Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

Shit, if they would have surveyed the employees of the Hispanic owned company that I worked for when I was in California, they would have seen much higher results of voter fraud. 1/2 of the employees were illegals and did whatever the fuck they wanted to do. Cali didn't give a shit.

Only Hispanics can work under a stolen id and not pay income taxes and at the same time collect welfare under their real names.

Couldn't stand LA. Total shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yet the Leftist will deny what is clear and evident.

They must have noted what the predecessors did to dissidents and fear the gulag.

What the fuck is wrong with you? How is that even half-way sane response?

The claim was that a poll said that 13% of Hispanics were illegal and voted. Can you provide a link to a poll that finds that?

Claim seems to be OBVIOUS BS, since we 13% was how many said to be illegal, so for there to be 13% vote there would have to be near 100% voting rate among them.

The only one in ridiculous denial here are you rightwing idiots.

First the poll was only polling Hispanics who had voted when it was revealed that 13% of them should have not been qualified to vote.


This poll of 800 Hispanic adults has an accuracy of +/- 3.4% at a 95% confidence interval. Within the sample, 470 of the Hispanic adults are also registered voters. For this subsample the accuracy is +/- 4.5% at a 95% confidence interval.

Sure and that is why it came up with the highest percentage. The sample was tuned to maximize the result as a small sample of Hispanic voters only. But even finding more than just a couple instances means that it isn't an outlier of the sample but is statistically significant.

The other studies were much more broad and give more reliable results.

It isn't bullshit, it is scientifically and statistically significant. There is a problem and it is significant. It is being generated because of liberal doctrine and is most significant in Democratic Party controlled areas.

It makes a strong case for voter id as a real non-partisan solution to fraud.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sample was NOT TUNED. The sample was 800 Hispanic Adults, out of which 470 said that they are registered voters.

Your claim that 13% of Hispanics are voting illegals based on this polling is entirely false. If you have some OTHER number you would like to source lets have it, but for now all we found is you spreading falsehoods.

EDIT: I did find the section on page 68, but data there seems not clear or self-contradicting - take a look at the numbers of %registered and %non-registered - they add up to way more that 100% but should be mutually exclusive.

For example:

Lived in US > 10 years: 91%
reg. 96%
non.reg 85%

That is actually not possible if we read that to be % of registered and % not registered. You either are or you aren't. So the reading seems to be that OF THOSE that are registered to vote 96% have been in united states for more than 10 years.

So of those that claimed to be registered to vote 13% then claimed to be not citizens, though again there is not a way to know if they actually understood the original question;

This is more then an argument of convenience. This was well documented in prior studies - people simply put down the wrong answer about themselves as a result of misunderstanding of teh question:

Plenty of reason to be skeptical

While we have no idea how Phillips arrived at his claim that 3-million noncitizens voted, people who have made similar claims in the past have cited a 2014 report that claims 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010 midterm congressional elections.

That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey. This is because the respondents didn’t read the question carefully and accidentally selected the wrong response to the question.

How do researchers know this? One of the authors of the survey, Brian Schaffner, said people changed their answers later when they were asked about their citizenship.

"When we took out people who changed their answer on the citizenship question and only look at people who answered consistently that they were noncitizens, we found no reported noncitizens who voted," Schaffner told PolitiFact.

Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?
Last edited:

If it were as evident as you pretend it is, you would have proven your claims by now instead of relying solely on innuendo. We're nearly 1500 posts into this thread and you have yet to prove even one illegal voted in the 2016 general election. Though you moronically claim millions did.


Here's one more question you won't answer:

How many illegal aliens are residing in the United States?

11-12 million.

Now what?

Any who respond "11 million" are the same sort of dopes who wouldn't know the difference between Michelob and Michaelanagelo.....

...or... in your case....a bald-faced liar.

"For a decade now, no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

....the 11 million number has been used for more than a decade.

Pew, the most-quoted source, has used the figure since 2005. Some Homeland Security references approximating that number go back to 2003."
How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US? stand behind the view that no new illegal immigrants have taken up residence here in about 15 years?

Clearly you're either a moron or a liar.

Dumbass, illegals eventually NATURALIZE or leave the country.

It is well established that number of illegals has DECLINED since it's peak in 2007.


Why Is the Undocumented Immigrant Population Dropping? how easily I destroy you:

"....using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homelands) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended.
My estimate includes apprehensions at the Southern Border (by far, the majority), at the Northern Border, along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts, and at seaports and airports. Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

Isn't it great how I eviscerate you and never ever resort to vulgar language?

Bet you wish you could do that.


Using the logic that 38 million illegals are in the country because they entered between 1996 and 2005 means another 38 million came in between 1985 and 2004; and another 20 million are here since they came in after 2005.

According to abject imbeciles like PoliticalHack, nearly one of every three people in the U.S. are here illegally.


Do you see now why folks laugh at you?
Here's one more question you won't answer:

How many illegal aliens are residing in the United States?
At least 11 million, according to census data. could be 50 million?. are a moron?
Hell, at times she indicated it could have been 100 million. Nearly one in three people in America are here illegally, according to the nonsense she posts.

"Hell, at times she indicated it could have been 100 million. Nearly one in three people in America are here illegally, according to the nonsense she posts."

Of course I didn't.

Are you lying because you're losing?
See post #1502 :mm:
Time to play "Pick The Myth!"

Now.....which of the following is true????

a. Bill's wife won the popular vote based on legal votes!

b. The intelligence agencies have conclusive evidence that Russia hacked and influence the election

c. Obama told illegal aliens that they should not vote!

d. Obama's was a successful presidency...and will go down as such in history!

Which is true???

Just kiddin'....

Yet the Leftist will deny what is clear and evident.

They must have noted what the predecessors did to dissidents and fear the gulag.

What the fuck is wrong with you? How is that even half-way sane response?

The claim was that a poll said that 13% of Hispanics were illegal and voted. Can you provide a link to a poll that finds that?

Claim seems to be OBVIOUS BS, since we 13% was how many said to be illegal, so for there to be 13% vote there would have to be near 100% voting rate among them.

The only one in ridiculous denial here are you rightwing idiots.

First the poll was only polling Hispanics who had voted when it was revealed that 13% of them should have not been qualified to vote.


This poll of 800 Hispanic adults has an accuracy of +/- 3.4% at a 95% confidence interval. Within the sample, 470 of the Hispanic adults are also registered voters. For this subsample the accuracy is +/- 4.5% at a 95% confidence interval.

Sure and that is why it came up with the highest percentage. The sample was tuned to maximize the result as a small sample of Hispanic voters only. But even finding more than just a couple instances means that it isn't an outlier of the sample but is statistically significant.

The other studies were much more broad and give more reliable results.

It isn't bullshit, it is scientifically and statistically significant. There is a problem and it is significant. It is being generated because of liberal doctrine and is most significant in Democratic Party controlled areas.

It makes a strong case for voter id as a real non-partisan solution to fraud.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sample was NOT TUNED. The sample was 800 Hispanic Adults, out of which 470 said that they are registered voters.

Your claim that 13% of Hispanics are voting illegals based on this polling is entirely false. If you have some OTHER number you would like to source lets have it, but for now all we found is you spreading falsehoods.

EDIT: I did find the section on page 68, but data there seems not clear or self-contradicting - take a look at the numbers of %registered and %non-registered - they add up to way more that 100% but should be mutually exclusive.

For example:

Lived in US > 10 years: 91%
reg. 96%
non.reg 85%

That is actually not possible if we read that to be % of registered and % not registered. You either are or you aren't. So the reading seems to be that OF THOSE that are registered to vote 96% have been in united states for more than 10 years.

So of those that claimed to be registered to vote 13% then claimed to be not citizens, though again there is not a way to know if they actually understood the original question;

This is more then an argument of convenience. This was well documented in prior studies - people simply put down the wrong answer about themselves as a result of misunderstanding of teh question:

Plenty of reason to be skeptical

While we have no idea how Phillips arrived at his claim that 3-million noncitizens voted, people who have made similar claims in the past have cited a 2014 report that claims 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010 midterm congressional elections.

That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey. This is because the respondents didn’t read the question carefully and accidentally selected the wrong response to the question.

How do researchers know this? One of the authors of the survey, Brian Schaffner, said people changed their answers later when they were asked about their citizenship.

"When we took out people who changed their answer on the citizenship question and only look at people who answered consistently that they were noncitizens, we found no reported noncitizens who voted," Schaffner told PolitiFact.

Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

Don't try to move the goal post. You stated that the 13% was completely false and I showed you exactly where it comes from in a highly respected study.

You went on the attack and were proven wrong. Illegals are registered to vote. Period. It's not about only a couple of cases going to court. It's about this shit happening and you guys not wanting to address the problem as the reality that it is and want to live in a protective fantasy that it isn't happening because it benefits the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows it is happening and most of us want it to stop. Voter ID will be a reality before Trump is out of office and all the real studies justify the necessity of such a program.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This crazy thread is still going on?


Illegals voted in vast numbers both at the behest of Democrats and based on turning blind eye to same by Democrats.
It's undeniable.

In case you'd like to try to dispute it...

1. Leftist/Democrat states give illegal aliens photo ID drivers licenses so that they can vote.

2. Every illegal alien is, by definition, a criminal. Sooo....would they vote even though it is against the law?

3. Polls show that the majority of Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. Guess which states Bill's wife did best in.

4. Do you believe that the decade old claim of "11 million illegal aliens reside in the US"? Or....if there are many more millions.....which view does this support?

5. There are studies that show millions of illegal aliens voted in '08 and '12....did even more vote as their ability to remain her was on the ballot?

6. Didn't the snake, Obama, tell illegals to vote....and there would be no investigation:
"When you vote, you're a citizen yourself" ...and....
...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Or....if you'd rather simply admit that Trump won both the electoral college vote and the popular vote.....
....just say so.
'Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??'

As Trump rather quickly erases Barry's 'legacy' / administration from the history books, how's that 'Popular Vote win' thing going for you snowflakes?

This crazy thread is still going on?


Illegals voted in vast numbers both at the behest of Democrats and based on turning blind eye to same by Democrats.
It's undeniable.

In case you'd like to try to dispute it...

1. Leftist/Democrat states give illegal aliens photo ID drivers licenses so that they can vote.

2. Every illegal alien is, by definition, a criminal. Sooo....would they vote even though it is against the law?

3. Polls show that the majority of Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. Guess which states Bill's wife did best in.

4. Do you believe that the decade old claim of "11 million illegal aliens reside in the US"? Or....if there are many more millions.....which view does this support?

5. There are studies that show millions of illegal aliens voted in '08 and '12....did even more vote as their ability to remain her was on the ballot?

6. Didn't the snake, Obama, tell illegals to vote....and there would be no investigation:
"When you vote, you're a citizen yourself" ...and....
...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Or....if you'd rather simply admit that Trump won both the electoral college vote and the popular vote.....
....just say so.
Translation: PoliticalHack still can't prove even one illegal alien voted in the last election.

I still can't believe this thread is going on.

And Faun - you're full of shit! Links to articles PROVING Illegals voted in this last election have been posted.

Liberals love waiting a bit after a bit of 'bad news' surfaces, hoping people will forget about it before resurfacing to post the same ol' FAKE NEWS / FALSE NARRATIVES / BULLSHIT!

Can't find 1 (ONE)? How about 1,046?!

Illegals found voting in Virginia; only discovered after they self-reported.

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

"A study by the watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation found in just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote. These aliens were only accidentally caught because when they renewed their driver’s license and self-reported, telling authorities they were a non-citizen. This study doesn’t even include the metropolises of Fairfax County and Arlington. Moreover, the FBI opened an investigation in the state after 20 dead people turned in applications to vote."

Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

"At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls."

Ex-ICE Agent: I 'Routinely' Arrested Illegal Immigrants with Voter Registrations

Last edited:
I still can't believe this thread is going on.

And Faun - you're full of shit! Links to articles PROVING Illegals voted in this last election have been posted.

Liberals love waiting a bit after a bit of 'bad news' surfaces, hoping people will forget about it before resurfacing to post the same ol' FAKE NEWS / FALSE NARRATIVES / BULLSHIT!

You're fucking deranged. If any link was provided which actually showed illegals voted in the election, this thread would have not gone on for over 1500 posts and counting.

All that's been posted is innuendo. Not a shred of proof to be found.
You're fucking deranged. If any link was provided which actually showed illegals voted in the election, this thread would have not gone on for over 1500 posts and counting. All that's been posted is innuendo. Not a shred of proof to be found.

AGAIN, Faun - YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT! Re-read my last post - because you're too F*ing LAZY and had no desire to be proven WRONG you were never going to look up the links ALREADY POSTED, so I did it for you.

PROVEN - Illegals DID vote. And only brain-dead, indoctrinated Liberal snowflakes are DUMB enough to think that illegals in this country are NOT voting, 'not ONE'!

This thread SHOULD have died long ago, but dumbasses - like you - and their continuous FAKE NEWS / FAKE CLAIMS keep it going!
What the fuck is wrong with you? How is that even half-way sane response?

The claim was that a poll said that 13% of Hispanics were illegal and voted. Can you provide a link to a poll that finds that?

Claim seems to be OBVIOUS BS, since we 13% was how many said to be illegal, so for there to be 13% vote there would have to be near 100% voting rate among them.

The only one in ridiculous denial here are you rightwing idiots.

First the poll was only polling Hispanics who had voted when it was revealed that 13% of them should have not been qualified to vote.


This poll of 800 Hispanic adults has an accuracy of +/- 3.4% at a 95% confidence interval. Within the sample, 470 of the Hispanic adults are also registered voters. For this subsample the accuracy is +/- 4.5% at a 95% confidence interval.

Sure and that is why it came up with the highest percentage. The sample was tuned to maximize the result as a small sample of Hispanic voters only. But even finding more than just a couple instances means that it isn't an outlier of the sample but is statistically significant.

The other studies were much more broad and give more reliable results.

It isn't bullshit, it is scientifically and statistically significant. There is a problem and it is significant. It is being generated because of liberal doctrine and is most significant in Democratic Party controlled areas.

It makes a strong case for voter id as a real non-partisan solution to fraud.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sample was NOT TUNED. The sample was 800 Hispanic Adults, out of which 470 said that they are registered voters.

Your claim that 13% of Hispanics are voting illegals based on this polling is entirely false. If you have some OTHER number you would like to source lets have it, but for now all we found is you spreading falsehoods.

EDIT: I did find the section on page 68, but data there seems not clear or self-contradicting - take a look at the numbers of %registered and %non-registered - they add up to way more that 100% but should be mutually exclusive.

For example:

Lived in US > 10 years: 91%
reg. 96%
non.reg 85%

That is actually not possible if we read that to be % of registered and % not registered. You either are or you aren't. So the reading seems to be that OF THOSE that are registered to vote 96% have been in united states for more than 10 years.

So of those that claimed to be registered to vote 13% then claimed to be not citizens, though again there is not a way to know if they actually understood the original question;

This is more then an argument of convenience. This was well documented in prior studies - people simply put down the wrong answer about themselves as a result of misunderstanding of teh question:

Plenty of reason to be skeptical

While we have no idea how Phillips arrived at his claim that 3-million noncitizens voted, people who have made similar claims in the past have cited a 2014 report that claims 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010 midterm congressional elections.

That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey. This is because the respondents didn’t read the question carefully and accidentally selected the wrong response to the question.

How do researchers know this? One of the authors of the survey, Brian Schaffner, said people changed their answers later when they were asked about their citizenship.

"When we took out people who changed their answer on the citizenship question and only look at people who answered consistently that they were noncitizens, we found no reported noncitizens who voted," Schaffner told PolitiFact.

Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

Don't try to move the goal post. You stated that the 13% was completely false and I showed you exactly where it comes from in a highly respected study.

You went on the attack and were proven wrong. Illegals are registered to vote. Period. It's not about only a couple of cases going to court. It's about this shit happening and you guys not wanting to address the problem as the reality that it is and want to live in a protective fantasy that it isn't happening because it benefits the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows it is happening and most of us want it to stop. Voter ID will be a reality before Trump is out of office and all the real studies justify the necessity of such a program.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So ok it WAS FALSE, just NOT COMPLETELY, as I claimed.

That 13% number itself exists in the poll, but it wasn't 13% of what you claimed this 13% was of.

You said:

"Survey in 2015 found that 13% of Hispanic voters in California admitted to being illegal"

This is false, they did not admit to being illegals, they selected "no" on the question of citizenship - which is starkly different when you think about answering a question in a survey. They further did not say that they voted, only that they are registered.

But the bottom line is this - there is no smoking gun evidence here. Similar survey reviewed voting-not-citizen answers and found that without any exceptions it was a case of mistaken answer rather than illegals somehow tricking the system to cast their direct-benefit-free votes.
This crazy thread is still going on?


Illegals voted in vast numbers both at the behest of Democrats and based on turning blind eye to same by Democrats.
It's undeniable.

In case you'd like to try to dispute it...

1. Leftist/Democrat states give illegal aliens photo ID drivers licenses so that they can vote.

2. Every illegal alien is, by definition, a criminal. Sooo....would they vote even though it is against the law?

3. Polls show that the majority of Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. Guess which states Bill's wife did best in.

4. Do you believe that the decade old claim of "11 million illegal aliens reside in the US"? Or....if there are many more millions.....which view does this support?

5. There are studies that show millions of illegal aliens voted in '08 and '12....did even more vote as their ability to remain her was on the ballot?

6. Didn't the snake, Obama, tell illegals to vote....and there would be no investigation:
"When you vote, you're a citizen yourself" ...and....
...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Or....if you'd rather simply admit that Trump won both the electoral college vote and the popular vote.....
....just say so.
Translation: PoliticalHack still can't prove even one illegal alien voted in the last election.


In case you'd like to try to dispute it...

1. Leftist/Democrat states give illegal aliens photo ID drivers licenses so that they can vote.

2. Every illegal alien is, by definition, a criminal. Sooo....would they vote even though it is against the law?

3. Polls show that the majority of Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. Guess which states Bill's wife did best in.

4. Do you believe that the decade old claim of "11 million illegal aliens reside in the US"? Or....if there are many more millions.....which view does this support?

5. There are studies that show millions of illegal aliens voted in '08 and '12....did even more vote as their ability to remain her was on the ballot?

6. Didn't the snake, Obama, tell illegals to vote....and there would be no investigation:
"When you vote, you're a citizen yourself" ...and....
...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Or....if you'd rather simply admit that Trump won both the electoral college vote and the popular vote.....
....just say so.
I still can't believe this thread is going on.

And Faun - you're full of shit! Links to articles PROVING Illegals voted in this last election have been posted.

Liberals love waiting a bit after a bit of 'bad news' surfaces, hoping people will forget about it before resurfacing to post the same ol' FAKE NEWS / FALSE NARRATIVES / BULLSHIT!

You're fucking deranged. If any link was provided which actually showed illegals voted in the election, this thread would have not gone on for over 1500 posts and counting.

All that's been posted is innuendo. Not a shred of proof to be found.

Watch that indicates your anger at how neatly you've been eviscerated.
Last edited:
First the poll was only polling Hispanics who had voted when it was revealed that 13% of them should have not been qualified to vote.


This poll of 800 Hispanic adults has an accuracy of +/- 3.4% at a 95% confidence interval. Within the sample, 470 of the Hispanic adults are also registered voters. For this subsample the accuracy is +/- 4.5% at a 95% confidence interval.

Sure and that is why it came up with the highest percentage. The sample was tuned to maximize the result as a small sample of Hispanic voters only. But even finding more than just a couple instances means that it isn't an outlier of the sample but is statistically significant.

The other studies were much more broad and give more reliable results.

It isn't bullshit, it is scientifically and statistically significant. There is a problem and it is significant. It is being generated because of liberal doctrine and is most significant in Democratic Party controlled areas.

It makes a strong case for voter id as a real non-partisan solution to fraud.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sample was NOT TUNED. The sample was 800 Hispanic Adults, out of which 470 said that they are registered voters.

Your claim that 13% of Hispanics are voting illegals based on this polling is entirely false. If you have some OTHER number you would like to source lets have it, but for now all we found is you spreading falsehoods.

EDIT: I did find the section on page 68, but data there seems not clear or self-contradicting - take a look at the numbers of %registered and %non-registered - they add up to way more that 100% but should be mutually exclusive.

For example:

Lived in US > 10 years: 91%
reg. 96%
non.reg 85%

That is actually not possible if we read that to be % of registered and % not registered. You either are or you aren't. So the reading seems to be that OF THOSE that are registered to vote 96% have been in united states for more than 10 years.

So of those that claimed to be registered to vote 13% then claimed to be not citizens, though again there is not a way to know if they actually understood the original question;

This is more then an argument of convenience. This was well documented in prior studies - people simply put down the wrong answer about themselves as a result of misunderstanding of teh question:

Plenty of reason to be skeptical

While we have no idea how Phillips arrived at his claim that 3-million noncitizens voted, people who have made similar claims in the past have cited a 2014 report that claims 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010 midterm congressional elections.

That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey. This is because the respondents didn’t read the question carefully and accidentally selected the wrong response to the question.

How do researchers know this? One of the authors of the survey, Brian Schaffner, said people changed their answers later when they were asked about their citizenship.

"When we took out people who changed their answer on the citizenship question and only look at people who answered consistently that they were noncitizens, we found no reported noncitizens who voted," Schaffner told PolitiFact.

Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

Don't try to move the goal post. You stated that the 13% was completely false and I showed you exactly where it comes from in a highly respected study.

You went on the attack and were proven wrong. Illegals are registered to vote. Period. It's not about only a couple of cases going to court. It's about this shit happening and you guys not wanting to address the problem as the reality that it is and want to live in a protective fantasy that it isn't happening because it benefits the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows it is happening and most of us want it to stop. Voter ID will be a reality before Trump is out of office and all the real studies justify the necessity of such a program.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So ok it WAS FALSE, just NOT COMPLETELY, as I claimed.

That 13% number itself exists in the poll, but it wasn't 13% of what you claimed this 13% was of.

You said:

"Survey in 2015 found that 13% of Hispanic voters in California admitted to being illegal"

This is false, they did not admit to being illegals, they selected "no" on the question of citizenship - which is starkly different when you think about answering a question in a survey. They further did not say that they voted, only that they are registered.

But the bottom line is this - there is no smoking gun evidence here. Similar survey reviewed voting-not-citizen answers and found that without any exceptions it was a case of mistaken answer rather than illegals somehow tricking the system to cast their direct-benefit-free votes.

In case you'd like to try to dispute it...

1. Leftist/Democrat states give illegal aliens photo ID drivers licenses so that they can vote.

2. Every illegal alien is, by definition, a criminal. Sooo....would they vote even though it is against the law?

3. Polls show that the majority of Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. Guess which states Bill's wife did best in.

4. Do you believe that the decade old claim of "11 million illegal aliens reside in the US"? Or....if there are many more millions.....which view does this support?

5. There are studies that show millions of illegal aliens voted in '08 and '12....did even more vote as their ability to remain her was on the ballot?

6. Didn't the snake, Obama, tell illegals to vote....and there would be no investigation:
"When you vote, you're a citizen yourself" ...and....
...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Or....if you'd rather simply admit that Trump won both the electoral college vote and the popular vote.....
....just say so.

This poll of 800 Hispanic adults has an accuracy of +/- 3.4% at a 95% confidence interval. Within the sample, 470 of the Hispanic adults are also registered voters. For this subsample the accuracy is +/- 4.5% at a 95% confidence interval.

Sure and that is why it came up with the highest percentage. The sample was tuned to maximize the result as a small sample of Hispanic voters only. But even finding more than just a couple instances means that it isn't an outlier of the sample but is statistically significant.

The other studies were much more broad and give more reliable results.

It isn't bullshit, it is scientifically and statistically significant. There is a problem and it is significant. It is being generated because of liberal doctrine and is most significant in Democratic Party controlled areas.

It makes a strong case for voter id as a real non-partisan solution to fraud.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sample was NOT TUNED. The sample was 800 Hispanic Adults, out of which 470 said that they are registered voters.

Your claim that 13% of Hispanics are voting illegals based on this polling is entirely false. If you have some OTHER number you would like to source lets have it, but for now all we found is you spreading falsehoods.

EDIT: I did find the section on page 68, but data there seems not clear or self-contradicting - take a look at the numbers of %registered and %non-registered - they add up to way more that 100% but should be mutually exclusive.

For example:

Lived in US > 10 years: 91%
reg. 96%
non.reg 85%

That is actually not possible if we read that to be % of registered and % not registered. You either are or you aren't. So the reading seems to be that OF THOSE that are registered to vote 96% have been in united states for more than 10 years.

So of those that claimed to be registered to vote 13% then claimed to be not citizens, though again there is not a way to know if they actually understood the original question;

This is more then an argument of convenience. This was well documented in prior studies - people simply put down the wrong answer about themselves as a result of misunderstanding of teh question:

Plenty of reason to be skeptical

While we have no idea how Phillips arrived at his claim that 3-million noncitizens voted, people who have made similar claims in the past have cited a 2014 report that claims 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010 midterm congressional elections.

That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey. This is because the respondents didn’t read the question carefully and accidentally selected the wrong response to the question.

How do researchers know this? One of the authors of the survey, Brian Schaffner, said people changed their answers later when they were asked about their citizenship.

"When we took out people who changed their answer on the citizenship question and only look at people who answered consistently that they were noncitizens, we found no reported noncitizens who voted," Schaffner told PolitiFact.

Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

Don't try to move the goal post. You stated that the 13% was completely false and I showed you exactly where it comes from in a highly respected study.

You went on the attack and were proven wrong. Illegals are registered to vote. Period. It's not about only a couple of cases going to court. It's about this shit happening and you guys not wanting to address the problem as the reality that it is and want to live in a protective fantasy that it isn't happening because it benefits the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows it is happening and most of us want it to stop. Voter ID will be a reality before Trump is out of office and all the real studies justify the necessity of such a program.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So ok it WAS FALSE, just NOT COMPLETELY, as I claimed.

That 13% number itself exists in the poll, but it wasn't 13% of what you claimed this 13% was of.

You said:

"Survey in 2015 found that 13% of Hispanic voters in California admitted to being illegal"

This is false, they did not admit to being illegals, they selected "no" on the question of citizenship - which is starkly different when you think about answering a question in a survey. They further did not say that they voted, only that they are registered.

But the bottom line is this - there is no smoking gun evidence here. Similar survey reviewed voting-not-citizen answers and found that without any exceptions it was a case of mistaken answer rather than illegals somehow tricking the system to cast their direct-benefit-free votes.

In case you'd like to try to dispute it...

1. Leftist/Democrat states give illegal aliens photo ID drivers licenses so that they can vote.

2. Every illegal alien is, by definition, a criminal. Sooo....would they vote even though it is against the law?

3. Polls show that the majority of Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. Guess which states Bill's wife did best in.

4. Do you believe that the decade old claim of "11 million illegal aliens reside in the US"? Or....if there are many more millions.....which view does this support?

5. There are studies that show millions of illegal aliens voted in '08 and '12....did even more vote as their ability to remain her was on the ballot?

6. Didn't the snake, Obama, tell illegals to vote....and there would be no investigation:
"When you vote, you're a citizen yourself" ...and....
...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Or....if you'd rather simply admit that Trump won both the electoral college vote and the popular vote.....
....just say so.

1. Made up bullshit.
2. irrelevant to discussion
3. Bullshit.
4. Yes I do, your claim that they increased is counter factual bullshit based on nothing coherent.


That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey.

Trump's admin was repeatedly pressed for evidence of millions voting, failed to produce anything. Even Congressional Republicans agree that these claims are baseless.

6. Nonsense, he was talking about citizen's duty to vote.
Last edited:
Sure and that is why it came up with the highest percentage. The sample was tuned to maximize the result as a small sample of Hispanic voters only. But even finding more than just a couple instances means that it isn't an outlier of the sample but is statistically significant.

The other studies were much more broad and give more reliable results.

It isn't bullshit, it is scientifically and statistically significant. There is a problem and it is significant. It is being generated because of liberal doctrine and is most significant in Democratic Party controlled areas.

It makes a strong case for voter id as a real non-partisan solution to fraud.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sample was NOT TUNED. The sample was 800 Hispanic Adults, out of which 470 said that they are registered voters.

Your claim that 13% of Hispanics are voting illegals based on this polling is entirely false. If you have some OTHER number you would like to source lets have it, but for now all we found is you spreading falsehoods.

EDIT: I did find the section on page 68, but data there seems not clear or self-contradicting - take a look at the numbers of %registered and %non-registered - they add up to way more that 100% but should be mutually exclusive.

For example:

Lived in US > 10 years: 91%
reg. 96%
non.reg 85%

That is actually not possible if we read that to be % of registered and % not registered. You either are or you aren't. So the reading seems to be that OF THOSE that are registered to vote 96% have been in united states for more than 10 years.

So of those that claimed to be registered to vote 13% then claimed to be not citizens, though again there is not a way to know if they actually understood the original question;

This is more then an argument of convenience. This was well documented in prior studies - people simply put down the wrong answer about themselves as a result of misunderstanding of teh question:

Plenty of reason to be skeptical

While we have no idea how Phillips arrived at his claim that 3-million noncitizens voted, people who have made similar claims in the past have cited a 2014 report that claims 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010 midterm congressional elections.

That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey. This is because the respondents didn’t read the question carefully and accidentally selected the wrong response to the question.

How do researchers know this? One of the authors of the survey, Brian Schaffner, said people changed their answers later when they were asked about their citizenship.

"When we took out people who changed their answer on the citizenship question and only look at people who answered consistently that they were noncitizens, we found no reported noncitizens who voted," Schaffner told PolitiFact.

Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

Don't try to move the goal post. You stated that the 13% was completely false and I showed you exactly where it comes from in a highly respected study.

You went on the attack and were proven wrong. Illegals are registered to vote. Period. It's not about only a couple of cases going to court. It's about this shit happening and you guys not wanting to address the problem as the reality that it is and want to live in a protective fantasy that it isn't happening because it benefits the Democratic Party.

Everyone knows it is happening and most of us want it to stop. Voter ID will be a reality before Trump is out of office and all the real studies justify the necessity of such a program.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So ok it WAS FALSE, just NOT COMPLETELY, as I claimed.

That 13% number itself exists in the poll, but it wasn't 13% of what you claimed this 13% was of.

You said:

"Survey in 2015 found that 13% of Hispanic voters in California admitted to being illegal"

This is false, they did not admit to being illegals, they selected "no" on the question of citizenship - which is starkly different when you think about answering a question in a survey. They further did not say that they voted, only that they are registered.

But the bottom line is this - there is no smoking gun evidence here. Similar survey reviewed voting-not-citizen answers and found that without any exceptions it was a case of mistaken answer rather than illegals somehow tricking the system to cast their direct-benefit-free votes.

In case you'd like to try to dispute it...

1. Leftist/Democrat states give illegal aliens photo ID drivers licenses so that they can vote.

2. Every illegal alien is, by definition, a criminal. Sooo....would they vote even though it is against the law?

3. Polls show that the majority of Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. Guess which states Bill's wife did best in.

4. Do you believe that the decade old claim of "11 million illegal aliens reside in the US"? Or....if there are many more millions.....which view does this support?

5. There are studies that show millions of illegal aliens voted in '08 and '12....did even more vote as their ability to remain her was on the ballot?

6. Didn't the snake, Obama, tell illegals to vote....and there would be no investigation:
"When you vote, you're a citizen yourself" ...and....
...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Or....if you'd rather simply admit that Trump won both the electoral college vote and the popular vote.....
....just say so.

1. Made up bullshit.
2. irrelevant to discussion
3. Bullshit.
4. Yes I do, your claim that they increased is counter factual bullshit based on nothing coherent.


That report was based on data from a Harvard survey of people. But the data was flawed, which created flaws in the subsequent report.

The authors of the survey say a small percentage of respondents, who are citizens, accidentally misidentified themselves as noncitizens on the survey.

Trump's admin was repeatedly pressed for evidence of millions voting, failed to produce anything. Even Congressional Republicans agree that these claims are baseless.

6. Nonsense, he was talking about citizen's duty to vote.

Watch that indicates your anger at how neatly you've been eviscerated.
These dolts should know by now never to doubt what I post...

"Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote
Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats think tax-paying illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major political party agree."
Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote - Rasmussen Reports™

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