Scotland Yard wants to deploy armed police in violent British communities, but...gun control?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The anti-gunners keep trying to tell us that British violent crime will never change, that you will always have the merry, British Bobby, walking his rounds with his funny hat and call whistle.....and the neighborhoods he patrols will greet him with warmth and cheers....

The reality is that the social welfare state has finally managed to destroy the British family, allowing young, teenage girls to have male children without husbands and fathers, raising generations of sociopaths whose only role models now are gang members.......

Add to that social stew, the importation of violent, 3rd world males who do not share British values as they relate to peaceful interaction and the rule of law.....

Add to that the new, left wing attacks on the police...cutting their man power, their funding and then attacking them as racists and piling on P.C. regulations that hamper their efforts to fight those violent young males...

And now.....Scotland Yard wants more armed patrols ......
But....crime never changes....right?

Scotland Yard considers using armed police to tackle violent gangs

Scotland Yard is considering allowing armed officers to carry out short foot patrols in parts of London blighted by gang violence.

Under proposals being considered by the Met, officers who drive around the capital in armed response vehicles, could be asked to go out on foot in notorious areas to combat or prevent extreme violence.

Met Commissioner Cressida Dick, denied it was a move towards having routine armed patrols on the streets, insisting it was simply about using highly trained officers effectively.

She said armed officers were already being deployed to support neighbourhood teams carrying out stop and searches where there was a risk of extreme violence and described the move as a “small tactical change”.

Armed foot patrols were deployed in London in 2009 in response to a surge in gun crime, but the policy was abandoned after the Mayor of London at the time, Boris Johnson, expressed concern saying armed policing should be the "exception not the norm".

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