Savages attack Police in Philadelphia

Um ... pardom moi ... do Democrats know it's a hell hole.
I mean,like how long was Kermit Gosnell in Philly doin'
his thing.Apparently no one the wiser.
Maybe Massa Obama need go back to Philly for a
nutter faux ... I have a Dream speech like in Mid-march 2008.
In order to clear up his connection to his Family Pastor
{ Jeremiah " God Damn America " Wright } who baptized his
Kids and where the Obama's sat in the pews of Wright's church for
20 years.Where Oprah also was a member { Trinity Baptist Church }.
Kind of fun to watch them punks living in dem hell holes from my peaceful town where everyone owns a gun and you can walk in the park at night without fear....
Nope, proven fact. The only people attacking the U.S. Capitol where MAGA MAGGOTS, Proud Punks and Oath Liars.
Please link to the evidence that any police officers were attacked with fire extinquishers or poles, moron. Maybe Schiff can help you find it--right after he produces the "piles of evidence" for Mueller and the two impeachments. Most likely you'll end up rolling in a pile of schiff.
The Governor doesn't believe crime is an issue.
Nor did Wolf believe in fair and open elections.Double nor did
his Secretary-of-State { Kathy Boockvar } BOTH Trump haters.
Now we have us a new Secretary-of-State { Leigh Chapman } who
has already spoke about her plans to Be a Real Voting rights activist.
With roles in - Let America Vote - and Executive Director of projects
like - Deliever my Vote - in 2022.I believe this Chapman already
addressed that he state { Pennsy;vania } does not expect to call the
results of the Midterms on Election day or Night. A
dead giveaway.As Ted Cruz explains in his new book.
Look at all those Battleground states like Florida,Ohio and Texas
who called the 2020 election early and w/o irregularities.
So " Don't buy that Malarkey " What Biden accused Barack Obama
of in September of 2008 by denying Joe his precious Baretta
shotguns." I guarantee you Barack Obama ain't taking my shotguns. "
Please link to the evidence that any police officers were attacked with fire extinquishers or poles, moron. Maybe Schiff can help you find it--right after he produces the "piles of evidence" for Mueller and the two impeachments. Most likely you'll end up rolling in a pile of schiff.
I've noticed the last few times this Schiff creep was shown ON TV
making his usual veiled threats he looked more funny in the face than usual.
Same with Eric Swalwell..
I guess the truly guilty have a way about wearing their guilt on their
face ruther than their sleeve.
Probably because their sleeves don't want nuthin' to do with 'em.

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