Big D
Scratch a Liberal and You'll
Find a Klansman Underneath
Wait a minute, now I'm totally confused.
I flick on the tube yesterday afternoon, and -- Lo and Behold! -- there was President Bush, speaking from the ornate Roosevelt Room of the White House, stepping into the most momentous "affirmative action" case to surface in a generation or more, denouncing as "fundamentally flawed" a program of racial favoritism for minority applicants at the University of Michigan, calling it "divisive, unfair and impossible to square with the Constitution," a program that "amounts to a quota system that unfairly rewards or penalizes prospective students solely on their race."
"Our Constitution," the President asserted, "makes it clear that people of all races must be treated equally under the law," and the end result of the Michigan program is "discrimination, and discrimination is wrong."
The University, the target of a law suit now before the High Court, uses a quota system based on race and ethnicity whereby minority applicants are awarded extra points for, well, being minority applicants. Under the school's formula, a perfect SAT score gets you only 12 points on a 150-point scale. But members of 'politically correct' races and ethnic groups get a 20-point bonus.
Quota system, right? No way, say liberals, this quota system isn't a quota system even if quotas are used and, anyway, it has nothing to do with race even if race gets you extra/bonus points because we say so and, besides, Bush and Lott and Republicans and the GOP are racists and discrimination is always wrong except when it isn't, i.e., when whites are the target. So there! End of argument!
Now, here's where I'm all confused:
Find a Klansman Underneath
Wait a minute, now I'm totally confused.
I flick on the tube yesterday afternoon, and -- Lo and Behold! -- there was President Bush, speaking from the ornate Roosevelt Room of the White House, stepping into the most momentous "affirmative action" case to surface in a generation or more, denouncing as "fundamentally flawed" a program of racial favoritism for minority applicants at the University of Michigan, calling it "divisive, unfair and impossible to square with the Constitution," a program that "amounts to a quota system that unfairly rewards or penalizes prospective students solely on their race."
"Our Constitution," the President asserted, "makes it clear that people of all races must be treated equally under the law," and the end result of the Michigan program is "discrimination, and discrimination is wrong."
The University, the target of a law suit now before the High Court, uses a quota system based on race and ethnicity whereby minority applicants are awarded extra points for, well, being minority applicants. Under the school's formula, a perfect SAT score gets you only 12 points on a 150-point scale. But members of 'politically correct' races and ethnic groups get a 20-point bonus.
Quota system, right? No way, say liberals, this quota system isn't a quota system even if quotas are used and, anyway, it has nothing to do with race even if race gets you extra/bonus points because we say so and, besides, Bush and Lott and Republicans and the GOP are racists and discrimination is always wrong except when it isn't, i.e., when whites are the target. So there! End of argument!
Now, here's where I'm all confused: