Scott Walker: I Took On Unions, I Can Take On ISIS

NaziCons want to take us back to the Dark Ages - a minimum wage theocracy.

Like I've said many times and it's never been proven wrong...

...everything in the Conservative agenda that involves jobs, wages, taxes, etc., is designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Nothing they propose does otherwise.
You really dont learn, do you?
Dems have run this country for 8 years. In that time rich people have gotten richer. Everyone else has stagnated. What about that do you not understand?
The conservative agenda means everyone does better. The liberal agenda means everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Nazi-Progs are a bigger threat to this country than ISIS.

List the conservative policies that would narrow the gap between rich and poor.
All of them.

See? Like I said, NO ONE has ever proven me wrong on this.
They can't. I have challenged right wingers on this board to name at least one GOP policy that has helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years and they haven't been able to come up with a single one. Not one.
What do you expect from people who compare Isis to Wisconsin school teachers who fight for a pension? And Republicans see someone that dangerously ignorant as "awesome".
Only Republicans could look at this:

And see this:

And when they say, "Not ALL Republicans feel that way", does it matter? The guy who does they want to make president.
I think the thing is, people look at Walker who took on the thuggery of the unions in Wisconsin, and won and say, "Yeah, we need a guy who with balls."

I come from a union family, and even I see that the unions have lost their way. they see non-union workers as the enemy, not the big companies.

They defend teachers who shouldn't be teachers and guys who take three hour lunch breaks and demand double overtime.

Unions need to seriously reform themselves. what worked 100 years ago won't work today. Not when the employer can just pack up his factory and move to another state or another country.
I think the thing is, people look at Walker who took on the thuggery of the unions in Wisconsin, and won and say, "Yeah, we need a guy who with balls."

I come from a union family, and even I see that the unions have lost their way. they see non-union workers as the enemy, not the big companies.

They defend teachers who shouldn't be teachers and guys who take three hour lunch breaks and demand double overtime.

Unions need to seriously reform themselves. what worked 100 years ago won't work today. Not when the employer can just pack up his factory and move to another state or another country.

That's crap. The demonization of unions has been so comprehensive that even people like you have fallen for it.
I think the thing is, people look at Walker who took on the thuggery of the unions in Wisconsin, and won and say, "Yeah, we need a guy who with balls."

I come from a union family, and even I see that the unions have lost their way. they see non-union workers as the enemy, not the big companies.

They defend teachers who shouldn't be teachers and guys who take three hour lunch breaks and demand double overtime.

Unions need to seriously reform themselves. what worked 100 years ago won't work today. Not when the employer can just pack up his factory and move to another state or another country.
For a second I thought JoeB was having a fleeting moment of lucidity.
Scott Walker has had one success after another despite everything Dems and unions through at him. He is Reaganesque in his ability to solicit whining from the left.
Yea, because throwing mentally ill people out into the streets was such a good idea.

Ronald Reagan s shameful legacy Violence the homeless mental illness -

President Reagan never understood mental illness. Like Richard Nixon, he was a product of the Southern California culture that associated psychiatry with Communism. Two months after taking office, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, a young man with untreated schizophrenia. Two years later, Reagan called Dr. Roger Peele, then director of St. Elizabeths Hospital, where Hinckley was being treated, and tried to arrange to meet with Hinckley, so that Reagan could forgive him. Peele tactfully told the president that this was not a good idea. Reagan was also exposed to the consequences of untreated mental illness through the two sons of Roy Miller, his personal tax advisor. Both sons developed schizophrenia; one committed suicide in 1981, and the other killed his mother in 1983. Despite such personal exposure, Reagan never exhibited any interest in the need for research or better treatment for serious mental illness.

But the one issue that took center stage in the 1980s, and directed public attention to deinstitutionalization, was the problem of mentally ill homeless persons.

During the 1980s, an additional 40,000 beds in state mental hospitals were shut down.


That's Reagan's legacy and the Right wing feels it's a very, very good one.
Well if those companies are going to pack up and go overseas because a union asks for a decent wage, then I will frankly help them pack and will ask them not to come back because we don't want employers like that in the first place. Private unions cannot hurt a business in any way shape or form.
Firing people is what the GOP is all about. Ask Mitt Romney. He enjoys firing his hard working people. It gives him pleasure. The quality of the average employers is going downhill quickly. It seems they have a disdain for even their best employees.
Scott Walker has had one success after another despite everything Dems and unions through at him. He is Reaganesque in his ability to solicit whining from the left.
Yea, because throwing mentally ill people out into the streets was such a good idea.

Ronald Reagan s shameful legacy Violence the homeless mental illness -

President Reagan never understood mental illness. Like Richard Nixon, he was a product of the Southern California culture that associated psychiatry with Communism. Two months after taking office, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, a young man with untreated schizophrenia. Two years later, Reagan called Dr. Roger Peele, then director of St. Elizabeths Hospital, where Hinckley was being treated, and tried to arrange to meet with Hinckley, so that Reagan could forgive him. Peele tactfully told the president that this was not a good idea. Reagan was also exposed to the consequences of untreated mental illness through the two sons of Roy Miller, his personal tax advisor. Both sons developed schizophrenia; one committed suicide in 1981, and the other killed his mother in 1983. Despite such personal exposure, Reagan never exhibited any interest in the need for research or better treatment for serious mental illness.

But the one issue that took center stage in the 1980s, and directed public attention to deinstitutionalization, was the problem of mentally ill homeless persons.

During the 1980s, an additional 40,000 beds in state mental hospitals were shut down.


That's Reagan's legacy and the Right wing feels it's a very, very good one.
So your think the whining about Walker and Reagan is psychotic in nature?
That's crap. The demonization of unions has been so comprehensive that even people like you have fallen for it.

The demonization of unions happens because unions do so pretty awful things.

The biggest problem with American unions is that they aren't like German and Japanese Unions, where workers are organized by company/agency rather than by occupational specialty.

In fact, the unions specifically fought against that kind of unionization.

So while Volkswagen sees their Work Councils in Germany as a partner, GM and the UAW see each other as adversaries.

Now, yeah, the reason I vote democratic these days a was because I got a royal screwing over in my non-union workplace after I had medical issues. "Good thing I don't have to deal with a union", when I pointed out I had been there longer than anyone else during the reorganization where the girl with no experience (but was the daughter of a friend of a manager) was put into a secure position while mine was being phased out.

But the other end of that is the Union Teacher in New York who got caught molesting a sixth grader, wasn't put in prison because the girl wouldn't testify, and ended up collecting a full salary for a decade with no work because they couldn't fire him or put him back in a classroom.

what the unions say is, "Screw most of you guys in non-union shops, but you are going to pay exhorbitant taxes supporting OUR keen situation."

No wonder Walker can get away with comparing them to ISIS.
Scott Walker has had one success after another despite everything Dems and unions through at him. He is Reaganesque in his ability to solicit whining from the left.
Yea, because throwing mentally ill people out into the streets was such a good idea.

Ronald Reagan s shameful legacy Violence the homeless mental illness -

President Reagan never understood mental illness. Like Richard Nixon, he was a product of the Southern California culture that associated psychiatry with Communism. Two months after taking office, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, a young man with untreated schizophrenia. Two years later, Reagan called Dr. Roger Peele, then director of St. Elizabeths Hospital, where Hinckley was being treated, and tried to arrange to meet with Hinckley, so that Reagan could forgive him. Peele tactfully told the president that this was not a good idea. Reagan was also exposed to the consequences of untreated mental illness through the two sons of Roy Miller, his personal tax advisor. Both sons developed schizophrenia; one committed suicide in 1981, and the other killed his mother in 1983. Despite such personal exposure, Reagan never exhibited any interest in the need for research or better treatment for serious mental illness.

But the one issue that took center stage in the 1980s, and directed public attention to deinstitutionalization, was the problem of mentally ill homeless persons.

During the 1980s, an additional 40,000 beds in state mental hospitals were shut down.


That's Reagan's legacy and the Right wing feels it's a very, very good one.
So your think the whining about Walker and Reagan is psychotic in nature?
I don't think so. I think accepting their policies when those policies are obviously destructive is both psychotic and retarded.

Glad I could clear that up.

Notice you don't say a thing about their policies?
Scott Walker has had one success after another despite everything Dems and unions through at him. He is Reaganesque in his ability to solicit whining from the left.
Yea, because throwing mentally ill people out into the streets was such a good idea.

Ronald Reagan s shameful legacy Violence the homeless mental illness -

President Reagan never understood mental illness. Like Richard Nixon, he was a product of the Southern California culture that associated psychiatry with Communism. Two months after taking office, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, a young man with untreated schizophrenia. Two years later, Reagan called Dr. Roger Peele, then director of St. Elizabeths Hospital, where Hinckley was being treated, and tried to arrange to meet with Hinckley, so that Reagan could forgive him. Peele tactfully told the president that this was not a good idea. Reagan was also exposed to the consequences of untreated mental illness through the two sons of Roy Miller, his personal tax advisor. Both sons developed schizophrenia; one committed suicide in 1981, and the other killed his mother in 1983. Despite such personal exposure, Reagan never exhibited any interest in the need for research or better treatment for serious mental illness.

But the one issue that took center stage in the 1980s, and directed public attention to deinstitutionalization, was the problem of mentally ill homeless persons.

During the 1980s, an additional 40,000 beds in state mental hospitals were shut down.


That's Reagan's legacy and the Right wing feels it's a very, very good one.
So your think the whining about Walker and Reagan is psychotic in nature?
I don't think so. I think accepting their policies when those policies are obviously destructive is both psychotic and retarded.

Glad I could clear that up.

Notice you don't say a thing about their policies?
Indeed, I spoke of success after success when I spoke of Walker and compared him to Reagan. Were you released from a psychiatric facility during the Reagan administration? You might want to talk to JoeB about that.

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) on Thursday said his experience undermining labor unions in Wisconsin has prepared him to take on the threat of the Islamic State in the Middle East.

"If I can take on 100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world," Walker told a packed crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee, in response to a question about how he would fight the terrorist group, which has killed thousands in Iraq and Syria.

Walker was referring to protesters who led an unsuccessful recall effort against him in 2012, after he proposed a budget that stripped public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights. The protests lasted for months and catapulted Walker onto the national political stage.

Scott Walker Says He Can Take On ISIS Because He Took On Labor Unions

I would love to see union-buster Walker taking on ISIS - but not as president.
I knew this was a left wing nutjob hit piece the moment the phrase "Undermining labor unions" was uttered. Walker of course, did no such thing. He did his job and stood up for ALL taxpayers in Wisconsin. The rest of it is just more of the same kind of poor writting found at the HuffPo.
Sure but you cant deny that the manner in which he made this statement was a big misstep.

He should not have combined the two concepts - to do so is dumb.
I don't think that it is. His success argues otherwise, and to frank, Americans are looking for a plain speaking Politician. They're tired of the Clinton double-speak, and the Bushes alleged compassion, and they are definately tired of the liar Obama.....

I heard a few comments on His CPAC speech and it seems he has the DNC pissing itself. Along with Carly Fiorina, they pretty much have started the real buzz on this election cycle.

Time will tell if they make it to the general, but a Walker/Fiorina ticket would be a good one. And I'm a Walker supporter right now anyway.
NaziCons want to take us back to the Dark Ages - a minimum wage theocracy.

Like I've said many times and it's never been proven wrong...

...everything in the Conservative agenda that involves jobs, wages, taxes, etc., is designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Nothing they propose does otherwise.
You really dont learn, do you?
Dems have run this country for 8 years. In that time rich people have gotten richer. Everyone else has stagnated. What about that do you not understand?
The conservative agenda means everyone does better. The liberal agenda means everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Nazi-Progs are a bigger threat to this country than ISIS.

List the conservative policies that would narrow the gap between rich and poor.
All of them.

How does cutting Medicaid narrow the gap between rich and poor?
I dunno. Ask Obama why he did that.
NaziCons want to take us back to the Dark Ages - a minimum wage theocracy.

Like I've said many times and it's never been proven wrong...

...everything in the Conservative agenda that involves jobs, wages, taxes, etc., is designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Nothing they propose does otherwise.
You really dont learn, do you?
Dems have run this country for 8 years. In that time rich people have gotten richer. Everyone else has stagnated. What about that do you not understand?
The conservative agenda means everyone does better. The liberal agenda means everyone is equally poor and miserable.
Nazi-Progs are a bigger threat to this country than ISIS.

List the conservative policies that would narrow the gap between rich and poor.
All of them.

See? Like I said, NO ONE has ever proven me wrong on this.
Wrong on what? That you hate Republicans because you drink Democrat piss? No one doubts it.
Firing people is what the GOP is all about. Ask Mitt Romney. He enjoys firing his hard working people. It gives him pleasure. The quality of the average employers is going downhill quickly. It seems they have a disdain for even their best employees.
No you fire people who are incompetent at their jobs.
Probably like you.
Scott Walker's ears were burned red by the brutal singing of the ISIS like Wisconsin raging grannies...Oh the Humanity....This man had to suffer actual democracy in his own flesh .....

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