He negotiated the bill for months with Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the committee's ranking Republican, who was elected to the Senate in 1986 and is also retiring.

"What a capstone to a brilliant career," Schumer said.

Enjoy the upcoming spike in inflation and the worst recession you've ever seen. Hope you lose everything, dickhead. I'll be the one picking through the remains of whatever you once owned.

Be sure to respond to this post with the giggly emoji, ya spineless bastard.
Last edited: a theme eh? Senate passes bill. Republicans owned again. Dems win..again

Idiot, it was ten GOPers who voted for it that made it possible, Little in the bill has anything to do with keeping the government open. How can you fund a government with non-existent money? There are no winners here, just idiot losers like you.
Some good news is that the Electoral Count Act of 2022 was passed along with it, which makes it impossible to use some of the tactics that Trump used in his attempt to steal the election.

Republicans can be pleased with parts of it. By raising the objection threshold to 20% instead of one person, it means a single idiot Democratic congressperson can't bog things down with a protest vote, as happened with Bush and Trump.
The Democrats are opposed to voting rights.
They commit voter fraud crimes and ballot rigging crimes that deny people's right to vote.
The controversial greedy corrupt Democrat congressthingy Nancy Pelosi had a federal building in San Fransico named after her in the $1.7 trillion dollar Democrat looting spree bill.
It should have been a memorial sidewalk outhouse named after Pelosi.

Speaker privileges: Massive spending bill creates 'Nancy …

Web1 day ago · As part of the spending bill, the legislation would name the San Francisco federal building at 90 7th Street after the California Democrat. Pelosi is among those who … a theme eh? Senate passes bill. Republicans owned again. Dems win..again:

The Senate passed a massive $1.7 trillion spending bill Thursday that finances federal agencies through September and provides another large round of aid to Ukraine one day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's dramatic address to a joint meeting of Congress.
The bill, which runs for 4,155 pages, includes about $772.5 billion for domestic programs and $858 billion for defense and would finance federal agencies through the fiscal year at the end of September
The bill passed by a vote of 68-29 and now goes to the House for a final vote before it can be sent to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.
"This is one of the most significant appropriations packages we have done in a very long time," Schumer said. "The range of people it helps is large and deep," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. said moments before the vote.

Lawmakers were racing to get the bill approved before a partial government shutdown would occur at midnight Friday, and many were anxious to complete the task before a deep freeze and wintry conditions left them stranded in Washington for the holidays. Many also want to lock in government funding before a new GOP-controlled House next year could make it harder to find a compromise on spending.
Lawmakers were in disagreement over which amendments were to be voted upon to lock in a final vote on an expedited basis. The impasses had the potential to prevent the passage of the bill before the midnight Friday deadline. But negotiations overnight led to a breakthrough and senators gathered early Thursday morning to work through more than a dozen amendments before getting to a final vote.
The spending bill is supported by Schumer and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, though for different reasons.
McConnell cited the bill's 10% boost in defense spending, which he says will give America's Armed Forces the funding and certainty needed to ensure the country's security.
"The world's greatest military will get the funding increase that it needs, outpacing inflation," McConnell said. "Meanwhile, non-defense, non-veterans spending will come in below the rate of inflation, for a real-dollar cut."
McConnell faced pushback from many Republicans who don't support the spending bill and resent being forced to vote on such a massive package with so little time before a potential shutdown and the Christmas holiday.
"There has not been enough time for a single person to have read this entire bill. The bill and process ignores soaring inflation, rising interest rates and our ballooning debt of $31 trillion," said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. "Enough is enough."
For two senators, the bill puts the finishing touches on their work in Washington. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is retiring after serving some 48 years in the Senate and as the current chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. He negotiated the bill for months with Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the committee's ranking Republican, who was elected to the Senate in 1986 and is also retiring.

"What a capstone to a brilliant career," Schumer said.
Nancy Pelosi had a federal building in San Fransico named after her in the $1.7 trillion dollar Democrat looting spree bill.
It should have been a memorial sidewalk outhouse named after Pelosi.
Right in the middle of the SF financial district. Like a star in Hollywierd, but in SF the star should be replaced with a turd emoji.
With each and every bill this Anti-American Feral Government passes, the American people are made weaker and more strangled.
Did you gun nuts know this bill also included massive funding for anti-Gun activities?

I said LONG ago that procrastination = self mutilation.
With every passing day they are solidifying their grip on power and their means to rob you of any and all.

Let's Just keep doing nothing.
Total gun confiscation dead ahead. Easy Peasy.
A bunch of ED suffering geriatrics passed a $1.7 TN bill during a lame duck session so that your grandchildren will have zero upward mobility & so that the war in Ukraine will be fully funded without debate thru Sept 2023

However much you hate these ppl
It is not enough

I can't legally express how much I hate them.
I just don't get it, why did any republican support all this spending in a lame duck session when the GOP is poised to control the House in January? They've basically given the democrats all the political cover they need for whatever the increase in inflation turns out to be, and they cannot claim the high ground on fiscal responsibility. As far as I can tell, the GOP cannot claim the high ground on anything anymore.

So - is this the future? No conservative party at all, just the Hard Left (Dems) and not-so-hard Left (formerly GOP). Can anybody tell me how this can possibly end well? Short term, maybe not so bad but long term? Inflation will not be going down much if at all and the Fed will continue to raise interest rates that pushes the economy into a recession and possibly a depression. I don't see Trump or DiSantis or anyone else changing the direction we're going in.

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