Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

and their white confederate descendents, still live in the SOUTH....! They didn't pick up and move NORTH.

they are now mostly all belonging to the Republican party now...

so why do y'all continue to bitch about them....their kin are in and belong to, your party now??
It is Biden and the Democrats who were the KKK and today are still the party of hate and bigotry, your post is a good example

The south? Republican migration explains Republican states. It is very well documented by scholars.

Biden, supported segregation.

The democrats voted for the local leader of the KKK to lead the Senate, 5 times. And those votes were in this century, so not that long ago.

Further, we see more African Americans joining the Republicans. We also see more Mexican American's joining the Republicans. No small feat considering the considerable negative propaganda used against the Republican party.

Care4notALL, is here trying to divide the republicans with hate propaganda. Who uses hate as a political tool, democrats, now and then, and always.
every civilized country in the world has socialized medicine. The U.S. is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. We certainly can affrd socialized medicine and to pay SS.

I agree that the Republicans have structured the Government's budget and taxes to look like everything will go bust, but we can certainly afford what every other country affords.

70 is the defacto retirement age now. They say it's 67, but sticking out work until 70 means $1k per month more in payments. Basically, they've set it up so that most people will work until they die.

You are why they call them "entitlement" programs. You want free shit because you were born here even if you contributed nothing, you are "entitled" to have other people pay your bills. And then there all the illegals you want us to fund them too. They contributed what you did to our success, nothing
More BS spin and nonsense from the Leftist loon crowd. Obama & Congress caused the housing bust to get Obama in office. Baking in over $1T/yr defecit continuing resolution BS thru 2012, 2014. Only a small drop near election time. Nearly unheard of $2T in 2009!
Then you want to give credit for reducing it off of historic levels? Kiss off you clown.

This is like your wife running up $100K on Amercian Express behind your back. Then wanting credit for stopping spending for a month or so. Get off the boards dummy.
Amazing how you blame Obama for something happening before he came into office.,
OK big man. Find $3T additional revenue to confiscate w/o killing the GDP. We will wait.
Stop giving massive tax cuts foolish. It has done nothing but explode the deficits. Ten of the last 11 recessions are under gop admins and after gop management and deregulation. You don’t know fk about the economy.
Franco the 2nd. What will that do to GDP? Do you want income TAX? The rich don't make income....scratch that. Remove Capital gains? Change the rate? will that get enough?

you clowns don't have a clue. "TAX the RICH" they beller out of high rise apartments ordering Grub Hub on welfare.
And you clowns do ? How many recessions do you need to start before you realize what idiots you are.
1. No other country spends what the US spends on Defense. We will never cut defense with China and Russia getting bolder. There will not be socialized medicine anytime soon, especially when we need to cut the Budget to pay interest on the Debt.

2. Do the math. The US buried itself with borrowing and interest payments.

3. True. 67 gets you the max SS payment, no need to work to 70. People live to an avg of 84, so they enjoy a few years. 65 is a good age to retire so you don't need to pay for health insurance. If your 401k is good retire at 62 or 63.

Somehow, the Chinese, The Russians, The Soviet Union and every other major nation can afford socialized medicine, reasonable pensions for their citizens and a much lower retirement age. Saying that we cannot afford the same is laughable. The U.S. is far wealthier than any of them. My wife grew up in the Soviet Union. For the vast majority of the people the standard of living in the Soviet Union was far superior than it is for working people in the U.S. Working Americans have been scammed by the wealthy.

The U.S. buried itself by cutting taxes for the wealthy since the 1980s. Republicans cut taxes on the wealthy instead of paying down the debt when we had a budget surplus. All the Republicans EVER do is cut taxes for the wealthy. What we need is to correct the obscene wealth distribution that is financially crippling us.

You are dead wrong about SS payments maxing out at 67. If you continue to work until 70, you receive about $1k more per month. Since I've just turned 65 I've reviewed my SS statement and the rules very recently.

Once again, saying that people live to an average of 84 is a bogus metric. The average is skewed by those people who live healthier lifestyles and have better medical care. Generally, that's the wealthiest people. For most people working until 67 means that they will have very few years of heathy retirement. As soon as they retire every cent they have will go to the medical industry, until they are broke, then they will die.
I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.

Sorry...America is gone, bub. Best you can hope for is to save a chunk of it. But we all know that won't happen. Prepare accordingly.

liberal brain cure cen.jpg
You are why they call them "entitlement" programs. You want free shit because you were born here even if you contributed nothing, you are "entitled" to have other people pay your bills. And then there all the illegals you want us to fund them too. They contributed what you did to our success, nothing

The majority of "Entitlements" are because people are entitled to the money. That's why they're called 'entitlements'. Government worker pensions are an example of these 'entitlements'.

What you are referring to are 'Government Assistance Programs', which take only a tiny percentage of the Federal budget.

Republicans always insist on including 'Government Assistance Programs' under 'Entitlements' to make it look like a much larger percentage of the budget.

The fact is that the government has allowed an economic system which is grossly unfair to a huge percentage of the people. These Government Assistance Programs exist to prevent a humanitarian disaster that would be caused if it were left to the wealthy and the private sector.

When the private sector is willing to provide jobs at a reasonable living wage with reasonable benefeits, we can eliminate these Government Assistance Programs. Until then STFU.

BTW- It's the wealthiest people that make no real contribution to our society. The only thing that they 'work' at is stealing all the money they can get their greedy hands on, while driving hard working people into poverty. They are the ones that believe that they are 'entitled' to the wealth created by everyone else's hard work.
Somehow, the Chinese, The Russians, The Soviet Union and every other major nation can afford socialized medicine, reasonable pensions for their citizens and a much lower retirement age. Saying that we cannot afford the same is laughable. The U.S. is far wealthier than any of them. My wife grew up in the Soviet Union. For the vast majority of the people the standard of living in the Soviet Union was far superior than it is for working people in the U.S. Working Americans have been scammed by the wealthy.

The U.S. buried itself by cutting taxes for the wealthy since the 1980s. Republicans cut taxes on the wealthy instead of paying down the debt when we had a budget surplus. All the Republicans EVER do is cut taxes for the wealthy. What we need is to correct the obscene wealth distribution that is financially crippling us.

You are dead wrong about SS payments maxing out at 67. If you continue to work until 70, you receive about $1k more per month. Since I've just turned 65 I've reviewed my SS statement and the rules very recently.

Once again, saying that people live to an average of 84 is a bogus metric. The average is skewed by those people who live healthier lifestyles and have better medical care. Generally, that's the wealthiest people. For most people working until 67 means that they will have very few years of healthy retirement. As soon as they retire every cent they have will go to the medical industry, until they are broke, then they will die.
1. When you say "socialized medicine" I'm hearing "Medicare for All". Medicare is going bankrupt. Get a job with health insurance.

2. You can say we buried ourselves by cutting taxes for the wealthy, but when I look at the numbers the top half of incomes pay 99% of the income taxes. Yes, the "surplus" was only a year or two then they cut taxes, that was a dumb idea.
So lets really look at "the wealthy". You can confiscate all their wealth and still not make a serious dent in the $33T Debt.

a. Elon Musk is the richest at $180b, down to Mr. Ludwig who only has $2b. So the US has about 400 billionaires. Trump is NOT one now.
b. The top (20) are worth about $2T
c. Looking at US corporations as a revenue stream can be dangerous, they can relocate to a low tax country, like Ireland.

3. The US has a spending problem and a borrowing problem. There will be no new entitlements. Spending must be cut. We can't keep borrowing.
1. When you say "socialized medicine" I'm hearing "Medicare for All". Medicare is going bankrupt. Get a job with health insurance.

2. You can say we buried ourselves by cutting taxes for the wealthy, but when I look at the numbers the top half of incomes pay 99% of the income taxes. Yes, the "surplus" was only a year or two then they cut taxes, that was a dumb idea.
So lets really look at "the wealthy". You can confiscate all their wealth and still not make a serious dent in the $33T Debt.

a. Elon Musk is the richest at $180b, down to Mr. Ludwig who only has $2b. So the US has about 400 billionaires. Trump is NOT one now.
b. The top (20) are worth about $2T
c. Looking at US corporations as a revenue stream can be dangerous, they can relocate to a low tax country, like Ireland.

3. The US has a spending problem and a borrowing problem. There will be no new entitlements. Spending must be cut. We can't keep borrowing.

1. When you say "socialized medicine" I'm hearing "Medicare for All". Medicare is going bankrupt. Get a job with health insurance.

2. You can say we buried ourselves by cutting taxes for the wealthy, but when I look at the numbers the top half of incomes pay 99% of the income taxes. Yes, the "surplus" was only a year or two then they cut taxes, that was a dumb idea.
So lets really look at "the wealthy". You can confiscate all their wealth and still not make a serious dent in the $33T Debt.

a. Elon Musk is the richest at $180b, down to Mr. Ludwig who only has $2b. So the US has about 400 billionaires. Trump is NOT one now.
b. The top (20) are worth about $2T
c. Looking at US corporations as a revenue stream can be dangerous, they can relocate to a low tax country, like Ireland.

3. The US has a spending problem and a borrowing problem. There will be no new entitlements. Spending must be cut. We can't keep borrowing.

It's amazing how Republicans always complain about the deficit when there's a Democrat in office but couldn't give a damn about it when there's a Republican in office.

The size of the deficit doesn't matter. If it did our economy would have gone bust years ago.

We don't need to wealthy to pay down the deficit, we just need them to pay the interest on the deficit. They can afford that.

Saying that Medicare and SS are insolvent due to gross mismanagement by Republican tax laws and using that to deny hard working Americans healthcare and reasonable retirement is pure BULLSHIT.

But pure BULLSHIT is the Republicans trade.
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I thank God I was able to retire at age 62. I had to quit work because of my health seven months before I turned 62. That meant I had $400 a month income. Those 7 months would have turned into 19 months if I had to wait to age 63. No hardship, huh?
The chirpers mostly have not worked enough to make SS benefits effective. So they gripe snd point fingers.
It's amazing how Republicans always complain about the deficit when there's a Democrat in office but couldn't give a damn about it when there's a Republican in office.

The size of the deficit doesn't matter. If it did our economy would have gone bust years ago.

We don't need the wealthy to pay down the deficit, we just need them to pay the interest on the deficit. They can afford that.

Saying that Medicare and SS are insolvent due to gross mismanagement by Republican tax laws and using that to deny hard working Americans healthcare and reasonable retirement is pure BULLSHIT. But pure BULLSHIT is the Republicans trade.
1. True. No one wants to cut spending when in-power, except the Crazy-8. Yet it needs to be done. We'll see what happens in January.

2. True to the extent that the size of the Debt may not reflect the size of the interest payments. When interest rates were near zero, the interest on the Debt was small. But now that interest rates are normalizing, the interest on the Debt is exploding, soon to be a $trillion.

3. My suggestions to raise revenue: remove the SS cap, remove all deductions, remove the capital gains tax break, all would help, but we still need to cut spending back to 2019 levels.

4. The last time SS & Medicare were "fixed" was by Reagan, so don't whine about Republicans. The democrats controlled the House, Senate, and WH more than a few times since Reagan. They need to be fixed, I'm not seeing anyone doing anything.

5. Stop with the partisan BULLSHIT.
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1. True. No one wants to cut spending when in-power, except the Crazy-8. Yet it needs to be done. We'll see what happens in January.

2. True to the extent that the size of the Debt may not reflect the size of the interest payments. When interest rates were near zero, the interest on the Debt was small. But now that interest rates are normalizing, the interest on the Debt is exploding, soon to be a $trillion.

3. My suggestions to raise revenue: remove the SS cap, remove all deductions, remove the capital gains tax break, all would help, but we still need to cut spending back to 2019 levels.

4. The last time SS & Medicare were "fixed" was by Reagan, so don't whine about Republicans. The democrats controlled the House, Senate, and WH more than a few times since Reagan. They need to be fixed, I'm not seeing anyone doing anything.

5. Stop with the partisan BULLSHIT.

I agree with #3. But I would add creating additional tax brackets that go a high a 93% - back to what they were in the 1950s. Additional high level tax brackets would affect very few people, and those that were affected wouldn't be affected by much. It would only cap off the most ridiculous levels of income.

I'd have to review the specific spending increases since 2019, before I could make any statement about reverting to those levels. We've had multiple crisis since then.

If SS & Medicare were fixed by Reagan, he apparently didn't do a good job. Al Gore wanted to put SS in a 'Lock Box' to prevent any further looting by Congress. Too bad the 2000 election was stolen from him.

If we all stopped the Partisan BULLSHIT, USMB wouldn't be any fun at all!
I agree with #3. But I would add creating additional tax brackets that go a high a 93% - back to what they were in the 1950s. Additional high level tax brackets would affect very few people, and those that were affected wouldn't be affected by much. It would only cap off the most ridiculous levels of income.

I'd have to review the specific spending increases since 2019, before I could make any statement about reverting to those levels. We've had multiple crisis since then.

If SS & Medicare were fixed by Reagan, he apparently didn't do a good job. Al Gore wanted to put SS in a 'Lock Box' to prevent any further looting by Congress. Too bad the 2000 election was stolen from him.

If we all stopped the Partisan BULLSHIT, USMB wouldn't be any fun at all!
1. You add a 93% tax bracket and all you would get are billionaires fleeing the US. You should recognize that a 93% income tax is crazy. Whose money is it, ours or the governments? We are not, and never will be, communists or peons, we reward capitalism.

2. I agree with you that SS would have been better under Al Gore, saving the surplus, but SS will still last to 2034, not bad from 1984.

3. LOL. True it takes a difference of opinion to make a horse race. I like the red horses.
1. You add a 93% tax bracket and all you would get are billionaires fleeing the US. You should recognize that a 93% income tax is crazy. Whose money is it, ours or the governments? We are not, and never will be, communists or peons, we reward capitalism.

2. I agree with you that SS would have been better under Al Gore, saving the surplus, but SS will still last to 2034, not bad from 1984.

3. LOL. True it takes a difference of opinion to make a horse race. I like the red horses.

1. Where are the billionaires going to go? They'll get charged a hefty tax for capital flight.

2. It's the governments money. That's why it has a picture of a U.S. President and the signature of the sec. of the Treasury. It's a 'Government Note'. You're free yto issue your own notes if you'd like.

3. There's nothing wrong with a 93% income tax bracket. Do you even know how tax brackets work?

4. This country not only rewards capitalism, which it should, but it allows mass thievery. It's not a free market, it's a free for all market. Almost anything goes to grab as much as you can. 'Profit' justifies all.

5. I like democracy, which is why I hope the Republicans nominate Nikki Haley. I believe that she'll beat Biden, but I'll still vote for Biden.
1. Where are the billionaires going to go? They'll get charged a hefty tax for capital flight.

2. It's the governments money. That's why it has a picture of a U.S. President and the signature of the sec. of the Treasury. It's a 'Government Note'. You're free to issue your own notes if you'd like.

3. There's nothing wrong with a 93% income tax bracket. Do you even know how tax brackets work?

4. This country not only rewards capitalism, which it should, but it allows mass thievery. It's not a free market, it's a free for all market. Almost anything goes to grab as much as you can. 'Profit' justifies all.

5. I like democracy, which is why I hope the Republicans nominate Nikki Haley. I believe that she'll beat Biden, but I'll still vote for Biden.
1. The billionaires know how to avoid taxes: "Only little people pay taxes"
2. If you think its the governments money, we're in different countries. What money I earn is mine.
3. 93% tax bracket yields "capital flight" look it up
4. ???
5. We agree on Nikki. Better than Biden.
1. True. No one wants to cut spending when in-power, except the Crazy-8. Yet it needs to be done. We'll see what happens in January.

2. True to the extent that the size of the Debt may not reflect the size of the interest payments. When interest rates were near zero, the interest on the Debt was small. But now that interest rates are normalizing, the interest on the Debt is exploding, soon to be a $trillion.

3. My suggestions to raise revenue: remove the SS cap, remove all deductions, remove the capital gains tax break, all would help, but we still need to cut spending back to 2019 levels.

4. The last time SS & Medicare were "fixed" was by Reagan, so don't whine about Republicans. The democrats controlled the House, Senate, and WH more than a few times since Reagan. They need to be fixed, I'm not seeing anyone doing anything.

5. Stop with the partisan BULLSHIT.
Sure! Crank up inflation, Brandon!
America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.

In a number of ways America was a bigger shit hole in the 1950s than it is today. Two that immediately come to mind are the attitude towards race and the environment. As kids though, we sure had a lot more freedom back then compared to kids now. And our music didn't suck.

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