Scalia’s Decades-Old Warning


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Scalia said that there was “a widespread and deep feeling of powerlessness in the country is apparent with respect to many issues, not just the budget issue. The people do not feel that their wishes are observed. They are heard but they are not heeded, particularly at the federal level.

The basic problem is simply that the Congress has become professionalized, he said. “Its members have a greater interest than ever before in remaining in office; and it is served by a bureaucracy and is much more subject to the power of individualized pressure groups than to the unorganized feelings of the majority of the citizens.

And, he said, the states’ mere utilization of the Article V power would be enough to spur changes.

One remedy for that, the one specifically provided for in the Constitution, is this amendment process which bypasses the Congress. I would like to see that amendment process used — just having it used once will exert an enormous influence on both the Congress and the Supreme Court.”

I emphasized his words about Congress. This comes from his comments in 1979 and should amaze one at how farsighted he was.

A lot of people are now making noises about an Article V convention so it makes sense to discover exactly what it is. Here goes:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

Kinda scary when one thinks about it. I can’t find out how such a convention would work. Where would it be held? Who would take part? Who would lead/moderate it? Would there be 50 different state conventions or one?

Anyone have answers?

More about Scalia @ Decades-Old Footage Shows Scalia Warning About Exactly What's Happening in America Today
I think it’s time. It’s one national one but Congress has to agree to call it. And the elites there will dig in and fight for years refusing to call one.
But remember...nobody can limit the scope of a Condtitutional convention. So there’s that.
It would be the death of liberalism.
Actually, today's problem is not that the Constitution is flawed, but that there is a political party - indeed, a political movement - dedicated to simply ignoring the Constitution and doing whatever is popular at the moment, while pretending that it is not unconstitutional.

A few examples:

  • Federal government taking over HEALTH CARE (prohibited by Article I and the Tenth Amendment),
  • Federal government restricting rights of gun ownership,
  • Declaring abortion to be a "Constitutional" right,
  • Greatly restricting the rights of political speech through political contribution limits,
  • Neutering the Electoral College (Article II),
  • Voiding "double jeopardy" protections through federal "hate crime" laws,
  • Imposing religious tests on political candidates* and organizations seeking non-profit treatment.
* Implying that if you believe sodomy or abortion is sinful, you cannot hold public office.
Actually, today's problem is not that the Constitution is flawed, but that there is a political party - indeed, a political movement - dedicated to simply ignoring the Constitution and doing whatever is popular at the moment, while pretending that it is not unconstitutional.

A few examples:

  • Federal government taking over HEALTH CARE (prohibited by Article I and the Tenth Amendment),
  • Federal government restricting rights of gun ownership,
  • Declaring abortion to be a "Constitutional" right,
  • Greatly restricting the rights of political speech through political contribution limits,
  • Neutering the Electoral College (Article II),
  • Voiding "double jeopardy" protections through federal "hate crime" laws,
  • Imposing religious tests on political candidates* and organizations seeking non-profit treatment.
* Implying that if you believe sodomy or abortion is sinful, you cannot hold public office.
None of that crazy shit is true
I wish I had answers, Longknife.

The Democrat Party divides families of their adversaries by promising teachers' unions the sky for replacing the 3-R's of education with unmitigated political indoctrination into corruption based on false witness, false scenario, and fake news.

The Democrat Party has sided with vice on one hand, and mega police salaries for police cooperation with corruption.

Their means are devious, their funds almost limitless. Why does George Soros goes along with wiping out the middle class in America that the DNC does? They want all that tax money collected not for America's benefit, but to channel it to return as many votes to themselves as possible.

Information has been plundered by Democrats. The Party withholds truth on their operatives but shatters the very lives of their opposition with false witness. Blasey-Ford, Mueller's Witch Hunt, Hillary's forgetfulness under oath, creating an asocial class of women who have no compunction about ending a life that depends on sustenance from their bodies as the nature of reproduction. The more white women they can indoctrinate into childlessness as a desirable goal in life, the fewer white children they have to worry about controlling later on.

How do we fight the kind of corruption that the DNC profits from? They celebrate thievery as if it were Robin Hood's win to foreigners, who are easy to not only fool, but to control later on. They pass laws against the founders' prodigy that is not equal to the laws they relax for foreign people eager to overpopulate the country with their own type for a later takeover by voting more harsh laws against the offspring of the founders.

Democrats vote to end family land ownership. They want power established families had and have. They overtax handicapped widows to pay for indoctrination schools with mega-salaried female teachers/administrators who increasingly are encouraged to hold career in higher esteem than family and giving the world children. If there is a male heir, he is encouraged to have several sets of children as he moves through life with a different partner every five years, none of whom have a natural dad around for long.
I wish I had answers, Longknife.

The Democrat Party divides families of their adversaries by promising teachers' unions the sky for replacing the 3-R's of education with unmitigated political indoctrination into corruption based on false witness, false scenario, and fake news.

The Democrat Party has sided with vice on one hand, and mega police salaries for police cooperation with corruption.

Their means are devious, their funds almost limitless. Why does George Soros goes along with wiping out the middle class in America that the DNC does? They want all that tax money collected not for America's benefit, but to channel it to return as many votes to themselves as possible.

Information has been plundered by Democrats. The Party withholds truth on their operatives but shatters the very lives of their opposition with false witness. Blasey-Ford, Mueller's Witch Hunt, Hillary's forgetfulness under oath, creating an asocial class of women who have no compunction about ending a life that depends on sustenance from their bodies as the nature of reproduction. The more white women they can indoctrinate into childlessness as a desirable goal in life, the fewer white children they have to worry about controlling later on.

How do we fight the kind of corruption that the DNC profits from? They celebrate thievery as if it were Robin Hood's win to foreigners, who are easy to not only fool, but to control later on. They pass laws against the founders' prodigy that is not equal to the laws they relax for foreign people eager to overpopulate the country with their own type for a later takeover by voting more harsh laws against the offspring of the founders.

Democrats vote to end family land ownership. They want power established families had and have. They overtax handicapped widows to pay for indoctrination schools with mega-salaried female teachers/administrators who increasingly are encouraged to hold career in higher esteem than family and giving the world children. If there is a male heir, he is encouraged to have several sets of children as he moves through life with a different partner every five years, none of whom have a natural dad around for long.
The shit you people believe and repeat endlessly is just...astounding
So for all the talk of how great the Founders were... you would throw the work they did out the window

Yea... no
Says the pinko freak who wouldn't know Article 1, Section 8 if it fell on her.

Move your sorry ass to Cuba.
Article 1 Section 8?

You mean the part of the Constitution that describes a "Well Regulated Militia and it uses?
So for all the talk of how great the Founders were... you would throw the work they did out the window

Yea... no
Says the pinko freak who wouldn't know Article 1, Section 8 if it fell on her.

Move your sorry ass to Cuba.
Article 1 Section 8?

You mean the part of the Constitution that describes a "Well Regulated Militia and it uses?

Where the hell does Article 1 deal with that tripe?
So for all the talk of how great the Founders were... you would throw the work they did out the window

Yea... no
Says the pinko freak who wouldn't know Article 1, Section 8 if it fell on her.

Move your sorry ass to Cuba.
"pinko freak"? The 50s are calling...they want their Red Scare meme back.
The '40s called, they want their Nazi meme back, tovarich.
I wish I had answers, Longknife.

The Democrat Party divides families of their adversaries by promising teachers' unions the sky for replacing the 3-R's of education with unmitigated political indoctrination into corruption based on false witness, false scenario, and fake news.

The Democrat Party has sided with vice on one hand, and mega police salaries for police cooperation with corruption.

Their means are devious, their funds almost limitless. Why does George Soros goes along with wiping out the middle class in America that the DNC does? They want all that tax money collected not for America's benefit, but to channel it to return as many votes to themselves as possible.

Information has been plundered by Democrats. The Party withholds truth on their operatives but shatters the very lives of their opposition with false witness. Blasey-Ford, Mueller's Witch Hunt, Hillary's forgetfulness under oath, creating an asocial class of women who have no compunction about ending a life that depends on sustenance from their bodies as the nature of reproduction. The more white women they can indoctrinate into childlessness as a desirable goal in life, the fewer white children they have to worry about controlling later on.

How do we fight the kind of corruption that the DNC profits from? They celebrate thievery as if it were Robin Hood's win to foreigners, who are easy to not only fool, but to control later on. They pass laws against the founders' prodigy that is not equal to the laws they relax for foreign people eager to overpopulate the country with their own type for a later takeover by voting more harsh laws against the offspring of the founders.

Democrats vote to end family land ownership. They want power established families had and have. They overtax handicapped widows to pay for indoctrination schools with mega-salaried female teachers/administrators who increasingly are encouraged to hold career in higher esteem than family and giving the world children. If there is a male heir, he is encouraged to have several sets of children as he moves through life with a different partner every five years, none of whom have a natural dad around for long.
The shit you people believe and repeat endlessly is just...astounding
With your head pushed so far up your ass, it's no wonder you see zero suffering around you, Leshie, much less care about anybody but yourself.
So for all the talk of how great the Founders were... you would throw the work they did out the window

Yea... no

The Convention of State was part of their work!!!!

Do yourself a favor and step away from the keyboard Komrade!

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