SCOTUS Protects Voting Rights In Racial Gerrymandering Case.

In a surprise decision, the Supreme Court agreed that Alabama violated the Voting Rights Act by diluting the Black vote when it drew new congressional maps following the 2020 census.

The 5-4 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts found that Alabama Republicans improperly denied Black communities a second congressional district by packing them into one district and splitting them into other majority white districts. The decision was joined by liberal Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson and conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The decision in Allen v. Milligan comes as a shock as the court’s conservatives have repeatedly gutted the Voting Rights Act in cases over the past decade including Shelby County v. Holder and Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee.

MAGA MAGGOTS don't want free and fair elections. Their idea of a Free and Fair Election is they win, other wise the "Election Is Rigged". Hence Gerrymandering in Alabama.
A rare SCOTUS win for the good guys.
Today the fickle pickle left loves the Supreme Court. Tomorrow the fickle pickle left will hate the Supreme Court.

Nobody loves the court. No matter what their decisions are on other issues. Overturning Roe v Wade was a death sentence for any credibility they may have had, and is going to cost Republicans dearly, up and down the ballot. Don’t think for a minute any other issue will dominate the elections.
Nobody loves the court. No matter what their decisions are on other issues. Overturning Roe v Wade was a death sentence for any credibility they may have had, and is going to cost Republicans dearly, up and down the ballot. Don’t think for a minute any other issue will dominate the elections.

Roe was terrible precedent, on the level of Dredd Scott and Plessey.

When your side starts calling for court packing, and starts trying to get justices removed for bullshit, that isn't accepting rulings.
Who is getting rid of judges, other than both sides call for it. Court "packing" is legal. You want to play politically, you will get it rammed down your throat and up your butt.
Who is getting rid of judges, other than both sides call for it. Court "packing" is legal. You want to play politically, you will get it rammed down your throat and up your butt.

The pathetic attempts to get Thomas to step down?

Also, we already have one fake indian on this site, we don't need another chief shitting bull clone.
See, you don't like certain judges, either, and want to delete (and add who you want).

You, marty, are no different than anyone else.

There is talk that Judge Aileen Cannon could be the judge for the Trump docs case. That would make the libs and the far left scream.
Nobody loves the court. No matter what their decisions are on other issues. Overturning Roe v Wade was a death sentence for any credibility they may have had, and is going to cost Republicans dearly, up and down the ballot. Don’t think for a minute any other issue will dominate the elections.
Yet, abortion is still legal in most states. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. You'd rather have your agenda than follow the Constitution.
See, you don't like certain judges, either, and want to delete (and add who you want).

You, marty, are no different than anyone else.

There is talk that Judge Aileen Cannon could be the judge for the Trump docs case. That would make the libs and the far left scream.

Where have I called for any Justice to step down? I call the lib idiots morons, but that's just calling a spade a spade.
Nobody loves the court. No matter what their decisions are on other issues. Overturning Roe v Wade was a death sentence for any credibility they may have had, and is going to cost Republicans dearly, up and down the ballot. Don’t think for a minute any other issue will dominate the elections.
Thee issue with Roe was the Court's reckless, irresponsible, and reprehensible disregard for settled, accepted precedent.