Secret planting of up to 75,000 Syrian Muslims begins in U.S.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Besides having NO IDEA who these people are, terrorist affiliations, or sympathizers, what do we do for JOBS for them, or, like Europe, just GIVE THEM FREE SHIT? This Manchurian muslim has got to be stopped, BUT who will stop him? Certainly NOT these guys!



Up to 10,000 Syrian refugees, most of them Muslims, will be resettled in cities throughout the U.S. in 2015, with that figure expected to surge to near 75,000 over the next five years. While some of the planned destinations for these refugees are starting to leak out, the big question is: where will they be going? The U.S. State Department does not announce where it plans to send foreign refugees for resettlement within the United States, although the locations do eventually show up in a government database some weeks after they arrive in their host cities. Word of their anticipated...
"Secret planting of up to 75,000 Syrian Muslims begins in U.S."

This moronic thread belongs in CT.

And the equally moronic OP belongs in a mental institution getting the treatment he so clearly needs.
"Secret planting of up to 75,000 Syrian Muslims begins in U.S."

This moronic thread belongs in CT.

And the equally moronic OP belongs in a mental institution getting the treatment he so clearly needs.
It's not a conspiracy theory. This administration is indeed going to bring these people here and locate them across the U.S..

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