See What's Possible When A Dem Holds The White House


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

In just one week we've had a major earthquake and a massive hurricane and we've gotten through them in flying colors. It's amazing the difference just having a Democrat in the Oval Office makes. Nothing to complain about when disaster strikes. Democrats actually working together instead of getting in the way. It's amazing.

This storm, although still a threat, has shown us how politics can be put aside and all liberals can learn to work together for the common good. It also shows us that there are events that can get Obama to stop golfing.

Yes, Obama said this storm would be historic.....who knew the historic aspect was that the Dems wouldn't have anything to bitch about. Usually when the GOP is in charge they find something. But this just shows how great a massive centralized government can work for the people when they have the proper political motivations.

On Meet the Depressed this morning they still found time to say how much baggage Rick Perry had and how the increasingly radicalized right (the Tea Party) hates the very people that were in the path of this massive storm and yet they were still able to pull through because folks like Gov. Chris Christie put aside his terrorist ideology and cooperated with FEMA instead of fought them at every turn the way Dem Governor Blanco fought them before, during, and after Katrina. It's simply wonderful to watch unfold.....and let me assure you it will unfold all this week. The love-fest will be on full display even if it harelips Ron Paul.

Obama won't have anything to blame on Bush on this time, which will be quite a change. As long as everything keeps running smoothly we won't see any finger-pointing.


[ame=]Mega Disaster's hurricane Irene? - YouTube[/ame]

Watch this video if you want to see what the Dems are hoping to make this storm look like.

Thank God......whoopsie....

Thank the Goddess that this one wasn't that bad.
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The media seems to be very disappointed that there wasn't a Katrina this time... actual massive disaster wouldn't work for them.

That would have exposed them as the fakes they are.

This fits the profile.

They'll talk up the disaster, make it appear worse then it really is, and let everyone know after it proves not to be all that bad that they came to save the day. If it wasn't for all of the hard work and preparation of this Administration it could have been much, much, worse.
Media over-hyped the shit out of Irene...........and most of the meteorology assholes were bomb throwing as well. Gloria in 1985 was far worse.....................

[ame=]Jerry Garcia/ John Kahn-Goodnight Irene (11-14-86) - YouTube[/ame]

Did Obama really call Irene "historic"?

Irene was the Greek goddess of peace and the ruler of spring. Eirênê (the Greek spelling) was one of three goddesses that guarded the gates of heaven: the others were her sisters Eunomia and Dike, respectively the goddesses of Order and Justice. [1]


Irene is a fairly popular name in the United States, though it has gradually lost popularity since 1950. In 2006 it was ranked as number 593 on the list of the top 1000 baby names. It was most popular in the years 1918 and 1919 when it ranked as the 16th most popular girl’s name. [1] It was a name commonly used during the Roman era but first gained usage in the English-speaking world in the 19th century, when it steadily gained in popularity into the early twentieth century. [1] It has remained popular in other countries, however. Irene was the 12th most popular name in Spain in 2005, and number 177 in Norway. It is also popular in Australia, Canada and Belgium. [1] The alternative spelling Irina is a popular name in Russia. [1]


Saint Irene is the patron saint of peace and of girls. She was martyred in the third century because she had scriptures that were forbidden and she refused to give up her faith, even after torture and humiliation. Her feast day is April 3rd. [1]
Irene saw brief popularity as a boy’s name in the early twentieth century, but usage dropped off after 1910. [1]
The name is usually pronounced with two syllables (eye-REEN), but in Britain it is sometimes pronounced with three syllables (eye-REEN-ee) [1]


Me, Myself and Irene: 2000 Jim Carrey film
Irene Marie Modeling Company
Saint Irene Roman Catholic Church: Massachusetts
St. Irene Catholic School: Chicago
Sacred Patriarchal and Stavropegial Monastery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou: New York
Irene: Swedish pop band
Hurricane Irene, 1999
Hurricane Irene, 2011


Irene Dunn: American actress (born December 20, 1898)
Irene Cara: actress and musician
Irene Joliot-Curie: Nobel Chemistry Prize 1935
Irene Kelley: singer
Irene Bedard: actress (born July 22, 1967)
Irene Brand: author
Irene Jackson: singer
Irene Carranza: artist
Irene Hueter: mathematician
Irene Allen: writer
Irene Gomez Reina: writer

Author: Sarena Emily Levinson

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