Scalia & Breyer testifying b4 Judiciary Committe

Breyer was just on one of the morning shows. He's just written the book. He pointed out on of the great things about the judiciary is that everyone abides by it. He brought up Gore v. Bush. While many hated the decision, there was no revolution, no bloodshed and quite the opposite occurred.
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Supreme Court Justices Take a Seat at the Witness Table
Scalia and Breyer testify before Senate Committee
Updated 16 min. ago

Thank you for the link.

Did you hear Breyer say that interpretation of the Constitution begins
with the reading of the text?
Originalists like Scalia are what I call "fair weather" originalists. They are rigid about their decisions when it supports their particular idealogical agenda, and not so much when the constitutional component of their decision doesn't.

The thing that bugs me about rabid the GOP is trying to make everybody these that many of the strict consitutionalists on this web site have no trouble collecting social security and recieving medicare benefits. Originalists and strict consitutionalists should be against SS and medicare, because it's example of the federal governnment exceeding the powers afforded by the constitution. But back on point....too many people these days have been told by conservative media that anything the government does is bad, and any deviation from the constitution and the first ten amendments is bad. It's just not that simple, and I'm dissapointed in people who let conservative media's GOP electioneering efforts put that simplistic poopoo into thier heads.

Thank you for the link.

Did you hear Breyer say that interpretation of the Constitution begins
with the reading of the text?
Originalists like Scalia are what I call "fair weather" originalists. They are rigid about their decisions when it supports their particular idealogical agenda, and not so much when the constitutional component of their decision doesn't.

The thing that bugs me about rabid the GOP is trying to make everybody these that many of the strict consitutionalists on this web site have no trouble collecting social security and recieving medicare benefits. Originalists and strict consitutionalists should be against SS and medicare, because it's example of the federal governnment exceeding the powers afforded by the constitution. But back on point....too many people these days have been told by conservative media that anything the government does is bad, and any deviation from the constitution and the first ten amendments is bad. It's just not that simple, and I'm dissapointed in people who let conservative media's GOP electioneering efforts put that simplistic poopoo into thier heads.


See, first Breyer says start with the text as the primary source for he's going on with the 'living Constitution' nonsense.

Scalia is now explaining originalism based on the principles of the original text. He's speaking of the death penalty as the perfect example of the difference between originalism and the 'living' idea.
Lindsey grahm (R) is questioning them now. He seems to be pretty smart & pragmatic and I'm not a conservative as many know. Maybe thats why the t- partiers were/are pissed at him :eusa_whistle:
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Lindsey grahm (R) is questioning them now. He seems to be pretty smart & pragmatic and I'm not a conservative as many know. Maybe thats why the t- partiers were/are pissed at him :eusa_whistle: Scalia....talking about routine cases that used to be, and should be, in state courts.

Another reason why originalism is correct!
Sen. Mike Lee (R) is questioning them now lol

How about the question to Sen. Richard Blumenthal from Justice Scalia, about how good was it when the house and senate got live coverage on TV.
Blumenthal said yes he thought it was good to have fairness and openness.
But not for the back room deals, seems that is the ones we should have the camera on as well.
I agree with the Justices, that the U.S. Supreme Court should not be televised.
You have the voice recordings and then you can go right to their Web site and get each and every case there and read it.
I was looking for Breyer and Sessions to drop the gloves when Session said that
anyone who didn't find the death penalty constitutional shouldn't be on the court.
I gathered that part of the reason for the hearing was to highlight the inadequacy of knowledge in the populace, especially the younger people apparently, regarding the Constitution and the 3 branches of gov't.
Be great if the Congress would have hearings on every area that represented "inadequacy of knowledge in the populace," as it would keep 'em busy and they couldn't bankrupt the nations.
Parents are culpable in that students must go to school w/ an attitude that learning is not just drudgery. Teachers are part, but not all, of the equation. The student also shares responsibility. Smart-phones & video games are part of the problem. I read books on history & gov't because I feel it is my obligation to be informed. Part of "rights and duties".
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Thank you for the link.

Did you hear Breyer say that interpretation of the Constitution begins
with the reading of the text?
Originalists like Scalia are what I call "fair weather" originalists. They are rigid about their decisions when it supports their particular idealogical agenda, and not so much when the constitutional component of their decision doesn't.

The thing that bugs me about rabid the GOP is trying to make everybody these that many of the strict consitutionalists on this web site have no trouble collecting social security and recieving medicare benefits. Originalists and strict consitutionalists should be against SS and medicare, because it's example of the federal governnment exceeding the powers afforded by the constitution. But back on point....too many people these days have been told by conservative media that anything the government does is bad, and any deviation from the constitution and the first ten amendments is bad. It's just not that simple, and I'm dissapointed in people who let conservative media's GOP electioneering efforts put that simplistic poopoo into thier heads.


See, first Breyer says start with the text as the primary source for he's going on with the 'living Constitution' nonsense.

Scalia is now explaining originalism based on the principles of the original text. He's speaking of the death penalty as the perfect example of the difference between originalism and the 'living' idea.
Wow....."horsefeathers"!.....kudos for not using profanity. It's so rare to see that from "conservatives" on this site.

I was also speaking in generalities regarding Scalia and originalism. I must apologize for weighing in before even taking a look at the link.....but I will because you seem uncharacteristically intelligent for a righty. jk :razz:

As far as originalsim is concerned....don't mistake me for an opponent of it. I'm just an opponent of idealogues in general, and even if Scalia makes a few objective constitutionally based decisions...there's more pandering to the GOP agenda from him in our future for sure.
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