Senate Democrats block VA accountability bill


It was a moment of weakness for me. I am not well these days, many health issues are plaguing me, and robbing me of my ability to remain objective. Alas, mea culpa.

"To err is human, to forgive divine."

seriously....Ugh more excuses. How about. I was wrong. End of story.


It was a moment of weakness for me. I am not well these days, many health issues are plaguing me, and robbing me of my ability to remain objective. Alas, mea culpa.

"To err is human, to forgive divine."

seriously....Ugh more excuses. How about. I was wrong. End of story.


Utterly ironic coming from you. What happens when you're wrong? You call people all sorts of vulgar names. Do not lecture me.

Oh, and look up the term mea culpa. It's basically latin for "my bad."

Now shoo.
This is not time to play political points.

We can ignore the far right and far left weirdoes who are playing for political points.

Why was this bill blocked by the Senate dems?

Senators Blocks VA Accountability Bill | CNS News

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said he agreed with some provisions in the bill, but noted that there were areas that needed work, which would be addressed in hearings held later in June.

It will be passed in June after some work on details. Get over it Loons.

Jim, what procedures? This is not the time to protect the good old boys or the union leaders.

It was a moment of weakness for me. I am not well these days, many health issues are plaguing me, and robbing me of my ability to remain objective. Alas, mea culpa.

"To err is human, to forgive divine."

seriously....Ugh more excuses. How about. I was wrong. End of story.


Utterly ironic coming from you. What happens when you're wrong? You call people all sorts of vulgar names. Do not lecture me.

Oh, and look up the term mea culpa. It's basically latin for "my bad."

Now shoo.

You made a lame excuse. Childlike.

It was a moment of weakness for me. I am not well these days, many health issues are plaguing me, and robbing me of my ability to remain objective. Alas, mea culpa.

"To err is human, to forgive divine."

seriously....Ugh more excuses. How about. I was wrong. End of story.


Utterly ironic coming from you. What happens when you're wrong? You call people all sorts of vulgar names. Do not lecture me.

Oh, and look up the term mea culpa. It's basically latin for "my bad."

Now shoo.

TK acted the adult, Plasmaball not. For shame.
seriously....Ugh more excuses. How about. I was wrong. End of story.


Utterly ironic coming from you. What happens when you're wrong? You call people all sorts of vulgar names. Do not lecture me.

Oh, and look up the term mea culpa. It's basically latin for "my bad."

Now shoo.

You made a lame excuse. Childlike.

And you act as if I care about your opinions. Why do make sport of stalking me? Isn't that a bit... weird?
This is not time to play political points.

We can ignore the far right and far left weirdoes who are playing for political points.

Why was this bill blocked by the Senate dems?

Senators Blocks VA Accountability Bill | CNS News

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said he agreed with some provisions in the bill, but noted that there were areas that needed work, which would be addressed in hearings held later in June.

It will be passed in June after some work on details. Get over it Loons.

Jim, what procedures? This is not the time to protect the good old boys or the union leaders.

Not sure, but the Dems are not crazy. They will bring it back, makes the changes and pass it. Take it to the bank.
Senators Blocks VA Accountability Bill | CNS News

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said he agreed with some provisions in the bill, but noted that there were areas that needed work, which would be addressed in hearings held later in June.

It will be passed in June after some work on details. Get over it Loons.

Jim, what procedures? This is not the time to protect the good old boys or the union leaders.

Not sure, but the Dems are not crazy. They will bring it back, makes the changes and pass it. Take it to the bank.

"Make the changes"

Now why does that all of a sudden sound foreboding and not encouraging?
I don't think is it foreboding, I think the Dems are grandstanding for whatever reason.

No candidate wants to go into the election with a "s/he hates the vets" sign on his or her back.

They will pass something.

It was a moment of weakness for me. I am not well these days, many health issues are plaguing me, and robbing me of my ability to remain objective. Alas, mea culpa.

"To err is human, to forgive divine."

seriously....Ugh more excuses. How about. I was wrong. End of story.


Utterly ironic coming from you. What happens when you're wrong? You call people all sorts of vulgar names. Do not lecture me.

Oh, and look up the term mea culpa. It's basically latin for "my bad."

Now shoo.

no unlike you i just admit i'm wrong:

So i'll lecture you for as long as i feel like it.
U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.

Supporters said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans' programs. For example, it called for 27 new medical facilities to help a healthcare system that is strained by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans' health bill on budget worry | Reuters

oh......this has to hurt TK....Almost like looking for work hurt.
It had to do with the military construction part of the bill-not the VA, as to why they didn't want it passed.
Utterly ironic coming from you. What happens when you're wrong? You call people all sorts of vulgar names. Do not lecture me.

Oh, and look up the term mea culpa. It's basically latin for "my bad."

Now shoo.

You made a lame excuse. Childlike.

And you act as if I care about your opinions. Why do make sport of stalking me? Isn't that a bit... weird?

It seems nutters feel like having their posts on a public forum responded to is stalking. Weird.

And.....I know that you care about my opinions. Why lie about it?
I don't think is it foreboding, I think the Dems are grandstanding for whatever reason.

No candidate wants to go into the election with a "s/he hates the vets" sign on his or her back.

They will pass something.

I agree. There has got to be a good reason. Political suicide is not in the Democrats playbook.
No, that's not a typo. It happened. Senate Democrats do not want more accountability at the VA.

Wrong again, as usual.

Democrats are in fact committed to reform and accountability concerning the VA:

"We do have some concerns that some provisions could result in significant litigation, which would defer valuable time and resources from VA’s accountability efforts and its core mission of delivering quality services to our veterans," Carney said.

The White House spokesman also reiterated that the administration shared and supported the goals of the bill, and that the president was determined to punish those responsible for misconduct.

"We’ve been very clear we want to work with Congress on specific language issues and look forward to discussing the bill going forward," Carney said.

An association representing top-level government employees has complained that the House bill would eliminate due process protections afforded to top-tier government officials.

According to the Senior Executives Association, government employees are currently allowed to appeal firings and demotions to an administrative panel. The House bill would eliminate that recourse.

The group also expressed concerns that the bill would allow the department to scapegoat career civil servants in the media and interject politics into the firing process.

Senate Democrats blocked the bill Thursday, with Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) promising to revisit it after the Memorial Day recess.

"Your legislation has many important provisions which I happen to agree with. There are some I think need work on, and we are going to hold a hearing on that legislation and other legislation in early June," Sanders said.

White House fears VA reform bill could mean 'significant litigation' | TheHill

Democrats’ concerns with regard to eliminating the due process afforded VA employees as well as making scapegoats of employees rather than implementing actual reform are appropriate and justified.

That Senate democrats will revisit the issue next month again proves the OP to be a liar and rightwing partisan hack.

That's one of the problems with our government system today, the focus becomes the people working for it instead of people being served.

And from the above article

Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama said: "This bill would spend more than we agreed to spend. The ink is hardly dry and here we have another bill to raise that spending again."

Let's change the bill after it's agreed upon, by the feckless, Dems!:cuckoo:


Yep, outrageous!
There's plenty of money to create veterans...not enough to look after them.

But plenty to hand out bonuses for those faking paperwork.
Good. Since it's already proven republicans hate veterans, I'm sure there's some ulterior motive.

Obama is the one sitting on his backside. Democrats are the ones blocking VA bills that hold people accountable for such behavior. Hmm, but apparently Republicans hate veterans.


TK, the Ds blocked the bill because the Rs attached Iran sanctions to it. Both sides do this and both sides shoot down bills because of it.

Because the Dems want their version of the bill with their own pet amendments to either pass or fail so they can accuse the Republicans of doing what they just did.

(except the Republicans aren't in charge of the VA)
I don't think is it foreboding, I think the Dems are grandstanding for whatever reason.

No candidate wants to go into the election with a "s/he hates the vets" sign on his or her back.

They will pass something.

I agree. There has got to be a good reason. Political suicide is not in the Democrats playbook.

Maybe it's not political suicide.

Plenty of progressives loathe anything military, think vets deserve what they get for volunteering to fight, and actively rooted against the US.

It's amazing that Obama ran on improving the VA and it turned out to be just a swindle of faking results for bonuses. Oh NOW he's focused on the problem now that it's a scandal? Interesting.

Big government types of both parties just pay lip service to actually assisting veterans. For the most part it's just a good excuse for more earmarks and more bureaucracy.
Ok what is so wrong with the Bill since so many Democrats in the House voted for it? 390 to 33 according to the link.

What happened in the Senate that I missed?

Latest Title: Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014

Sponsor: Rep Miller, Jeff [FL-1] (introduced 2/11/2014) Cosponsors (151)

Related Bills: S.2013

Latest Major Action: 5/21/2014 Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 390 - 33 (Roll no. 229).

Latest Action: 5/21/2014 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

Bill Summary & Status - 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - H.R.4031 - Cosponsors - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

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