Zone1 Schools Need Police Teachers


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Look at this headline in today's issue of USA Today (largest circulation newspaper in America) >>

How do we stop police from killing Black Americans? We must meet in the 'messy middle.'​

Here's how to stop it. Get liberals out of the schools, or put police in them. Generally, liberals know nothing about guns & law enforcement, and thus do not teach that subject at all. So kids wind up becoming adults who know nothing about police confrontation, most importantly, to keep their hands VISIBLE to the cop at all times. Allow your hands to disappear from his view, and you will be shot. A suspect unfrisked, can reach into a pocket (or car seat) and suddenly point a gun and shoot, in 1/4 of a second. The cop has NO CHANCE to defend himself. This is standard police academy instruction, but unknown to most schoolteachers.

This is why when driving, I keep my license & registration in a folder attached to my sun visor. Never dig into a glove compartment, console, or your pockets to get these things. If you do, and you come out of it alive, you probably don't know how lucky you are.

This goes for anyone of any race. Whites are killed by police (in self defense) quite often as well as blacks and hispanics.

What could help is if schools were to hire police personnel as teachers, to teach classes on law enforcement and public interaction.

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Look at this headline in today's issue of USA Today (largest circulation newspaper in America) >>

How do we stop police from killing Black Americans? We must meet in the 'messy middle.'​

Here's how to stop it. Get liberals out of the schools.
They know nothing about guns & law enforcement, and thus do not teach that subject at all. So kids wind up becoming adults who know nothing about police confrontation, most importantly, to keep their hands VISIBLE to the cop at all times. Allow your hands to disappear from his view, and you will be shot. A suspect unfrisked, can reach into a pocket (or car seat) and suddenly point a gun and shoot, in 1/4 of a second. The cop has NO CHANCE to defend himself. This is standard police academy instruction, but unknown to most schoolteachers.

This is why when driving, I keep my license & registration in a folder attached to my sun visor. Never dig into a glove compartment, console, or your pockets to get these things. If you do, and you come out of it alive, you probably don't know how lucky you are.

This goes for anyone of any race. Whites are killed by police (in self defense) quite often as well as blacks and hispanics.

All you have to do is be polite and follow the instructions of the police when pulled over. If you tell them you are getting your docs out of the glovebox they will let you, also your wallet.
The reason blacks are shot is they do the opposite of what they are told.
Look at this headline in today's issue of USA Today (largest circulation newspaper in America) >>

How do we stop police from killing Black Americans? We must meet in the 'messy middle.'​

Here's how to stop it. Get liberals out of the schools.
They know nothing about guns & law enforcement, and thus do not teach that subject at all. So kids wind up becoming adults who know nothing about police confrontation, most importantly, to keep their hands VISIBLE to the cop at all times. Allow your hands to disappear from his view, and you will be shot. A suspect unfrisked, can reach into a pocket (or car seat) and suddenly point a gun and shoot, in 1/4 of a second. The cop has NO CHANCE to defend himself. This is standard police academy instruction, but unknown to most schoolteachers.

This is why when driving, I keep my license & registration in a folder attached to my sun visor. Never dig into a glove compartment, console, or your pockets to get these things. If you do, and you come out of it alive, you probably don't know how lucky you are.

This goes for anyone of any race. Whites are killed by police (in self defense) quite often as well as blacks and hispanics.

I have a better solution.
Get the communists out of our schools and learn to get along with everyone.

It's really very simple. Keep track of what teachers are exposing our kids to. Any of them that are teaching racist or leftist doctrine should be fired.

Any disruptive students in the classrooms sent to lockup or detention where they are forced to undergo special training. We used to call it a short tour. A week of intensive reconditioning where they're beat down mentally to the point were they turn from being a smart-ass thug to a model attentive student.
Establish a dress code where the kids have to present a neat appearance. No fat-girl leggings. No hoodies. If they don't change their attitudes then they're sent to a camp for problem students.
All you have to do is be polite and follow the instructions of the police when pulled over. If you tell them you are getting your docs out of the glovebox they will let you, also your wallet.
The reason blacks are shot is they do the opposite of what they are told.
I would not follow that "advice". Keep your stuff in the sun visor, and keep hands visible 100%. Gambling is something to be done with money, not your life.
I have a better solution.
Get the communists out of our schools and learn to get along with everyone.

It's really very simple. Keep track of what teachers are exposing our kids to. Any of them that are teaching racist or leftist doctrine should be fired.

Any disruptive students in the classrooms sent to lockup or detention where they are forced to undergo special training. We used to call it a short tour. A week of intensive reconditioning where they're beat down mentally to the point were they turn from being a smart-ass thug to a model attentive student.
Establish a dress code where the kids have to present a neat appearance. No fat-girl leggings. No hoodies. If they don't change their attitudes then they're sent to a camp for problem students.
Off topic information, but good information nevertheless.
All you have to do is be polite and follow the instructions of the police when pulled over. If you tell them you are getting your docs out of the glovebox they will let you, also your wallet.
The reason blacks are shot is they do the opposite of what they are told.
And maybe stop breaking the law, and murdering people; that goes for every race.

I would not follow that "advice". Keep your stuff in the sun visor, and keep hands visible 100%. Gambling is something to be done with money, not your life.
You are way overreacting. Simple as that.
Dont act like an idiot and you will be fine.
Off topic because you don't understand the root problem here.
Teachers turning our kids into monsters and students that think they can get away with murder.
The point is the thread is not about the "root problem". The root probkem is a worthy subject to discuss, but it IS NOT the topic of this thread.

The topic of the thread is solving the problem of ignorance of police procedures, which could get you (and anyone) dead, if you don't know them - and law enforcement airheads in schools don't teach the stuff they need to teach.
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You are way overreacting. Simple as that.
Dont act like an idiot and you will be fine.
Your post is exactly the kind of ignorance that I am talking about. I am not reacting or overreacting. I am stating the facts. If a cop stops you and you go into your pockets, you're dead. That is standard police procedure in every police academy in America and you better know it.

NO, you will NOT be fine, if you allow your hands to disappear from the cop's view.
Also, don't reach behind you to pull up your pants, or you likely will be shot instantly as this video shows >>>

This is a LIFE & DEATH issue of extreme importance, that has the least amount of discussion about it. Really, NONE, other than this thread.
Your post is exactly the kind of ignorance that I am talking about. I am not reacting or overreacting. I am stating the facts. If a cop stops you and you go into your pockets, you're dead. That is standard police procedure in every police academy in America and you better know it.

NO, you will NOT be fine, if you allow your hands to disappear from the cop's view.
Also, don't reach behind you to pull up your pants, or you likely will be shot instantly as this video shows >>>

They do nothing of the sort. If you tell them what you are doing and obey what they say you are fine. Police encounter tens of thousands of speeders/other perps a day and its a miniscule percentage where anything ever goes wrong.
You are over exagerating and making a mountain out of not even a molehill. Goof.
They do nothing of the sort. If you tell them what you are doing and obey what they say you are fine. Police encounter tens of thousands of speeders/other perps a day and its a miniscule percentage where anything ever goes wrong.
You are over exagerating and making a mountain out of not even a molehill. Goof.
You are a prime example of the ignorance that abounds throughout our society, caused by the ignorance of the school systems, that don't teach police confrontation. Your posts are uncanny , but worse than that, they are DANGEROUS, and if people were to believe what you say, you could get them killed.

First thing police say when they encounter a suspect is "SHOW ME YOUR HANDS"

The 2 rules that keep you alive are >>
1. Keep your hands visible
2. Keep your hands empty

This is standard police procedure taught in the police academies- to shoot when hand(s) disappear, or when an object is in the suspect's hand -and it was also taught to me when I was in the National Guard. (get rid of that cell phone-in dim light scenarios it could mistaken for a gun)
Always remember the cop, has no time to react, to determine if you are holding or reaching for a gun.

Many examples exist of people who did not follow these rules, and thus were shot by police >> Daniel Shaver (video in post # 11), Terrence Crutcher (video in this post), Philando Castille, Donovan Lewis, Jacob Blake, Frederick Holder, Duante Wright, Jenoah Donald, Denzyl Taylor, many others

Shelby shot Crutcher when she came across his car parked along the side of the highway, saying he tried to reach into his car window despite her commands not to.

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I have a better solution.
Get the communists out of our schools and learn to get along with everyone.

It's really very simple. Keep track of what teachers are exposing our kids to. Any of them that are teaching racist or leftist doctrine should be fired.

Any disruptive students in the classrooms sent to lockup or detention where they are forced to undergo special training. We used to call it a short tour. A week of intensive reconditioning where they're beat down mentally to the point were they turn from being a smart-ass thug to a model attentive student.
Establish a dress code where the kids have to present a neat appearance. No fat-girl leggings. No hoodies. If they don't change their attitudes then they're sent to a camp for problem students.
just close the public schools and cut our taxes
Why don't public schools teach what we NEED to be taught ? Probably because of the cluelessness of public school managers. Can't teach what you know nothing about.

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