Sen. Clinton Says Rove Obsesses About Her


Senior Member
May 9, 2004

Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Every conspiracy theory hatched by the Dems has Karl Rove in the center of it all.... and Hillary thinks Karl Rove obsesses about her?????

This just shows the kind of narcissistic attitude that Mrs Clinton suffers from... everything is about her, everyone thinks about her, the universe was created so that she could have a place to rule her subjects, the world owes her... it's all about the Clintons...

Got news for you Mrs. Clinton, Karl Rove and the rest of the world, with the exception of you tiny band of deluded admirers, try not to think about you at all... and most of the time, we succeed....
however I would rather sit and have a beer with him rather than watch Hillary pat herself on the back...over-and over-and over again! When will this egostistical wench just go away?
acludem said:
If that's the case, why do you right wingers keep posting threads about her?


Because she's a constant source of entertainment.

Personally, I think a little bit of obsession about her is a good thing, because I think she'll be the Democratic candidate, and I think that if she wins (probably won't happen, but anyway), the 3 branch system will be all that keeps her from turning us into USSR part 2.
acludem said:
If that's the case, why do you right wingers keep posting threads about her?


Because about once a week she says something so stupid or outragous it begs to be discussed. That's not obsessing, that's just paying attention.
acludem said:
If that's the case, why do you right wingers keep posting threads about her?

OK, what's with the Left's obsession with Bush?
LOL. He was asked a question about her and answered it... If that is obsession then man I obsessed about the times tables when I was in elementary school!

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