Sen. Collins says no to ACB- political result?

Can you separate personal and business-?
Most people can.

She should act with integrity in her personal life.
She should be the Best Politician that she can be when representing her Constituents and the country.

Such people are known as being two-faced.

"Integrity" is not something you switch on and off. It's not something you use when it suits you. It's something which contributes to the very fiber of your being.

The fact of the matter is that someone who believes that integrity in one's personal life should be separated from how one acts in their professional life is someone who, in fact, possesses no integrity at all. You either have it or you don't.

You've made it clear that you're unburdened by integrity...
She’s been in the senate for 24 years. She should have been term limited to two terms. Time to go old lady.

I know
I know

Replace her with some homeless person who isn't beholding to any party
Because - well because homeless people make good choices.
I know...I only vote for the party. Nothing else matters. Sadly, you aren’t smart to recognize your ignorance.

I do try to keep it to someone that is actually running.
Crazy, I know, but -
But only Rs, right?

Yes -
No Democrat ever supports my positions
No Democrat will ever go against their party to represent my positions, even if they wanted to.

I voted for 1 Democrat in my life -
Which I didn't even see as a political position.
Lol. Wingers don’t know they’re nuts.
McConnell knows how to count votes. If they needed Collins' vote to confirm ACB, she would have voted yes. Evidently Collins and her staff made the political calculation that her chances of getting reelected are better if she votes 'no', so McConnell gave her permission to do so.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

I have to agree. Her vote wasn't needed but her liberal base was.

Smart decision on her part.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

I have to agree. Her vote wasn't needed but her liberal base was.

Smart decision on her part.
Smart if you’re a scumbag politician, who only cares about getting re-elected.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

I have to agree. Her vote wasn't needed but her liberal base was.

Smart decision on her part.
Smart if you’re a scumbag politician, who only cares about getting re-elected.

Is there any other kind?? LOL
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.

Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

Now that is funny...she is done. The fascists in the democrat party are going to destroy her. Her only hope was to vote for "The Original ACB." Now, there is no reason for Trump voters to support her and democrats will destroy her....had she voted for The Original ACB, Trump voters would have tried to help, they won't bother...she is done.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

I have to agree. Her vote wasn't needed but her liberal base was.

Smart decision on her part.
Smart if you’re a scumbag politician, who only cares about getting re-elected.

But does this really help Sen. Collins win re-election? How many lib votes will her "nay" vote earn her in Maine?
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

I have to agree. Her vote wasn't needed but her liberal base was.

Smart decision on her part.
Smart if you’re a scumbag politician, who only cares about getting re-elected.

But does this really help Sen. Collins win re-election? How many lib votes will her "nay" vote earn her in Maine?

You never know. Every scum sucking politician does the same. No matter the circumstances they have to play to their base. Even though she's a Rep, hers is the left.

Scum suckers everyone.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.

Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

That was too little too late. She is likely toast.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

Look, I hope she wins but it was stupid to do what she did. The left wing in her state isn't going to vote for her, not after Kavanaugh, and Trump voters who are tired of rinos like her are now likely to sit out the election...she is toast. Her only real hope was to try to get Trump voters to support her, that isn't likely to happen now.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

Here's the problem with your scenario......

Susan Collins just said NAY to only the 5th WOMAN ever to be on the Supreme Court. She will get no love from women going forward.
Hell hath no fury....

She cannot EVER shake off that stigma. Makes no difference WHY shed did it...only that she DID
I predict her political carrer is over. Let's see what happens.

Women are not going to vote for Republicans anyway.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.
Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

You have no clue what really happened. Collins knew that the GOP had enough votes without her vote, so they let her appease her liberal base with a nay vote for appearances. If they actually had needed her vote she would have given it, as she did with Kavanaugh. She is in a tight race in a liberal state and the GOP let her do this.

Look, I hope she wins but it was stupid to do what she did. The left wing in her state isn't going to vote for her, not after Kavanaugh, and Trump voters who are tired of rinos like her are now likely to sit out the election...she is toast. Her only real hope was to try to get Trump voters to support her, that isn't likely to happen now.

There aren't enough Trump voters to matter especially with Maine's ranked voting system for federal elections.
You either have principles or you don't. She is going to lose anyway so why didn't she just do the right thing?

I think the right thing is making sure we keep the senate. You would throw away the senate over a single vote. Not smart
While that is the smart "Political" play, it is that kind of thinking that keeps us with very substandard people in office.

Explain that
It is 'group' think. The kind of thought that goes, "If we want to keep the conservative agenda going, we need to ensure the GOP remains in power." Never once stopping to realize that the GOP is not conservative and that when we compromise values for the 'group' we get the government we deserve.

Or have you never noticed that in each election cycle for the past 40 years, every two years like clockwork, we are told, "This is the most important election ever! If you don't vote for us, America is going to burn....BURN!"

Then, not six months later, the people who said they were going to stop the evil, show how little backbone they really have.

I agree, but we need 51 Republicans to hold the Senate without Pence as the deciding vote.......if Trump wins, he may have a chance to replace Breyer, and Thomas would have 2 years to retire and be replaced by a real justice, or end up being replaced by a fascist democrat...not to mention all the lower court appointments that won't be approved if the democrats have the Senate....

The time to get rid of rinos is during the primaries....get rid of rinos in the primaries and democrats in the general election.....that is the sequence that needs to be followed.
Libs lobbied the senator extensively, and she responded with a "nay" vote last night.

Now, will libs do the right thing and get behind the broad in her tight bid for reelection?

That was too little too late. She is likely toast.

So, as I suggested, her vote doesn't please libs at all, so it was pointless. All she did was alienate some GOP voters.

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