Saturday Science: How Much of the Universe Can Humanity Ever See?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2014
Here, there, and everywhere.
There’s an absolute limit to our access to the universe beyond our own galaxy.

There’s a limit to what we can ever hope to explore or send signals to, and a very different limit to what we can ever hope to witness. Today we’re going to explore the latter. We’re going to figure out the absolute limit of our future view of the universe, and of the universe’s ability to influence us. Next time we’ll turn it around and ask: how much of the external universe can WE potentially influence, and even explore?

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There’s an absolute limit to our access to the universe beyond our own galaxy.

There’s a limit to what we can ever hope to explore or send signals to, and a very different limit to what we can ever hope to witness. Today we’re going to explore the latter. We’re going to figure out the absolute limit of our future view of the universe, and of the universe’s ability to influence us. Next time we’ll turn it around and ask: how much of the external universe can WE potentially influence, and even explore?

Search the Entire Space Time Library Here:

We can never see all of the universe because, it is expanding faster than the speed of light.
We can never see all of the universe because, it is expanding faster than the speed of light.
We can never see the universe as it is because all we will ever get is data that in millions or billions of years old
We can never see the universe as it is because all we will ever get is data that in millions or billions of years old
...and the edge is expanding faster than light, so we dont even get billions of year old light from there, which is why we will never see that area.
We don't know exactly what that limit will be. Today, we humans can see much more of the universe than we could just a few years ago. There may be dimensions to the universe that will be discovered that we currently don't know about. Perhaps someday we will discover how to see/perceive dark matter.

Then again, we are suppose to be dead soon due to climate change, so fuck it!
Universe does not exist via sight . You are thinking in terms of the Mattereum .
You need to understand frequency to find an approximate solution .
Entangled photons can be used as information gathering devices but they take time to get there.

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