Scary Poll: 44% in poll OK limits on rights of Muslims

No.......MusLAME is a religion.

Arab (of which most MusLAMES are) is a race.

Shit-fer-brains, I read some of your posts.

A common thread runs thru them.

You speak with delusional Allah-given Authority but you are invariably off base with either 1/2-truths, lame conclusions based on them, or simply CRAP for FACT. Example: "Arab (of which most MusLames are) is a race".

However, you are correct in claiming that most Muslims are "MusLames". And, that is because these ticking time-bombs follow their Pedophile and Thief's order in his created Quran.

The libtard political idiot DoggyDoo's various bogus assertions invariably reveal the Libtard enamoured idea that MusLames are just plain folks.

Obviously that delusional Libtard idiot cannot accept REALITY. That it's crystal clear that America's ENEMY TERRORISTS (not terrorists like some pathological moron "terrorizing" his wife or kids, homicidal venting against abortion clinics, etc).....are INVARIABLY "MusLAMES".
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Better than the 95% of Muslims in Muslim countries that are OK putting extreme limits on women, non-Muslims and gays. And the 98% who are good with not allowing 1 Jew into their country.:eusa_whistle:
Better than the 95% of Muslims in Muslim countries that are OK putting extreme limits on women, non-Muslims and gays. And the 98% who are good with not allowing 1 Jew into their country.:eusa_whistle:

Substitute Christian for Muslim and Muslim for Jew and you begin to see the scary similarities in the radical Christian right in America and the radical Islamic right in the M.E.
No.......MusLAME is a religion.

Arab (of which most MusLAMES are) is a race.

Shit-fer-brains, I read some of your posts.

A common thread runs thru them.

You speak with delusional Allah-given Authority but you are invariably off base with either 1/2-truths, lame conclusions based on them, or simply CRAP for FACT. Example: "Arab (of which most MusLames are) is a race".

You are correct in claiming that most Muslims are "MusLames". And, that is because these ticking time-bombs follow their Pedophile and Thief's order in his created Quran.

The libtard political idiot DoggyDoo's various bogus assertions invariably reveal the Libtard enamoured idea that MusLames are just plain folks.

Obviously that delusional Libtard idiot cannot accept REALITY. That it's crystal clear that America's ENEMY TERRORISTS (not terrorists like some pathological moron "terrorizing" his wife or kids, abortion clinics, etc).....are INVARIABLY "MusLAMES".

First of ya cock smoking colon jouster, you've not read many of my posts if you think I speak with "Allah given authority".

I'm a Taoist who also studies Torah. Fail one.

Second, as someone who has actually BEEN there, I've seen what IsLAME is about (spent a year over there), and have no appreciation of it in the slightest.

Additionally, I've never said that MusLAMES are "just plain folks". I (unlike you apparently) know better. They've got a factionalized religion, which is divided into 3 parts (Sunni, Shia and Kurd), as well as is further divided by the Imams who each have their own school of thought, but also have their own spin on it (hence the rise of Wahabism, which is the militant radical branch that the Taliban belongs to).

Might wanna get a clue n00b.......I don't have ANY fondness for IsLAME. Sunni Man (Sucking Idiot), Kalam and those people are the ones on here that support it.

I don't.

Get a clue.
Better than the 95% of Muslims in Muslim countries that are OK putting extreme limits on women, non-Muslims and gays. And the 98% who are good with not allowing 1 Jew into their country.:eusa_whistle:

oh looky.. jewbait is out making up more stats about his hated ****** class. THATS rare.
You might want to check the Quran a little closer, because I don't think all of them are all that afraid of the idea. Seems to me I recall a passage in there about pretty young boys in Paradise.

Is this a reference to the passage that describes the offspring of the faithful in Paradise? :eusa_eh:

And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith -- We unite with them their offspring and We shall deprive them of naught of their work. Every man is pledged for what he does. And We shall aid them with fruit and meat, as they desire. They pass therein from one to another a cup, wherein is neither vanity, nor sin. And round them go boys of theirs as if they were hidden pearls. And they will advance to each other, questioning -- saying: Surely we feared before on account of our families. But Allah has been gracious to us and He has saved us from the chastisement of the hot wind. - 52:22-27​

Please stick to perverting your own religion. Mine does not permit homosexuality.

Do you commit foul deeds, while you see? Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:54-55​
Better than the 95% of Muslims in Muslim countries that are OK putting extreme limits on women, non-Muslims and gays. And the 98% who are good with not allowing 1 Jew into their country.:eusa_whistle:

Substitute Christian for Muslim and Muslim for Jew and you begin to see the scary similarities in the radical Christian right in America and the radical Islamic right in the M.E.

That is the classical 1/2 truth rendered by the typical PC oriented political moron who usually deems himself as a "fair and unbiased" observer by ALWAYS mitigating REALITY .....simply for the sake of mitigating REALITY.

The fact is there are always whackjobs in any movement, political party, religion, etc. That is of course TRUE.

And, it is historically correct that the Christians, especially in the Medieval times, and earlier, were the UNDISPUTED WHACKJOBS on the planet. Although, to a much lesser extent the MusLames were also.....but only by comparison. And, ONLY in those days.

FACT (that will be rejected by the religious): BOTH Religions force their adherents to be TRY to cherry-pick in the conflicting instructions of their Holy Books of Delusions.

The Indisputable Historical FACT is that the Christians have become CIVILIZED (probably because they became MORE secular than the MusLames). That FACT is evident in comparing the DEGREE of RELIGIOUS violence bewteen these Delusional Beliefs (that have indisputable POSITIVE effects as well).

The Jews are ENTIRELY out of this loop. They are brought in simply NoPoochinthebrawl's lame attempt to sound a PC oriented maven.

Regarding the Jews ( and I am not Jewish). The inundation of Libtard and Muslame attacks on this human population of unusually gifted, intelligent, brave people...... surviving UNBELIEVABLE odds against them in 5 or 6 wars.....of approx 150 to one......YES, 150 to one ......the loss of even ONE war would've resulted in their TOTAL ANNIHILATION.......using THEM as some scapegoats to satisfy this PC idiot's bogus theoretical model is most definitely fatuous. This PC "scholar" has been propagandized by the PC concept that Israel, by appeasing these MusLame Terrorists will gain reasonable ME peace. That is TOTAL BULLSHIT. The whole purpose of this CONTINUING Muslame attack on the Jews is to divert the ignorant Arab population from focusing their attention on the Jews instead of the REALITY of them being BRUTALLY EXPLOITED by their UNCONSCIONABLE SHEIKS and THEOLOGICAL WHACKJOBS. NOTHING.....NOTHING.....will stop this AGENDA of the Arab Leaders in control to stop their attacks on Israel.

Given the REAL FACTS as stated by me above......The PC maven's BOGUS interpretation of REALITY ignores the glaring FACTS that (1) The Christian whackjobs are infinitely more CIVILIZED as a group than the Islamofascist Swine. And, (2) The MAIN MESSAGE of these Two Religions are ENTIRELY different (although the PC idiots think they are the same).

While it is true that the Christian book of DELUSIONS (called the Bible) is similar as to the outrageous violence against non-believers especially the Old Testyament.....similar to the Quran. The DIFFERENCE between the TWO RELIGIOUS BOOKS of INSTRUCTION is that the Bible's MAIN MESSAGE is not WARLIKE in its content as far as CONQUERING the UNBELIEVERS WORLDWIDE to have Christianity.

Whereas with the Quran, The Pedophile and Thief's CENTRAL MESSAGE is PRECISELY that. To CONQUER the infidel ANYWAY ONE CAN (whatever violence and LIES (taqiya) it takes.... all will be forgiven).

And, therefore, EVERY DEVOUT MusLAME, the more Devout the more DANGEROUS HE IS, is a ticking Time-Bomb. Note the Imams......the ones that study the Quran more assiduously than the other musLames......THESE ARE OVERWHELMINGLY MORE RADICAL AND DANGEROUS than the few Imams that SEEM to be civilized.
Dunno about permitting, but........

The Qur'an

Male homosexuality is only implied in the Qur'an, and there is no mention of lesbians or transexuals.

The story of Lot is repeated numerous times (e.g., 26:165-6, 27:55, and 29:28-9).

The Yusuf Ali translation of 26:165 runs: "Of all creatures in the world will ye approach males, and leave those whom God has created to be your mates, Nay ye are a people transgressing all limits"
The Palmer translation of 27:55 is: "And Lot ... said to his people: 'Do ye approach an abominable sin while ye can see? do ye indeed approach men lustfully rather than women? nay! ye are a people who are ignorant.'"

These passages reflect the post-classical Jewish and Christian interpretation of the Sodom narrative, as well as Aristotle's widely accepted (but incorrect) view that animals do not engage in homosexual acts.

In context, the Qur'an mentions other cities which were destroyed, not just Sodom; including the legendary cities of 'Ad and Thamud. These have much different narratives. For instance, in Thamud "there were in the city nine persons who despoiled the land and did not right." (27:49). In Surah 11 a parallel is drawn between the story of Lot and the Biblical flood narrative of Noah. This is a constant theme that runs throughout the Qur'an. It draws freely from Biblical, Talmundic and traditional Arabic lore of civilizations overwhelmed by catastrophes brought on by hubris.

The common motif of these stories is that the people of these cities defy God, and ignore his prophets; not that they engage in particular sexual practices. God is warning, through the Qur'an, that He is the creator and destroyer of all things. This is a much larger concern, on a cosmic scale, than what people do in their bedrooms.

There is a possible mention of male homosexuality in Surah 4:16. Yusuf Ali translates this as:. "If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for God is oft-returning, Most Merciful" (emphasis inserted). Palmer's translation of the same passage is: "And if two of you commit [adultery], then hurt them both; but if they turn again and amend, leave them alone, verily God is easily turned, compassionate". (Adultery is implied from the previous paragraph). Palmer notes: "the commentators are not agreed as to the nature of the offence here referred to. The punishment to be inflicted is also the subject of dispute." This stands out here, because this Surah (The Women) codifies a number of laws and regulations about sexual behavior, and in each case except for this, the text lays out specific punishments.

There is also a cryptic passage in Surah 76: one of the rewards in Paradise is described as "eternal boys...[like] scattered pearls...and when thou seest them thou shalt see pleasure and a great estate." (Palmer). Whether these are supposed to simply be attendants or companions is left to the imagination.

There is, however, explicit condemnation of homosexuality in the Hadith, which are traditional sayings from early Islam which have acquired legal status. For instance, Williams in his anthology Islam, quotes the following Hadith (p. 83): Bukhārī . . . from Ibn ‘Abbās: "The Prophet cursed men who act like women and women who act like men, and said, 'Drive them from your houses.' He expelled such people, and ‘Umar did it as well."

Islamic societies through history have both tolerated and persecuted LGBT people, sometimes at the same time. However, there is very little in the core text of Islam, the Qur'an, which support the harsh punishments and ostracism which gays are subjected to in contemporary Islamic society, and the relevant passages are either vague or tangential.

LGBT Texts

It does say that gays should be tolerated however.....
Better than the 95% of Muslims in Muslim countries that are OK putting extreme limits on women, non-Muslims and gays. And the 98% who are good with not allowing 1 Jew into their country.:eusa_whistle:

oh looky.. jewbait is out making up more stats about his hated ****** class. THATS rare.

Shogun is the typical Librul Retard.

Even this delusional idiot (wannabe Hideyoshi or Ieyasu ?) cannot deny the GROSS maltreatment of the rights of women, non-muslames, and gays.....and ESPECIALLY the Jews.

So what does this Libtard Swine do ? He insults GHook by calling him "jewbait" and throws in "******" for dramatic effect....all to obfuscate and deflect the readers from the fact that the GHook is giving us the unvarnished TRUTH.
In a similar poll conducted by Cornell in November 2002, the figure was 90 percent.
© Copyright 2006 Globe Newspaper Company.

you guys believe everything you read? no questions asked? Believe every poll some dumbass liberal university publishes??? no questions asked? talk about civil liberties,, universites like Columbia won't let a Republican enjoy free speech without rioting and storming the stage,, I didn't see you asswipes bitching about that.. No,, I didn't and you cheer your asses off if you could manage to shut talk radio and fox news up.. so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

So?? Douche?? Can I call you douche?? Or would that be to much of a compliment??

We are not in Canada.. This is the United states and we do things a little different around here.. But personally.. I think you conservative morons do talk to much and probably should be muffled a bit..

I would settle for either Faux Noise being taken off the air or it changing it's name to more referct it's content.. Like?? Say ummm??? Rebuttlican spin machine?? Your news source for lies and ignorance and stupidity..

If your not going to be a positive influance on this nation and be a patriot, then leave.. Might I suggest Canada where you will get mobbed for opening your mouth.. According to you at least.. :cool:
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Better than the 95% of Muslims in Muslim countries that are OK putting extreme limits on women, non-Muslims and gays. And the 98% who are good with not allowing 1 Jew into their country.:eusa_whistle:

oh looky.. jewbait is out making up more stats about his hated ****** class. THATS rare.

Shogun is the typical Librul Retard.

Even this delusional idiot (wannabe Hideyoshi or Ieyasu ?) cannot deny the GROSS maltreatment of the rights of women, non-muslames, and gays.....and ESPECIALLY the Jews.

So what does this Libtard Swine do ? He insults GHook by calling him "jewbait" and throws in "******" for dramatic effect....all to obfuscate and deflect the readers from the fact that the GHook is giving us the unvarnished TRUTH.

you are a victim of ethnocentrism. Indeed, manifest destiny loving white men contracted it like you seem to have. I know I know... if they don't treat their women like we treat ours then they must be evil.. even though you'll have about as much success in making those very women behave like western women as you would making an Amish woman wear makeup.



ghook giving truth? You seem to be confusing the word "HEAD" with "TRUTH". Maybe you'll know better before your ESL class.
Better than the 95% of Muslims in Muslim countries that are OK putting extreme limits on women, non-Muslims and gays. And the 98% who are good with not allowing 1 Jew into their country.:eusa_whistle:

oh looky.. jewbait is out making up more stats about his hated ****** class. THATS rare.

Shogun is the typical Librul Retard.

Even this delusional idiot (wannabe Hideyoshi or Ieyasu ?) cannot deny the GROSS maltreatment of the rights of women, non-muslames, and gays.....and ESPECIALLY the Jews.

So what does this Libtard Swine do ? He insults GHook by calling him "jewbait" and throws in "******" for dramatic effect....all to obfuscate and deflect the readers from the fact that the GHook is giving us the unvarnished TRUTH.

So?? I am curious?? Since when did what happens in another nation become justification to do something in our nation?? Or is that a rebuttlican principle?? When are you morons ever going to learn.. Two wrongs don't make a right.. You all add new meaning to short bus special..
Dunno about permitting, but........

It does say that gays should be tolerated however.....

Homosexuality is not to be tolerated within Islam. Clearly, the death penalty is inappropriate as a punishment and has no basis in scripture, but a person cannot be unrepentantly homosexual and a Muslim at the same time.

FWIW, The word rendered as "boys" from surah 76 is wildaanun, which more accurately means "youths." The function of those youths has nothing to do with sexually servicing the inhabitants of Jannah (see 56:17-18).
No.......MusLAME is a religion.

Arab (of which most MusLAMES are) is a race.

Shit-fer-brains, I read some of your posts.

A common thread runs thru them.

You speak with delusional Allah-given Authority but you are invariably off base with either 1/2-truths, lame conclusions based on them, or simply CRAP for FACT. Example: "Arab (of which most MusLames are) is a race".

You are correct in claiming that most Muslims are "MusLames". And, that is because these ticking time-bombs follow their Pedophile and Thief's order in his created Quran.

The libtard political idiot DoggyDoo's various bogus assertions invariably reveal the Libtard enamoured idea that MusLames are just plain folks.

Obviously that delusional Libtard idiot cannot accept REALITY. That it's crystal clear that America's ENEMY TERRORISTS (not terrorists like some pathological moron "terrorizing" his wife or kids, abortion clinics, etc).....are INVARIABLY "MusLAMES".

First of ya cock smoking colon jouster, you've not read many of my posts if you think I speak with "Allah given authority".

I'm a Taoist who also studies Torah. Fail one.

Second, as someone who has actually BEEN there, I've seen what IsLAME is about (spent a year over there), and have no appreciation of it in the slightest.

Additionally, I've never said that MusLAMES are "just plain folks". I (unlike you apparently) know better. They've got a factionalized religion, which is divided into 3 parts (Sunni, Shia and Kurd), as well as is further divided by the Imams who each have their own school of thought, but also have their own spin on it (hence the rise of Wahabism, which is the militant radical branch that the Taliban belongs to).

Might wanna get a clue n00b.......I don't have ANY fondness for IsLAME. Sunni Man (Sucking Idiot), Kalam and those people are the ones on here that support it.

I don't.

Get a clue.


It is you who is not ENTIRELY clueless, but an obviously uneducated, self-taught slob, enamoured with the MODICUM of education that you eked out as a sailor (a worthy occupation) and a lower class Biker/Slob. One who revels in 1/2 truths. Fortunately, your bottom line conclusions are USUALLY correct.

I purposely used the word "Allah" to rile up your equally delusional religious fervor for the other bogus , non-existent entity the Organized Religion's god.

Disclosing the various Islamic sects as if you discovered America is somewhat tedious. Admittedly, the guy on the street might not know the obvious.....but here, on this Forum.....that's like showing off that you can name the days of the week: Mon, Tue, etc., geddit ?????

Taoist, Torah, Bible, Quran.......Delusional Bullshit albeit with a lot of undeniably positive concepts that do not have ANYTHING to do with Religion.

The identical, or almost identical, common secular truths in these Religions are indisputable.

However, ALL of these Delusional Religions become unadulterated and unmitigated SPECULATION as to defining "god" and worshiping their self created fantasies to the point where the Christians, and the MusLames slaughter each other and their own to impose their version of nonsense on the other.

I never said that YOU said MusLames are "just plain folks"....that was the flaming Libtard Moron, Doggydoo, who can't get ANYTHING political down correctly. That Libnut is forever flip-flopping in La La Land and when he lands on this Planet, he makes a complete ass of himself.

As I said: I credit you with correctly identifying the muslame doo eating scum: Kalam, Sunni man, Doggydoo, etc. BTW, if you didn't notice ? Doggydoo has won a permanent place in that line-up. are on a much more higher level than they are. But, let's face it: you are a 1/2 educated slob. Try not to be so pretentious. Leave it to geniuses like me....shye shye ni, or spasibo.
Actually, Taoists were scientists. They understood the value of emptiness.

Their book is the one written by Lao-Tzu, the Tao Te Ching.

And....oh yeah......Tao is more of a philosophy than a theology.

Please do try to keep up.
Better than the 95% of Muslims in Muslim countries that are OK putting extreme limits on women, non-Muslims and gays. And the 98% who are good with not allowing 1 Jew into their country.:eusa_whistle:

Substitute Christian for Muslim and Muslim for Jew and you begin to see the scary similarities in the radical Christian right in America and the radical Islamic right in the M.E.

First, the modern Christians are peace-loving people.
Second, the fringe right (Nazi, KKK and Skin-heads) are not the Christian Right and have no power. Unlike radical Muslims that have a strong foot hold is every Muslim Country!

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