Self Driving Cars . . .

I am all for this innovation. People are barely driving as it is with their faces glued to their smartphones. Some tart almost hit me today while I was on a run b/c she was too busy updating her Facebook status to "Driving Like a Dip Shit" to notice the red light.
At least this should be mandatory for New Jersey.

Actually, if you fear the day you are too old to drive yourself about, you should rejoice that this technology is coming of its own. It will allow you to remain free and mobile when you are unable to drive yourself.

Personally, I think this is a good thing. The vast, vast majority of Americans are to selfish and self-oriented to be responsible drivers.
They have the potential to make roads safer and less congested, not to mention they already have reaction times that puts any human to shame.
At least this should be mandatory for New Jersey.

Actually, if you fear the day you are too old to drive yourself about, you should rejoice that this technology is coming of its own. It will allow you to remain free and mobile when you are unable to drive yourself.

Personally, I think this is a good thing. The vast, vast majority of Americans are to selfish and self-oriented to be responsible drivers.

I don't fear the day I'm too old to drive ... I said I don't look forward to it. I enjoy driving, am good at it, wouldn't want to give it up. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, that day is decades off. When it does get here I'll get my kids to tote me around, just like I did (and am) doing for them. And I will call shotgun!
Don't any of you enjoy driving?

Too be honest, I really don't like driving very much. I drive to the gym and to the market. I grew up and went to college in the sticks so I got my fill of driving in my late teens and twenties.
Don't any of you enjoy driving?
Not really, it's like a long boring download that pauses for no good reason. I'd rather be looking at he scenery than my eyes being glued to the preoccupied dumbass ahead of me. Self driving cars were a staple of scifi when I was kid so it's not like this is a new and startling concept.
. . . why would anyone ever want to make this a standard? Who would want to give up driving? I do not look forward to the day when I am too old to be able to drive myself. <shudders> Hadn't even given any thought to what this article brings up but absolutely, I'd be puking in the back seat!

Study Self-Driving Cars Will Cause Motion Sickness Often to Always Observer

This is an inevitable innovation to automobiles. Have you ever seen the movie iRobot? That's kind of how I envision driving will be in the future. Cars will go at much higher speeds, but will be computerized and self driven. I imagine when I'm an old fuddy duddy I'll be telling my grandkids about the days I actually had to drive a car on my own instead of it doing it by itself.
I would be thrilled to not have to drive. Although I would be nervous about possible glitches in it, I'm sure. Wouldn't want to worry about recalls on something such as this. Yikes.
I would be thrilled to not have to drive. Although I would be nervous about possible glitches in it, I'm sure. Wouldn't want to worry about recalls on something such as this. Yikes.
It's one of those things that will happen so gradually that we will barely notice. Something like this would be a blessing on a really long trip.
I am so glad that I grew up when I did! I would never want to have missed out on driving. Next up? We'll all be George Jetson!
I would be thrilled to not have to drive. Although I would be nervous about possible glitches in it, I'm sure. Wouldn't want to worry about recalls on something such as this. Yikes.
It's one of those things that will happen so gradually that we will barely notice. Something like this would be a blessing on a really long trip.

I'd way rather be driving than be a passenger on a trip. Nice to trade off and all but .... looks like I'm the one off in this thread when it comes to being behind the wheel. lol
Don't any of you enjoy driving?
Not too much anymore though I still occasionally go on drives, mostly cause the wife want's a road trip. I can't do the distances I used to do an often the wife ends up driving part of the way home while I nod off in the passenger seat...... Just be glad it's the passenger seat I'm nodding off in......
I am so glad that I grew up when I did! I would never want to have missed out on driving. Next up? We'll all be George Jetson!
Had a bad accident many years ago, me and my three passengers were injured, haven't had a bit of joy from driving since. I have been overly cautious and tense every single time behind the wheel since. I am a very safe driver but it's a tedious chore.

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