Segregation in the Mortuary


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
I was at the funeral home earlier this week, and I made a personal observation of how segregated the undertaking racket is here in America.

In the tremendous and diverse city of Youngstown, which is about equally divided between blacks and honkies, all of the dead blacks patronize funeral directors who specialize in planting blacks, and ditto for the room temperature white people.

Is there a logical reason for this, that perhaps I'm missing? Maybe the two races require different embalming fluids or different cooking techniques in the crematories? Or is this just old fashioned racism?
J.E. Washington Funeral Services, Inc. - Youngstown, OH, Farrell, PA and Canton, OH |
I think the amount of Ovaltine one consumes may play a factor as well.
Or is it just plain possible that, left alone, humans tend to self-segregate?
Whites don't want to use gold or purple hearses like blacks do.
If you told me the cemetery had a white section, a black section, a Jewish section, an Asian section;ect, then I would consider Youngstown might be racist city. But free people doing business with whomever they chose doesn't qualify IMHO.

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