See what you see.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
60 years ago, when I was in school the teachers used to warn us about communists. Today the teachers are the communists. I recall sitting in a social studies class in the early 1960’s with posters on the wall comparing our missile count to that of the Soviet Union. I would wake up at night listening to blaring fire whistles miles away that were a test to alert the public of an impending nuclear attack. The Russians built a wall in East Germany not to keep people out but to prevent citizens from escaping to the west.

All information in the Soviet Union was filtered though central agencies and heavily censored to avoid criticism or alternate opinions of the Soviet status quo. Sound familiar? The Soviet Union did not die in 1991 when the Berlin Wall came down. It just migrated into our educational system beginning in 1965 with the Great Society and the War on Poverty. Oddly, a professional sociologist and democratic senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, raised a red flag in 1965 about the dangers of disintegrating US family structure.

Moynihan was attacked and ostracized as the poison of the hammer and cycle was dumped into the American melting pot. Marxist ideology elevates government central planning above all else including traditional nuclear families which are the bedrock of free societies. The American social order quickly devolved into all kinds of alternate arrangements dependent on government in some form or another. The American educational apparatus was rapidly corroded and became a brainwashing arm of central planning under the whip of public sector unions joined at the hip with big government.

The Soviets lost the battle, but they won the war by infecting American education and politics. The People’s Republic of China was well on track to converting the United States to a communist satellite when Donald Trump got elected and started blowing the whistle. US Congress, made up of Harvard and Yale graduates, had already handed over the keys to America’s pharmaceutical medicine cabinet turning US citizens into Chinese slaves.

The Chinese were depending on their new Soviet ideological allies in US government and education when Trump upset the plan. US intelligence agencies then concocted propaganda campaigns to confuse the people. Social media platforms, the new domestic Soviet controlled media, then censored all information threatening the status quo.

See what you see, not what you are told to see.
You gotta give these Commies credit for their patience. It's only been what, a hundred plus years since their revolution.

Maybe in another hundred year they will have finally succeeded and taken over the planet.
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Trump is Agent Orange to a corrupted US status quo. "We the People" is the battle cry of domestic dissidents. Trump is bad because the government good.
Maybe, just maybe, had you (and people my age) been taught the Truth these problems would be less of a problem- propaganda is propaganda it doesn't matter where it originates- the fact of the matter is, when a Country, such as the US, lays claim to a moral high ground, it best meet the criteria or there will be dissension- hell there will be dissension no matter what's taught- or worshipped- or propagandized- or praised

I can remember seeing Military Parades- from other countries- I was under the impression that wasn't a good thing- I thought it was to create fear in our Country, of other Country's Military apparatus- I had no idea that brain washing kids in school about Military strength was a requirement- I guess it's perfectly acceptable to ignore that The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie- at home-

So, since these things happened on our watch, which many of the current class of Empty Suits in the District of Criminals are around my age (and yours), are we to surmise they didn't get indoctrinated the way you did? Or, would it be unfair to ask if you (the OP) can you narrow your time frame of when the scourge began-

The way I see it is multi faceted- first and foremost education is merely a passing on of knowledge. Period.
Second, one of our bumper sticker slogans is; land of the free- free is unencumbered. Perhaps law writers weren't properly educated in simple English (I guess the language was "communist") and maybe the OP wasn't either - I know I've learned a lot more about what's going on and how things work (follow the money see the agenda) from the internet than I ever did in school- in fact, one of the most important things I've learned on my own is that reading is rare among people my age and to suggest something contrary to their indoctrination is blasphemy- reading comprehension is pretty low as well and so is cognitive skill-

We also have the bumper sticker slogan Liberty and Justice for all- yet, we see that ain't necessarily so- we're forced to accept a Duopoly Party system to choose between evil and corrupt and different evil and corrupt- evil and corrupt is evil and corrupt no matter what Party it comes from-

I suspect the OP is a bit naive- I wish I could be- but, I didn't finish a formal education (public brain washing).
60 years ago, when I was in school the teachers used to warn us about communists. Today the teachers are the communists. I recall sitting in a social studies class in the early 1960’s with posters on the wall comparing our missile count to that of the Soviet Union. I would wake up at night listening to blaring fire whistles miles away that were a test to alert the public of an impending nuclear attack. The Russians built a wall in East Germany not to keep people out but to prevent citizens from escaping to the west.

All information in the Soviet Union was filtered though central agencies and heavily censored to avoid criticism or alternate opinions of the Soviet status quo. Sound familiar? The Soviet Union did not die in 1991 when the Berlin Wall came down. It just migrated into our educational system beginning in 1965 with the Great Society and the War on Poverty. Oddly, a professional sociologist and democratic senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, raised a red flag in 1965 about the dangers of disintegrating US family structure.

Moynihan was attacked and ostracized as the poison of the hammer and cycle was dumped into the American melting pot. Marxist ideology elevates government central planning above all else including traditional nuclear families which are the bedrock of free societies. The American social order quickly devolved into all kinds of alternate arrangements dependent on government in some form or another. The American educational apparatus was rapidly corroded and became a brainwashing arm of central planning under the whip of public sector unions joined at the hip with big government.

The Soviets lost the battle, but they won the war by infecting American education and politics. The People’s Republic of China was well on track to converting the United States to a communist satellite when Donald Trump got elected and started blowing the whistle. US Congress, made up of Harvard and Yale graduates, had already handed over the keys to America’s pharmaceutical medicine cabinet turning US citizens into Chinese slaves.

The Chinese were depending on their new Soviet ideological allies in US government and education when Trump upset the plan. US intelligence agencies then concocted propaganda campaigns to confuse the people. Social media platforms, the new domestic Soviet controlled media, then censored all information threatening the status quo.

See what you see, not what you are told to see.

This same argument was used in vain in 1918-1919 and again in the 50s until the People got tired of it. It was finally labeled the Red Scare and then the 2nd Red Scare. I think in a couple of years this one is going to be labeled the 3rd Red Scare. But you keep going.
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60 years ago, when I was in school the teachers used to warn us about communists. Today the teachers are the communists. I recall sitting in a social studies class in the early 1960’s with posters on the wall comparing our missile count to that of the Soviet Union. I would wake up at night listening to blaring fire whistles miles away that were a test to alert the public of an impending nuclear attack. The Russians built a wall in East Germany not to keep people out but to prevent citizens from escaping to the west.

All information in the Soviet Union was filtered though central agencies and heavily censored to avoid criticism or alternate opinions of the Soviet status quo. Sound familiar? The Soviet Union did not die in 1991 when the Berlin Wall came down. It just migrated into our educational system beginning in 1965 with the Great Society and the War on Poverty. Oddly, a professional sociologist and democratic senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, raised a red flag in 1965 about the dangers of disintegrating US family structure.

Moynihan was attacked and ostracized as the poison of the hammer and cycle was dumped into the American melting pot. Marxist ideology elevates government central planning above all else including traditional nuclear families which are the bedrock of free societies. The American social order quickly devolved into all kinds of alternate arrangements dependent on government in some form or another. The American educational apparatus was rapidly corroded and became a brainwashing arm of central planning under the whip of public sector unions joined at the hip with big government.

The Soviets lost the battle, but they won the war by infecting American education and politics. The People’s Republic of China was well on track to converting the United States to a communist satellite when Donald Trump got elected and started blowing the whistle. US Congress, made up of Harvard and Yale graduates, had already handed over the keys to America’s pharmaceutical medicine cabinet turning US citizens into Chinese slaves.

The Chinese were depending on their new Soviet ideological allies in US government and education when Trump upset the plan. US intelligence agencies then concocted propaganda campaigns to confuse the people. Social media platforms, the new domestic Soviet controlled media, then censored all information threatening the status quo.

See what you see, not what you are told to see.

This same argument was used in vain in 1918-1919 and again in the 50s until the People got tired of it. It was finally labeled the Red Scare and then the 2nd Red Scare. I think in a couple of years this one is going to be labeled the 3rd Red Scare. But you keep going.
Leadership in the US is today a fellow traveler of Marxist ideology because controlling the the people has become job one. In order to control the people you need to control the narrative with propaganda dispensed from central assets in government which the FBI, the DOJ, and NSA etc. have become.

The "Red Scare" code word you use was actuated to shield Hillary Clinton from prosecution for treason in 2016 and flip the script on Donald Trump. That is classic disinformation disseminated into the population for the purpose of destroying exposure to central wrongdoing and labeling whistle blowers as threats.

The Soviets and Chinese have been masters at this. When political actors in supposed democracies adopt this methodology they become the enemy of free societies.

If you see information merchants plotting with central planners to filter alternate points of view and manage national elections you are seeing Marxism in all its glory. Just see what you see. Believe your own eyes, not the government's mouth.
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They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.
Maybe, just maybe, had you (and people my age) been taught the Truth these problems would be less of a problem- propaganda is propaganda it doesn't matter where it originates- the fact of the matter is, when a Country, such as the US, lays claim to a moral high ground, it best meet the criteria or there will be dissension- hell there will be dissension no matter what's taught- or worshipped- or propagandized- or praised

I can remember seeing Military Parades- from other countries- I was under the impression that wasn't a good thing- I thought it was to create fear in our Country, of other Country's Military apparatus- I had no idea that brain washing kids in school about Military strength was a requirement- I guess it's perfectly acceptable to ignore that The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie- at home-

So, since these things happened on our watch, which many of the current class of Empty Suits in the District of Criminals are around my age (and yours), are we to surmise they didn't get indoctrinated the way you did? Or, would it be unfair to ask if you (the OP) can you narrow your time frame of when the scourge began-

The way I see it is multi faceted- first and foremost education is merely a passing on of knowledge. Period.
Second, one of our bumper sticker slogans is; land of the free- free is unencumbered. Perhaps law writers weren't properly educated in simple English (I guess the language was "communist") and maybe the OP wasn't either - I know I've learned a lot more about what's going on and how things work (follow the money see the agenda) from the internet than I ever did in school- in fact, one of the most important things I've learned on my own is that reading is rare among people my age and to suggest something contrary to their indoctrination is blasphemy- reading comprehension is pretty low as well and so is cognitive skill-

We also have the bumper sticker slogan Liberty and Justice for all- yet, we see that ain't necessarily so- we're forced to accept a Duopoly Party system to choose between evil and corrupt and different evil and corrupt- evil and corrupt is evil and corrupt no matter what Party it comes from-

I suspect the OP is a bit naive- I wish I could be- but, I didn't finish a formal education (public brain washing).
He’s more than a bit naive. He’s full blown brainwashed.
They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.
How could educators 60 years ago who warned us about this have been so dead on in their thinking? It may because they were right.
They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.
How could educators 60 years ago who warned us about this have been so dead on in their thinking? It may because they were right.
Maybe, or maybe not. Making simplistic assumptions is easy.

Perhaps, instead of screaming that THE COMMIES ARE COMING, you could do a better job of reasonably and rationally promoting capitalism.

However, that would require you to carefully and honestly examine the weaknesses of capitalism as it currently being applied.

An ideology can rise when the current system is a mess. Nature abhors a vacuum.
They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.
Yes. To them this is the armageddon election. If their orange messiah loses, we all die.
They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.
How could educators 60 years ago who warned us about this have been so dead on in their thinking? It may because they were right.
Maybe, or maybe not. Making simplistic assumptions is easy.

Perhaps, instead of screaming that THE COMMIES ARE COMING, you could do a better job of reasonably and rationally promoting capitalism.

However, that would require you to carefully and honestly examine the weaknesses of capitalism as it currently being applied.

An ideology can rise when the current system is a mess. Nature abhors a vacuum.
The Commies are not coming my friend-they're here.
They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.

We're about to brought into globalism/new world order. Our peak as the world superpower is about to make a rapid descent into irrelevance.
They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.
How could educators 60 years ago who warned us about this have been so dead on in their thinking? It may because they were right.
Maybe, or maybe not. Making simplistic assumptions is easy.

Perhaps, instead of screaming that THE COMMIES ARE COMING, you could do a better job of reasonably and rationally promoting capitalism.

However, that would require you to carefully and honestly examine the weaknesses of capitalism as it currently being applied.

An ideology can rise when the current system is a mess. Nature abhors a vacuum.
The Commies are not coming my friend-they're here.
They've always been here. They've just been waiting for their opportunity to be handed to them.
They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.
Yes. To them this is the armageddon election. If their orange messiah loses, we all die.
Essentially. Incredible paranoia. And they lack the capacity to honestly examine the reasons for what's happening.
They really, really, really believe this stuff.

42 of them here, at LEAST, truly and literally believe that Donald Trump, of all people, is the ONLY thing standing between them and the misery of ACTUAL COMMUNISM. See poll, below.

This is what happens when your "news" and "information" is constricted within a carefully-maintained, manipulative, ideological space.

We're about to brought into globalism/new world order. Our peak as the world superpower is about to make a rapid descent into irrelevance.
It could be far worse than just irrelevance; the plan is to turn all the suburbs into Guatemala because voters are fleeing the cities.
We're about to brought into globalism/new world order. Our peak as the world superpower is about to make a rapid descent into irrelevance.
Trump has already taken care of that by isolating us from the rest of the world, including our allies. China is now making trade deals and Russia is far more powerful in the geopolitical space as a result.

I'm trying to tell you, we're making it easy for our enemies here. But I know you're not going to see that.

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