Savages attack Police in Philadelphia

This isn't going to end easily. Getting control over these criminals may never happen.
All it takes is one good man.Like a Rudy Giuliani.He made it his bidness to
clean up the Big Apple.Starting with the little stuff.Like cleaning up the
streets from homeless vagrants and those guys who force themself
on cars to have their windows cleaned.Cops going back to walking their
beats.Plus there is the situation where a city has a Bad man running it.
Like most all Big Blue State city metropolis.Like a de Blasio.
More like Duh blase Bill.
All it takes is one good man.Like a Rudy Giuliani.He made it his bidness to
clean up the Big Apple.Starting with the little stuff.Like cleaning up the
streets from homeless vagrants and those guys who force themself
on cars to have their windows cleaned.Cops going back to walking their
beats.Plus there is the situation where a city has a Bad man running it.
Like most all Big Blue State city metropolis.Like a de Blasio.
More like Duh blase Bill.
Things are much worse now than when Guiliani was able to clean it up. Now we have casual daytime murders and ambushes to kill the police. Now criminals have significantly more laws protecting criminal activity. Now there are prosecutors and judges who believe in an inherent right to commit crimes.
Things are much worse now than when Guiliani was able to clean it up. Now we have casual daytime murders and ambushes to kill the police. Now criminals have significantly more laws protecting criminal activity. Now there are prosecutors and judges who believe in an inherent right to commit crimes.
I get it.Because they teach in public school nowadays that Yes,
Rome Was built in a Day.Partly at night but never during lunch hour.
Society in on the side of the barbarians.

This is what the voters want.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

2022 will be remembered as a relatively peaceful year.

Can you imagine what cities will be like when your great-grandchildren turn 21?

Segregation did not work.
Integration is not working, either.
I wouldn't step foot in that democrat hell hole....
Um ... pardom moi ... do Democrats know it's a hell hole.
I mean,like how long was Kermit Gosnell in Philly doin'
his thing.Apparently no one the wiser.
Maybe Massa Obama need go back to Philly for a
nutter faux ... I have a Dream speech like in Mid-march 2008.
In order to clear up his connection to his Family Pastor
{ Jeremiah " God Damn America " Wright } who baptized his
Kids and where the Obama's sat in the pews of Wright's church for
20 years.Where Oprah also was a member { Trinity Baptist Church }.
Um ... pardom moi ... do Democrats know it's a hell hole.
I mean,like how long was Kermit Gosnell in Philly doin'
his thing.Apparently no one the wiser.
Maybe Massa Obama need go back to Philly for a
nutter faux ... I have a Dream speech like in Mid-march 2008.
In order to clear up his connection to his Family Pastor
{ Jeremiah " God Damn America " Wright } who baptized his
Kids and where the Obama's sat in the pews of Wright's church for
20 years.Where Oprah also was a member { Trinity Baptist Church }.
Beyond hope....
Africans are an endangered species. Harm one and your life is ruined
Throwing bricks and bottles is attempted murder and cops need to feel they have the option of lethal force to protect themselves as well as others...
I dunno, I wasn't there. The video showed one guy making a pass at a cop car and apparently throwing something. The rest of the video shows a bunch of guys on dirt bikes and Quads milling around a gas station where there are cops parked. It certainly looked like some kind of coordinated attack or warning.
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You ain't seen nothing yet.

2022 will be remembered as a relatively peaceful year.

Can you imagine what cities will be like when your great-grandchildren turn 21?

Segregation did not work.
Integration is not working, either.

I cannot imagine how bad it will get.
This is what happens when Democrats demonize police and go soft on criminals.

Yep, until that happened no police officer had ever been attacked in the history of the world
I dunno, I wasn't there. The video showed one guy making a pass at a cop car and apparently throwing something. The rest of the video shows a bunch of guys on dirt bikes and Quads milling around a gas station where there are cops parked. It certainly looked like some kind of coordinated attack or warning.

It does seem like a coordinated attack, most ATV riders do not carry bricks with them.
I dunno, I wasn't there. The video showed one guy making a pass at a cop car and apparently throwing something. The rest of the video shows a bunch of guys on dirt bikes and Quads milling around a gas station where there are cops parked. It certainly looked like some kind of coordinated attack or warning.
I and a couple Millennium of human being weren't there at the
Birth of Christ.But that never stopped the Religion of Christianity
from sprouting wings.In the form of Saints,Martyrs and stuff like
The miraculous Vision of the Blessed Mary at Lourdes,France in 1858.
Prompting the sainthood of Bernadette Soubrious.
However popular todays woke vision may include.
The cockeyed infused new popularity of Ambrose Bierce and his
Enlarged Devils Dictionary { 1906 } defining
SAINT,n. A dead sinner revised and edited.
It does seem like a coordinated attack, most ATV riders do not carry bricks with them.
I claim that Todays Youth are far from coordinated.There are no current
day Knute Rockne.Today's youth are soft,pudgy,overweight and rely almost
religiously on junk food,lies,liars and the easy life.
Test scores prove it.Lowest ACT scores in 25 years.
Overweight teens are the new normal.Which also proves
- The Bell Curve - { 1994 } at 845 pgs.{ small print } was ridiculously

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