Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

Please go back and reply to my post #214.
Then post a solution, not a quip.
I already did, dumbass! You ignored it. Cutting spending, despite the fact that no one wants to do that, is the only way to fight the debt without causing massive inflation. Your plan takes money out of the taxpayer's pocket, decreasing their already depleted buying power, and causes businesses to increase costs even more! That's called inflation.
I already did, dumbass! You ignored it. Cutting spending, despite the fact that no one wants to do that, is the only way to fight the debt without causing massive inflation. Your plan takes money out of the taxpayer's pocket, decreasing their already depleted buying power, and causes businesses to increase costs even more! That's called inflation.
LOL. So you're not a math major I see. You can't ignore interest on the Debt, or that SS & Medicare need more revenue.

You can't cut spending that much dumbass. The interest on the Debt is exploding. Revenue is stuck at about $4T, while spending is now about $7T, even if we cut spending back to 2019 levels ($4T) like the Trump budgets were, the interest on the debt means we still need another $trillion to cover interest on the debt.

The DC clowns are stuck in the past like you, and keep ignoring the interest on the Debt. Its time to pay the piper.
The majority of "Entitlements" are because people are entitled to the money. That's why they're called 'entitlements'. Government worker pensions are an example of these 'entitlements'

No, they aren't. You don't even understand what "entitlement" means MAGA man, you sir, are an idiot
LOL. So you're not a math major I see. You can't ignore interest on the Debt, or that SS & Medicare need more revenue.

You can't cut spending that much dumbass. The interest on the Debt is exploding. Revenue is stuck at about $4T, while spending is now about $7T, even if we cut spending back to 2019 levels ($4T) like the Trump budgets were, the interest on the debt means we still need another $trillion to cover interest on the debt.

The DC clowns are stuck in the past like you, and keep ignoring the interest on the Debt. Its time to pay the piper.

It would be hard to balance the budget in one year, but if we slash it to the bone like we should we can certainly get there. There are good plans like the "Penny Plan" and great idea like the Fair Tax, though I'm not big on the prebate.

(psst, kyzr, it's me, Mac1958 , I'm Taz too, and I'm from the Netherlands, shhh, don't tell anyone...)
Stop giving massive tax cuts foolish. It has done nothing but explode the deficits. Ten of the last 11 recessions are under gop admins and after gop management and deregulation. You don’t know fk about the economy.
Again. They overspend $3T. Where do you take it w/o killing GDP…jobs..revenue etc.

16 yrs of Obiden….not one change? Got any answers?
Somehow, the Chinese, The Russians, The Soviet Union and every other major nation can afford socialized medicine, reasonable pensions for their citizens and a much lower retirement age. Saying that we cannot afford the same is laughable. The U.S. is far wealthier than any of them. My wife grew up in the Soviet Union. For the vast majority of the people the standard of living in the Soviet Union was far superior than it is for working people in the U.S. Working Americans have been scammed by the wealthy.

The U.S. buried itself by cutting taxes for the wealthy since the 1980s. Republicans cut taxes on the wealthy instead of paying down the debt when we had a budget surplus. All the Republicans EVER do is cut taxes for the wealthy. What we need is to correct the obscene wealth distribution that is financially crippling us.

You are dead wrong about SS payments maxing out at 67. If you continue to work until 70, you receive about $1k more per month. Since I've just turned 65 I've reviewed my SS statement and the rules very recently.

Once again, saying that people live to an average of 84 is a bogus metric. The average is skewed by those people who live healthier lifestyles and have better medical care. Generally, that's the wealthiest people. For most people working until 67 means that they will have very few years of heathy retirement. As soon as they retire every cent they have will go to the medical industry, until they are broke, then they will die.

another non-stop idiot. Posted above about illegals, blacks, prisoners, 400lbers….you want to pay heart transplants on death row. Sex changes. Etc.
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It would be hard to balance the budget in one year, but if we slash it to the bone like we should we can certainly get there. There are good plans like the "Penny Plan" and great idea like the Fair Tax, though I'm not big on the prebate.
1. Agreed it will take a few years of serious budget cuts to make headway on the deficit.
Schumer already said no big spending cuts (in an election year), so I'm rooting for a shutdown, and funding on a line by line basis.
2. I hope Republicans stick to their guns in January and get massive spending cuts, but if history is a guide, there will be no cuts, and the debt will continue to explode.
3. The "Penny Plan" is too slow. Then there are the "Mandatory Spending" items that can't be cut. Its a fiscal mess.
It's amazing how Republicans always complain about the deficit when there's a Democrat in office but couldn't give a damn about it when there's a Republican in office.

The size of the deficit doesn't matter. If it did our economy would have gone bust years ago.

We don't need to wealthy to pay down the deficit, we just need them to pay the interest on the deficit. They can afford that.

Saying that Medicare and SS are insolvent due to gross mismanagement by Republican tax laws and using that to deny hard working Americans healthcare and reasonable retirement is pure BULLSHIT.

But pure BULLSHIT is the Republicans trade.

when GOVT confiscates (wastes) money it takes money that was productive in most cases, to use on no value added cases in many instances.
too hard to type on this tablet one fingered BS! need PC with keyboard!
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1. Agreed it will take a few years of serious budget cuts to make headway on the deficit.
Schumer already said no big spending cuts (in an election year), so I'm rooting for a shutdown, and funding on a line by line basis.
2. I hope Republicans stick to their guns in January and get massive spending cuts, but if history is a guide, there will be no cuts, and the debt will continue to explode.
3. The "Penny Plan" is too slow. Then there are the "Mandatory Spending" items that can't be cut. Its a fiscal mess.

At this point it's all fantasy. Neither party has any interest in balancing the budget much less running all the years of massive surpluses we need to actually pay the debt.

The Democrat party is like their voters fiscally just spending and paying for it with credit and Republicans are like there voters only speaking to dealing with the debt while doing nothing about it
America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.
If you think that America is a [blank blank] today, think of what it will be like for your great-grandchildren!!!

I was a teenager in the 1950s. Those peaceful years ain't coming back!!!
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LOL. So you're not a math major I see. You can't ignore interest on the Debt, or that SS & Medicare need more revenue.

You can't cut spending that much dumbass. The interest on the Debt is exploding. Revenue is stuck at about $4T, while spending is now about $7T, even if we cut spending back to 2019 levels ($4T) like the Trump budgets were, the interest on the debt means we still need another $trillion to cover interest on the debt.

The DC clowns are stuck in the past like you, and keep ignoring the interest on the Debt. Its time to pay the piper.
Funny! I had a double minor in math. Math has nothing to do with it. Reducing spending is the only way to reduce the increase in debt without inflating your way out. I taught economics. You apparently read the Cliff Notes.

Bidenflation was caused by his increasing the spending on green projects and his social programs, not defense.
I could NOT care less about people who say, "I could care less about ..."

If you said, "I COULD CARE LESS", it means you care and you could care less, but you do not.
Funny! I had a double minor in math. Math has nothing to do with it. Reducing spending is the only way to reduce the increase in debt without inflating your way out. I taught economics. You apparently read the Cliff Notes.

Bidenflation was caused by his increasing the spending on green projects and his social programs, not defense.

I'm not sure I followed the exact disagreement, but I was a math major and have a finance masters degree and I totally agree with your point we have to cut spending drastically or it's never going to work.

Out of curiosity, what does "
I had a double minor in math
"mean exactly? I never heard of a double minor in one subject. I always heard it like getting a double minor say in math and English, two subjects

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